tasker starts with bluetooth connection and opens miracast app. after that it should click on push2tv
but it wont click on it. i have to do it manually.HTC U12+ Android 8
Attempting to download the userguide to the SD results in a "move: file not found" error
Attempting to download the userguide to the SD results in a "move: file not found" error with a path to "cache/tmp/<random number.>"
I have tried deleting the cache directory, and the app recreates it when trying to download the userguide, but it doesn't appear to be able to create the randomly numbered directory.
v4.9u4 on Android 4.2.2.
Alarm Clock Event Does Not Trigger
The Alarm Clock event context does not seem to work on my Galaxy S9 with Android 8.0. I am using the stock alarm app. My Tasker version is 5.5
I have tried both named and unnamed alarms. Here is one of the test profiles I used:
No toast appears when the alarm goes off.
Switching GPS on off
Hi, phone is Sony Xperia Z1 running 4.4.4, I've installed Tasker and AutoTools and successfully run adb command line to allow WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS. But I can't get Tasker to turn on GPS. Any ideas? Is it possible? Thanks. (phone is not rooted, i was hoping Auto Tools would make that unnecessary)
EDIT - ignore me I was doing it wrong! Works - what a great app!
Phone Ringing Profile stopped working - followup
Hi Joao,
Thanks for the reply but I've updated to the beta app and the event is still not triggering with CG:Blocked.
The group selection popup is still titled "Menu Timeout" with duplicates in the list.
Is there anything else I need to do?
Phone Ringing Profile stopped working.
I'm having a problem with a profile that used to work well. I use a "phone ringing" event with caller set to caller group "blocked" to reject calls. However it is no longer triggering when I receive a call from a group member. I decided to re-set the event condition and chose "match against a contact group". The popup that appears is entitled "Menu Timeout" ? and has a a number of duplicate entries including "family" twice, but "blocked" only once. I know the contacts app has had a number of updates and the groups are now 'labels' but what
Phone Ringing Event Not Working
I have a Pixel 2 XL on Android P.
I am unable to get the Phone Ringing Event to fire at all when I receive calls. I have the volume on and am calling from a phone with a custom ringtone set. The UI of the app shows no activity when I receive a call, and the run log is completely empty after calling myself multiple times. The task that should fire simply sets a variable to 1 for now.
Please let me know if I can provide any other information to help debug this issue.
Google Drive Backup Failed - Beta 5.4.5b
The Google Drive Backup feature of Beta 5.4.5b appears to fail if an apostrophe is used in the device name. Tasker is able to create the Tasker\data\backups folder but never creates the subfolder with the device name. My device was named "Phil's S8". After changing the name to "Phils S8", the device folder and backup file were created correctly. I suspect this issue is caused by the apostrophe being interpreted as a delimiter.
Tasker crashes when creating task with too many steps
I have a task that's nearing 170 steps in tasker, and whenever I add about 5 more steps, tasker will crash when I try to edit any step of the task... For now I split off my task into two and have both called up when a trigger fires up, but I'll be needing this fixed to finish up the project.
Couldn't seem to find any solution to this. Tasker is up to date, and I'm running Android 7.1.2.
Can't make App.
I'm making custome menu for Galaxy S9, after adding some themes can't export it as app…
Deletion of two profiles at the same time is not possible
When I want to delete two profiles (or more) at the same time I select them both first.
But the delete icon doesn't work then. It works when only one profile is selected, but not for two.
I thinks this should be an easy fix.
Test File File Size Problem
Used tasker for years on Android 4.4. Now forced onto 7 and uh oh... I used tasker to check presence of a file by testing file size. I believe this is the documented way to go about this. However, on Android 7 I am seeing these in the debug log. It appears that tasker is performing an ls command and that seems right. But it seems it is not prepared for the output it gets. Maybe I am wrong?
What do red digits mean
Used tasker for years on Android 4.4. Now on Android 7. Ugh! Can someone tell me the meaning of the red digits shown below? Never ever seen them before. Thanks
Support link on Tasker For Android page
The support link here is not working. Goes to the old domain. How do we get support?
App not installed
I have 5.1 non-play store version installed, and I try to update to 5.2 bf1. After downloading the app from site and trying to install it, it gives error "App not installed".
Using Android Pie on Pixel 2 XL. Is this just some Pie issue? Removing and and installing from scratch allowed me to install the latest version, just wanted to let you know the issue.
Tasker doesn't detect if WiFi is connected or not while VPN is active on Android P
Tasker Version: 5.4.3b.jf
Android Version: Android Pie
Phone: OnePlus 6
Tasker doesn't detect if WiFi is connected or not while a VPN is running.
Can't purchase
Hi, is there anywhere else I can purchase this from besides the PlayStore? Like the amazon app store, just that I only use 1 email address with all my payment details on and that's Hotmail, I only use made up Gmail accounts, I'd Never trust Google to store any of my details. If not I'd have to wait until received enough rewards on my made up Gmail account. Thanks.
8.1 getting java.lang.securityexception
See the attachment. Happens when tasker tries to set a ringtone. App permissions are turned on.
palavra "esqueda" que deveria ser: "esquerda"
A uma falta muito grande na tradução das strings em português e esse erro já esta no tasker faz tempo. Queria que a tradução fosse melhor para um app que está pago na play store. E também deixem o guia do usuário em português.