Can't use array function in array pop action
In array pop i can't write an array function unless i put it inside a variable first.
For example if i want to write inside the field Position in array pop action this function: %array(#?index) it won't allow me to do so because the keyboard is only keypads (numbers).
My suggestion if possible is to change the keyboard or to have an option inside the variables list to create a new one because right now i can only choose a variable from the list.
Require lock code, while Tasker is lock protected, for importing any profiles, tasks and Scenes.
Currently import project behaves correctly, as in you can't import any until the lock code is entered, but profiles, tasks and scenes can still be imported, which defeats the purpose of locking Tasker to prevent access to certain actions.
I'm not using the "Lock on Startup" option, since I still want to have access to other permitted profiles and actions. I just don't want to be able to import any profiles, tasks and scenes, so that I can't bypass blocked actions like "Set Tasker Pref", by just importing them in an unlocked project.
Taskernet: list seems not to be stable
The list of shares in Taskernet does not seem to be stable. One of my projects appears twice and another project is not displayed.
HTML formatting broken in AutoNotification with Android 15
The HTML formatting in AutoNotification notifications has been broken since the Android 15 Pixel Drop update on December 5, 2024 (AP4.241205.013.A2).
Tasker freezes when running messages task
I have a simple text message rule set up where if text messages matches regex of certain URL, it will save it to array and launch the URL. This has worked perfectly for a while.
Until now. When I receive the message with the URL, Tasker freezes. If the application is closed, tapping to open it will result in it crashing. If it is already open on my screen, it is touch disabled. However in many circumstances 30 seconds later the URL will end up opening. I see that Tasker processes it, but it freezes and crashes in the
adb wifi can't enable debugging
If there is multiple adb wifi action with Enable Debugging option then only 1st action works and after that error appears Can't enable debugging. Look at attached screenshot.
Orange Pi Zero 3 - problem with Direct Purchase Activation
Hello, my friend!
First of all, congratulations on your excellent work. I’m already a Tasker user on mobile and just subscribed to your Patreon to get access to a Direct Purchase license.
The device I’m using doesn’t have Google Play—it’s an Orange Pi Zero 3 running a version of Android.
I’m unable to add the license because the 3-dot menu doesn’t appear. While researching, I found some old Reddit threads about similar issues, but the suggested solutions involved creating a task to open the preferences or checking for operational problems like Overscan settings, which didn’t work for me.
Since the
Call forwarding not working on android 14 and Xiaomi Redmi note 13
I think after the update of my Xiaomi Redmi note 13 it seems call forwarding is not working anymore from Tasker.
The Takser proces completes succesfully but the calls aren't forwarded.
If I use the *21*06xxxxxxxx# format (dutch cell phone number) and autodial enabled and simcard is selected, it just doesn't work. (It did before so no changes there). It also sends the confirmation SMS to the designated number.
If I do the *21* command on the phone itself it does work and calls are being forwarded correctly.
Any thoughts on how it could be fixed (restart of phone had
Task for Wifi state connected not working as expected
I have setup a profile which has:
WIFI CONNECTED STATE: When connected to specific SSID, then Initiate a task.
This works as expected when I connect to said SSID, _HOWEVER_ the EXIT TASK only works when you physically manually turn off the Wifi from the android quick settings menu. If you walk far enough away from the wifi that mobile data kicks back in, the EXIT TASK fails to run.
Any ideas?
Duplicate http request
Hi Tasker community,
I am hoping someone on here can help me with my issue. I have two Tasker profiles set up to push notifications to my http request. The initial set up was straightforward however, I noticed that my endpoint was receiving duplicate messages, even though there was only one push Notification. I played around with using timestamps variable sets, unique ideas, Automating clearing notifications before duplicate can be sent and recursion. I have not had luck with any of those methods trying to stop the duplicate processing of the same notification to my HTTP request. I am thinking
Tasker must be restarted to get new Material You Colors
If the system Material You colors are changed (ie. wallpaper is changed), the Tasker theme doesn't reflect the change and keeps the previous theme. This applies also to the "Get Material You Colors" action, it'll get the previously used colors and not the new ones.
Force closing and reopening Tasker allows it use the new colors, until the wallpaper is changed again.
Input dialogs hide scenes displayed as activity and dialog
The only solution is to launch a scene and instantly hide it just before showing the input dialog, but that's double the work. I would appreciate it, João, if this problem could be taken into account so that it can be solved.
Scene Textedit Autocorrect
The TextEdit Dialog contains no AutoCorrect functionality. If, for example, you use an Input Dialog you can use the reference "245841" for input type to get all AutoCorrect functionality (and multi-line) which is what I need. It seems this has been an issue for years and I think it should be considered a bug more than a feature request. A TextEdit dialog should function as text does literally anywhere else in android.
Home Assistant integration uses outdated syntax
since Home Assistant version 2024.10, the tasker integration documentation is outdated at: https://tasker.joaoapps.com/home_automation/home_assistant.html
...is it possible to revise to the current syntax?
Timer Tasks are not firing in Tasker but in Macrodroid....
Hello ,
I have a timer tasks which is working in ONe UI 6.1 on Samsung - Recently I migrated to XOS(A14) (ANdroid varian) and I see that TIme tasker are not firing (Locked in memory,Reliable alarm,Battery not optimized etc..) - (But it is firing when screen is on or device is not screen locked)
So I gave a try with Macrodroid and I see that it is firing the tasks mostly as expected- Though it is asking for additional permission of "Alarms & Reminders".
Not sure whether the above statements are connected -
WiFi Net Disconnect Fails with possibly a cache validity error?
Here is the log from the failed action. Wifi was connected to my home network and this issue persists through a reboot and reinstall of Tasker Settings. 19.17.28/LicenseCheckerTasker Checking cached only 19.17.28/LicenseCheckerTasker cache validity left -830597 19.17.28/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached status: Licensed 19.17.28/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached only: Licensed 19.17.28/E wifi ctrl: code0 have wifi net: true force: false flash false 19.17.28/E wifi net: disconnect 19.17.28/E result: stop task (error) 19.17.28/E Error: 1 19.17.28/MacroEdit action finished exeID 3 action no 0 code 426 status: Err next 0
Hi. I purchased app on my Android device and I made one automation when network gone, I sent sms and this sms trigger to restart modem, But I faced billing issue when I have network problem. How we can fix this issue asap?
Home Assistant returns 'Message malformed' when trying to set up a Tasker HTTP request
After following the directions here I get the following error message in Home Assistant when setting up a Tasker HTTP request blueprint: Message malformed: Entity target_devices is neither a valid entity ID nor a valid UUID for dictionary value @ data['entity_id']
I'm running Home Assistant Core 2024.8.3 Frontend 20240809.0 as a Docker container.
qr generator is adding a " at the end of the provided text
When I use the AutoBarcode plugin to generate a QR code from the text 'Hello World' it returns a QR code with the decoded text 'Hello World"'. So it accidentally adds a " at the end.
Is this a Bug or a config Problem on my side?
Autoinput setText/appendText comma issues
I have faced some problem which is when i setText using autoinput, it will seperate my variable with comma automatically, even though i set the seperator empty or change it to other things beside comma. I have try as many method as I can, but it's still not working. This issues only appears on setText and appendText. For example, I have a variable "Hello, How are you?". The text paste out will be "Hello" only. Actually the seperator is not working at all, when i change the variable to "Hello @ How are you?", and set seperator to "@", its not