Pick photos action returns with uri that isn't useable when using send intent
In short, using Pick Photo action returns with the images URI path but when trying to use it in send intent for example it fails. To fix that you need to get the full path using SQL Query like here:
The example is shown below the title: "Pick Photos/Media dialog".
Can you maybe have another variable/array inside the Pick Photos action that will hold the full path.
Google Calendar Entry - State in Profile
I created a profile that detects if a calendar event is active using the State>App>Calendar Entry function. It has worked for a number of years. This past week it stopped working. It is not detecting when the event is active. I tried adding a new calendar to the Google Calendar and accessing it through Tasker and it does not display. I have also tried toggling the calendar permissions in Tasker and that has not helped. It seems Tasker is not accessing the Google Calendar at all.