Common Problems

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    Run Shell Timeout

    agnostic-apollo · 0 · Posted

    Run Shell Max timeout value is 2147483, Any value higher than this passed as a variable crashes tasker.

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    Crash on Pie

    Fjkmvc · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    Tasker 5.7.0 beta 10. Crash apk build with Appfactory. Redmi Note 3 SE. Android 9.0

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    Not able to remove Quick Settings Shortcut

    TM0NEY46 · 0 · Posted

    Currently, there is no real way to remove Quick Settings as icons in the quick menu drop-down.  You can temporarily make them not accessible by dragging down the icons, but similarly as the Quick settings menu is always accessible they can be accessed quite quickly by dragging them back to the top. Additionally, I discovered that by holding on any quick setting Tasker icon, Tasker will actually open up. From there Tasker can be disabled quickly which removes the whole reason for the having a specific scene I built for work mode.

    I suggest a toggle be added within Tasker

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    %CLIP event doesn't work and state doesn't update properly

    wedsa5 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Event Variable Set with the variable set to %CLIP never gets triggered

    State Variable Value where the condition is %CLIP NEQ %Clip will only fire momentarily when the profile is toggled off, then on again. The task for this profile will set the %Clip variable to %CLIP.

    I am using Android Q QPP1.190205.018.B4 and the Tasker Beta 5.7.0-beta.10

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    Proximity sensor not working

    Nelson Echer · 2 · Last reply by Nelson Echer

    Proximity sensor detection not working on S10+. Profile says proximity sensor is always active, even when its not. 

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    Existing profiles are automatically enabled when you import scripts from Taskernet System

    pearhuman · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Sometimes, when you import Profiles/Projects (including profiles) from the Taskernet system, several existing profiles that have been disabled are automatically enabled. (As shown in the video below)

    I found that if the ID of profile in the import script is the same as an existing profile, the existing profile will be enabled automatically. For instance, in the script that will be imported below, the ID of the profile is 4. If there is an existing profile with an id of 4, in the case, the profile will be enabled automatically.

    <Profile sr="prof4" ve="2">     <id>4</id>     ... </Profile>

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    "Show notification Icon" doesn't seem to do anything either way

    thomas · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Samsung Galaxy S8

    I tried disabling "Show Notification Icon," and I've toggled the notification permission for Tasker and restarted my phone multiple times and in different orders.  The notification always returns with the icon in the status bar.  The option in the menu seems to do nothing. :(

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    Timed profile no longer works

    Max · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a profile that used to play a sound and vibrate every day at a specific time. It no longer works - I get no sound or vibration. I thought there might be something wrong with the audio, but that is not the case. I tried a timed profile that just posted a notification and it did nothing. Help!

    Profile: Water @ 4 (12) Time: 4:00PM Enter: Anon (13) A1: Notify [ Title:Water @ 4 Text: Icon:cust_animal_hippo Number:0 Permanent:Off Priority:5 ] A2: Play Ringtone [ Type:Notification Sound:Bolt Stream:5 ] A3: Vibrate Pattern [ Pattern:1,200,300,200,300,200,800,200,300,200,300,200,800 ]

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    A problem when exporting a project as an app

    Wael Talaat · 1 · Last reply by Wael Talaat

    My device is galaxy A50 android 9.I 've created a project to answer an incoming call autimatically.the project runs successfully.after exporting the project as an app and after installing the app and enable accessiblity setting for the app and enable change system setting from setting after that the app didn't answer the call automatically although the device did that before exporting the project .I hope to fix the problem in a next update of Tasker.

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    Turn Off bug with Android P

    Russell Wong · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I'm using Android P on a Samsung S8, and have been using the Turn Off feature for a few months without issue. After the 5.7 release, it keeps changing my phone's screen timeout to 1 second instead of just turning the screen off. So if I start using my phone, the screen keeps turning off if I don't touch it constantly.

    I tried adding a Device Timeout setting to the task as a workaround, but after the Turn Off runs in the task, it doesn't run the Device Timeout (even if I add a Wait for a couple of seconds).

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    Single MMS received causes multiple profile trigger events

    Harames · 2 · Last reply by Harames

    I use Tasker to play a sound for incoming texts (SMS/MMS), so that I can check for various conditions (first).  For example, if I am in a meeting I don’t let it play the sound.

    But, recently, there has been a change that I have been unable to resolve…

    Anytime I receive an MMS the sound gets played 2 or 3 times, whereas SMS still plays a single sound.  This has only been a problem since Android version 8 (Oreo).  Prior to that Tasker saw a single notification for each SMS or MMS.  Nevertheless, I don’t know if the change

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    Pixel 2 - Alarm clock icon showing in taskbar after update to v5.7

    Nicholas Semrau · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I first reported this in the Tasker Google Groups (including screenshot examples):!topic/tasker/9wIsrQqX2A0


    I've been a long-time Tasker user, and the recent update has resulted in strange behavior.


    I have two profiles I use to automatically control my volume settings while at the office. They activate when in range of the office WiFi during business hours, and during meetings. After the 5.7 update, both of these profiles show the alarm clock icon in the status bar, even though there is no alarm set. When I disable both of the profiles, the alarm clock icon goes away.



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    Preferences interactions behaviors make it too easy to mistakenly change a setting while scrolling

    thomas · 0 · Posted

    In Preferences, the items with drop down menus (for example "List Item Dragging" under UI, or "Accelerometer" under Monitor)

    If you touch one of them, it opens the drop-down menu and allows you to select one of the options without lifting your finger.

    This is good for quickly changing settings with a single drag, but it also introduces a problem for scrolling.

    Namely, it makes it too easy to mistakenly change a setting when all you were trying to do was scroll up or down.  All it takes is for the user to start scrolling by touching one of the

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    Heads up for Android Q

    Patrick Simon · 0 · Posted


    Tasker may have to ask users to disable this feature in developer options by turning on "Allow background activity starts." This is still a beta, so it's unclear how the restriction will take shape for the final release.

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    For Autoremote I don't see a way to add Google Drive Permission

    Giant Horse · 1 · Last reply by Giant Horse

    I cannot send file or backup, says Can't: NeedPermission

    I haven't tried reinstalling app but I cannot backup so I don't want to lose setup. How do I add permission for Autoremote to access new Google Drive account?

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    autoremote 4g to w10, w10 firewall?

    Henry M · 1 · Last reply by anonymized

    won't go thru...

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    Allow Music Play to start from times that aren't just integer seconds. Right now it only lets you start from discrete one-second intervals.

    thomas · 0 · Posted

    I'm working on a scene where I'm going to need to be able to play a sound file from specific starting points, and being able to start from a particular time in the audio file is great, but currently it only lets me start at 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and so on.  And I'm unable to start it at 1.5 seconds for example.

    I really need that increased level of precision for the project I'm working on.  I don't see why it should be limited to one-second intervals.  Please let us specify down to the millisecond!

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    (tasker 5.7.1 & 5.7.2) %err is not set by failing ping action

    shellwalker · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I cannot update to 5.7.1 or 5.7.2 because if I do,  an important task of mine no longer works.

    I use the ping action (retries=2), configured to continue task after error occurs (e.g. if target hist is unreachable)

    However in the case that the host is unreachable %err is not set. Therefore the following conditional execution which checks %err is wrong.

    This used to work in earlier versions of tasker e.g 5.6.

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    "unsupported locale default:default = default:por_BRA"

    Marcos Felicio · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    This message appears all the time:

    "unsupported locale default:default = default:por_BRA"

    What should I do?

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    Can't customize Google Hotword in Android 9

    David Ravashiere · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Trying to use Tasker to change the hotword in Android 9 Pie.  I followed the only instructions I could find online ( but am running in to some issues. Here's what happens: 1.    I get to the point where I am speaking my new hotword in the "Speak Filter". 2.    After speaking my new hotword a window opens asking me to "Choose Voice Command" from a list (which includes variations of the command I just spoke). 3.    Once I choose (confirm) my voice command the "Choose Voice Command" window closes, and "The Hard Way" page comes back up. 4.