Solved Problems

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    Pixel 2 - Alarm clock icon showing in taskbar after update to v5.7

    Nicholas Semrau · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I first reported this in the Tasker Google Groups (including screenshot examples):!topic/tasker/9wIsrQqX2A0


    I've been a long-time Tasker user, and the recent update has resulted in strange behavior.


    I have two profiles I use to automatically control my volume settings while at the office. They activate when in range of the office WiFi during business hours, and during meetings. After the 5.7 update, both of these profiles show the alarm clock icon in the status bar, even though there is no alarm set. When I disable both of the profiles, the alarm clock icon goes away.



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    Turn Off bug with Android P

    Russell Wong · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I'm using Android P on a Samsung S8, and have been using the Turn Off feature for a few months without issue. After the 5.7 release, it keeps changing my phone's screen timeout to 1 second instead of just turning the screen off. So if I start using my phone, the screen keeps turning off if I don't touch it constantly.

    I tried adding a Device Timeout setting to the task as a workaround, but after the Turn Off runs in the task, it doesn't run the Device Timeout (even if I add a Wait for a couple of seconds).

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    Cannot update app

    Max · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have Tasker 5.1 on my phone. When I check for updates, nothing happens. When I download the APK from the website and run it, I get an error "App not installed". HELP!!!

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    Timed profile no longer works

    Max · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a profile that used to play a sound and vibrate every day at a specific time. It no longer works - I get no sound or vibration. I thought there might be something wrong with the audio, but that is not the case. I tried a timed profile that just posted a notification and it did nothing. Help!

    Profile: Water @ 4 (12) Time: 4:00PM Enter: Anon (13) A1: Notify [ Title:Water @ 4 Text: Icon:cust_animal_hippo Number:0 Permanent:Off Priority:5 ] A2: Play Ringtone [ Type:Notification Sound:Bolt Stream:5 ] A3: Vibrate Pattern [ Pattern:1,200,300,200,300,200,800,200,300,200,300,200,800 ]

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    Proximity sensor not working

    Nelson Echer · 2 · Last reply by Nelson Echer

    Proximity sensor detection not working on S10+. Profile says proximity sensor is always active, even when its not. 

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    %CLIP event doesn't work and state doesn't update properly

    wedsa5 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Event Variable Set with the variable set to %CLIP never gets triggered

    State Variable Value where the condition is %CLIP NEQ %Clip will only fire momentarily when the profile is toggled off, then on again. The task for this profile will set the %Clip variable to %CLIP.

    I am using Android Q QPP1.190205.018.B4 and the Tasker Beta 5.7.0-beta.10

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    Licence Problem with Old Play Store Licence

    disp · 1 · Last reply by João Dias


    how to contact you to follow this point below?

    I purchased the direct-purchase version a long time ago, but my license doesn't work on new Tasker versions. What can I do?

    ---> 2. You can purchase a new direct purchase license from me and use a special direct purchase version of Tasker that I'll send you. A new license is $4.

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    %conum is not working

    %conum is not updated I gave all the permissions to tasker app I read all the notifications for this problem I have redmi 4X last O.S

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    Tasker Bug: Data->Restore->User Local Backup didn't appear until I navigated to Data->Backup

    Brett · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Steps to Reproduce: 0) Freshly wiped device 1) Install and Launch Tasker 2) Try to restore backup local .xml backup file by navigating to Data->Restore Actual Results: "User Local Backup" was not available as a selection Expected Results: "User Local Backup" available as a selection Workaround: First, select Data->Backup and then Data->Restore->User Local Backup will be available as an option. Environment: Tasker 5.6 on Essential PH-1 with Android 9.0 Reproducibility: Did not try.

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    Time profile does not trigger if the phone has not been used for some hours and had gone into a deep sleep.

    Marco Faccini · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a reboot profile I want to trigger at 5.30 am. The task works when executed on its own. It would appear that the phone goes into some form of deep sleep and takes tasker with it. I have removed battery optimisation from tasker used use reliable alarms seeing and wake cell option in the monitor preferences. I have used timed profiles for many years in tasker but have never encountered a problem until now.

    My phone is Samsun A8 2018 Android 8. Stock room and is not rooted. The profile for reboot is using autoinput.

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    Format of %DATE got changed, how can I switch back to the old format?

    Igor Ramadas · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    Or at least create a new ISODATE variable that outputs date in YYYY-MM-DD standard.

    The format changed from DD-MM-YYYY to M-D-YY and this is causing a whole lot of trouble with my automations :-(

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    Profile with on Variable Set gets falsely triggered

    Stefan · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    Here are the relevant profiles:

    The first profile detects via WIFI near if you are at a hotel and if so sets the variable Ort to 'Hotel'.

    The second profile should trigger only when the variable Ort is set to 'Hotel'. However it seems to trigger without a reason (Hotel WiFi is not close because being at home or at work). This happens only a few times a day. I've attaced a filtered run log and the relevant part of the run log unfiltered as well.

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    Emui Force closes Tasker

    Andreas Gu · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    EMUI 9. Huawei P20. Android 9. System force closes Tasker. Battery optimization disabled for Tasker. Very, very annoying .

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    Need to install tasker app I just purchased on my iPhone not on Samsung phone

    Sally Liu · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I need to install Tasker app on my iPhone, not on Samsung phone.    How can this issue be corrected?  

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    Android TV Oreo accessibility problems with Tasker

    Joel · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Just like you fixed AutoInput (linked below), could you also apply that same fix to the main Tasker app?

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    Application profile only works when app is in foreground

    Lars Olsen · 2 · Last reply by Lars Olsen

    My profile called "TuneIn Radio" is activated when the app TuneIn Radio is open.

    The linked task is set to de-activate my "Start Spotify" profile, so these 2 do not collide.


    Tasker seems to only sense the TuneIn Radio app when it is in the foreground though.

    If it's in the background, or if the screen is off. Then Tasker runs the exit task, which is to enable the Spotify profile again.

    Just to have said it. My "Start Spotify" profile and the tasks which disables and enables this profile works fine. It's just the part of telling Tasker that the TuneIn

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    Tasker wants to disable (or enable) bluetooth/wifi etc. message

    Claudio · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Is there a way to disable this annoying message in Android 9 or automatically press "allow"?  Otherwise tasker becomes useless

    Thank you

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    NearCell, NearWifi only with Location service on Android9

    registry · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hi, Neither the NearCell, nor the NearWifi/WifiConnected functions work when the Location service is turned off. Cmon' it's not as expected... I have to turn on the location service to get the info: Am I connected to wifi or not??? In this case if I need any info about my location (or the reachability of the Wifi), should I turn on the location service? It's crapy. Android 9 Nokia 7.1 Takser: 5.6

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    Tasker is running deleted profiles

    Ciprian Trofin · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I made a divert call profile, that did not work as expected (I set the pattern to **1 and redirect to my Mom's number, without knowing about the significance of * char). Basically, any call to a number ending in 1 was diverted to Mom.

    I deleted the profile but the diverted action was still active. I restarted the phone - same.

    I disabled Tasker -  the diversion was off. Enabling Tasker reactivated the diversion.

    Phone: Xiaomi Mi A1 - Android Pie.

    I'll have to stop using Tasker untill the problem is solved.

    Update: I deleted all profiles and restarted

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    Profiles not working on Xiaomi MIA1 Android PIE 9.0 when screen is locked

    achar · 6 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hello, i'm using tasker for several years now for some routine scripts (launch music player when bluetooth headset is connected then launch music, send domoticz commands when i come home, that kind of things). I updated my phone (Xiaomi MIA1) to Android 9.0 friday night and now tasker is not able to activate any profile at all. The app is of course removed from battery optimization and is always running. I activated all permissions and accessibility either.

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it did nothing. If i test the profiles one by one it works correctly. Thanks.