I purchased Tasker and downloaded to my phone. No problems.
I want to build and test my profiles on my Laptop using BlueStacks 4. After downloading Tasker and SharpTools to my phone I used them to build my first Profile to control a Smartthings device. I then downloaded Smartthings, Tasker and SharpTools to BlueStacks 4 on my PC and I could do everything that I could do on my phone. I then tried the same thing on my Laptop. Smartthing and SharpTools downloaded to my Laptop's Bluestacks 4 just fine, but, even though I choose Tasker from my Google Account My Apps, Tasker Secondary installs instead.
system timer input method flickers
When creating a "Start system timer" action (which sets a normal countdown timer), you are given a horizontal slider which lets you set the countdown time from 1-86400 seconds. This is not a good input method. It is made even worse because the length of the slider depends on the value of the slider (since the value is written to the left of the slider), which causes the value to jump back and forth between two values while you're dragging the slider.
Entering a value like 1200 seconds requires either extreme luck or incredible patience while pressing "up" 1190 times.
Notify doesn't play the right sound
On my Samsung S10+ with Android 9 the action Notify with a specified file sound doesn't play this file but the default sound of incoming calls (not the default notification sound !).
All these files are mp3. They sound right with the action play sound.
I 've tried to relocate the file in a different folder like android/music but same problem.
HTTP request not working and not clear why
I am trying to make an HTTP request to https://developer-api.nest.com in my task. I have a working auth token and can make my request work fine in Postman and/or CURL on my PC. But when I try the exact same request in a tasker task I get a 401.
I have included the following in the HTTP Request action for headers:
Am I configuring this wrong? I followed the directions (separate name and value with a colon and no extra spaces). Authentication is even one of the examples in the doc and this looks exactly like it so it should be working
Android Pie and Display Brightness
Hi Joao,
I would like to report an issue regarding the Display Brightness action, from latest Tasker v5.8.2.
Some users, me included, are reporting an abnormal function of that action when changing the device brightness. Known issues:
- First time action is opened (added to the task), a huge number is shown: 1000+ (value). So, very out of range from 0-255.
- When running the action with 255 value set, the device brightness doesn't get changed properly.
So, I'm not sure why is this happening. Maybe because the API changed, so old code is not working as expected in Tasker.
open map action does not work on S10 but work on S9
last week open map action stop working well , here is a forum where i reported it, and it was tested by one more user on S9 - but was working for him,
Tasker topic - Forum
I use it daily (twice a day, sometimes more) and last week it stop working, it navigate to the wrong address, always, I actually change my task to sue spot instead of navigating so it will continue working for now, here is the tasker app: navHelper I probably have a new version if needed for troubleshooting
point to make is that all my addresses
Notify no sound when sound file specified
Samsung S9 doesn't seem to play sound file with notify action. The same file plays fine when used e.g. with Play Music.
Problems enabling mobile data in android 9 - Moto G6+ (Rooted Device)
i got this error trying to enabling mobile data on moto g6+ with android 9 (rooted), is the same problem with "Secure Settings Plugin", i have v5.8.2 of tasker
15.21.51/E Red móvil: cur: false want: true 15.21.51/Shell runSync svc data enable root: true timeout: 5000 15.21.51/Shell have process 15.21.51/Shell write cmd: svc data enable 15.21.51/Shell start process timeout timer 5000ms for: svc data enable 15.21.51/Shell start process-thread ID 2331 15.21.51/Shell joined with 2331 15.21.51/Shell exit result: 1 15.21.51/Shell non-null timeout 15.21.51/E wait for 300ms 15.21.52/E wait finished 15.21.52/E result: stop task (error) 15.21.52/E Error: 1 15.21.52/MacroEdit action finished exeID 6
Tasker popup notification requesting missing permission: Root Access
Since a few days I get popup notifications stating that a required permission is missing, listing the "Root Access" as the needed one.
Of course that's not an Android permission which can be granted, so the message is already confusing, and no action is performed when clicking the notification.
It would be good at least to display which is the action that is triggering that request, so that the user could check and modify it.
I am using a Samsung S10 with Android 9.
httprequest ignores the Trust all certificates option
HTTP GET works fine, but when using HTTP Request function the trust any certificate option does not appear to work.
Variables Not Working in Browse URL
After updating to (5.7.2, 20190513) I am unable to do the following
1) Variable set
%tmp = http://www.google.com
2) Browse URL
AutoInput Beta - Stop Video Capture Has No Effect
There is an annoying bug in the current beta version of AutoInput. The Stop Video action does not have any effect.
I first reported this on reddit, but neglected to post it here.
Everything works correctly in the stable version.
Simple BT disconect notify sound not present
Hi, I need some advise since at the end of task the sound is not present.
This is my configuration which I transferred from my defective phone and It was working before but not on this new one.
1.Bluetooth Set off if %PACTIVE!~*,BTTest,*
2.Say text BT disconnected Engine:Voice (stream -media) Pitch 4 speed 4 respect audio F
3.Wait 3sec
4. Notify Sound Title BT Disconnected sound file .ogg -- is pointed to directory of the file correctly.
Still no voice and my other Tasks as well do not hear the sound comming out.The volumes are set to max.All tests are
"Tasker isn't Responding" (v. 5.6 on Oreo)
Hello João,
I have been enjoyed a paid version of Tasker for years and recently subscribed to your AutoApps. However, in the last few weeks, Tasker is often freezing. Also, profiles that previously worked are suddenly freezing (see screenshot for examples of both). I have been using Tasker on Oreo (Samsung Galaxy S8+, v. 5.2) for almost a year, so this can't be the source of the problem. When the problem appeared, I verified that Tasker is excluded from battery optimization. I also reinstalled and then upgraded to v. 5.6, but the problem persists.
1. Can you guess what
App Factory: Operation not permitted
When exporting an app with App Factory the attached issue happens on some devices.
New text messages not spoken when received
I have a Tasker profile that speaks new text messages while I have a bluetooth connection to any device. Since migrating to my new S10, this profile stopped working. I've seen this issue on reddit, but after following the links posted and trying all the steps, it still doesn't work. Below is a list of settings that I've checked. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance for your help!
Tasker is enabled Notifications are on 'Use reliable alarms' enabled Power mode is optimized. Adaptive power saving is off. Optimize settings is off. {Battery -> Setting -> Settings power
On which old versions of android does "take call" work?
I want to get an old phone that would work to "take call"
Help me plase.
I do not plan to spend money on a phone with Android 8, нow kindly suggested to me the author of the program, while closing my previous topic.
On which old versions of android does "take call" work?
I want to get an old phone that would work to "take call"
Help me plase.
Can't customize Google Hotword in Android 9
Trying to use Tasker to change the hotword in Android 9 Pie. I followed the only instructions I could find online (https://www.techjunkie.com/change-ok-google/) but am running in to some issues. Here's what happens: 1. I get to the point where I am speaking my new hotword in the "Speak Filter". 2. After speaking my new hotword a window opens asking me to "Choose Voice Command" from a list (which includes variations of the command I just spoke). 3. Once I choose (confirm) my voice command the "Choose Voice Command" window closes, and "The Hard Way" page comes back up. 4.
(tasker 5.7.1 & 5.7.2) %err is not set by failing ping action
I cannot update to 5.7.1 or 5.7.2 because if I do, an important task of mine no longer works.
I use the ping action (retries=2), configured to continue task after error occurs (e.g. if target hist is unreachable)
However in the case that the host is unreachable %err is not set. Therefore the following conditional execution which checks %err is wrong.
This used to work in earlier versions of tasker e.g 5.6.