AutoWeb - Toggl API - wrong, inactive server address
According to
Using the API from toggl.com or www.toggl.com will be dropped at The End of June 2021. Switch to api.track.toggl.com
From about last week Toggl API in AutoWeb can't fetch data because it is still trying to use old, inactive address toggl.com. Please update to api.track.toggl.com
Unknown Google Error
I accidently unchecked my "Google Drive Backup".
When I try to re-check it and login to my account, the "unkown google errer" occurred.
Here is the log:
21-11-2021 RX: 16.44.33#b#RX: error: handleError: Unknown Google Error
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: com.joaomgcd.taskerm.signin.c$a$h.a(Unknown Source:61)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: com.joaomgcd.taskerm.signin.c$a$h.invoke(Unknown Source:0)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: com.joaomgcd.taskerm.rx.k.call(Unknown Source:2)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: b.a.e.e.d.k.b(Unknown Source:7)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: b.a.l.a(Unknown Source:14)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: b.a.e.e.d.p.b(Unknown Source:9)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: b.a.l.a(Unknown Source:14)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: b.a.e.e.d.r$a.run(Unknown Source:2)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: b.a.k$a.run(Unknown Source:9)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: b.a.e.g.l.run(Unknown Source:13)
21-11-2021 : 16.44.33#b#: error: b.a.e.g.l.call(Unknown
Quick Setting Tiles: Disabled Tasker
Bug in Tasker: The Setup Quick Setting action changes to Toggle and Disables Tasker when status is set to Inactive.
Autoshare (lite?) does not work without Autoapps installed.
I.e. tasker profiles for the autoshareplugin will not trigger. Although there is a popup showing the command and text.
How do I know? Once I installed autoapps sharing to my autoshare commands started working and triggered the profiles and their respective tasks.
Before I activated autoshare by watching an ad (not knowing that I bought Autishate before) and as far as I can tell staying within the limitations of the lite version by only sharing text I.e. the current chrome tabs url.
Why do I share this although it works now for me?
I consider the autoshare lite version broken.
Tasker randomly stops running profiles
I'm running Android 10 on a Nokia 7.1, with v5.14.6 of Tasker installed.
Starting in the past few weeks, Tasker randomly stops executing tasks. When this happens, if I don't notice it right away, my battery will deplete *a lot*. For example, if I don't notice this for a few hours, I could lose 50% or more of battery.
Rebooting my phone fixes the issue (until it occurs again). Sometimes this will occur several times a day, sometimes several days will go by without it happening. I can't find any rhyme or reason as to when/why it happens.
I've uninstalled
Scene Editor tools text barely visible
When choosing the Device Default Auto theme in Tasker Preferences and the phones Dark Mode is not enabled, or choosing the Device Default Light theme, the tools text in the scene editor is barely visible. The text color is black on an almost black background. See attached Image.
Tasker App factory should be able to optionally create Android App Bundle (.aab) for kid apps aside the (.apk)
Android app bundle to be created optionally for tasker kid apps instead of Apk alone.
Since Play store now requires developers to only upload Android app bundles of their applications.
Please kindly work on this, thanks.
Rtl layout support
Hello, kindly support rtl layout, for languages that are written from right to left...
I would like all menus, settings, tabs, events and tasks (etc) to be indented to the right instead of to the left. Maybe a button in the settings that switch the layout easily?
All file actions should broadcast MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE intent to emulate file explorer
For example if I copied a file using tasker's 'file action' , then it should refresh mediastore, so that apps can pickup the new file in the directory.
It can be done using:
am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE -d file:///sdcard/filename
(probably you might need to run the above in root mode in some phones
Refer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17928576/refresh-android-mediastore-using-adb
Black & white image filter has incorrect calculation for threshold
If I have an image that is admittedly annoyingly bright *, with the DARKEST pixels around rgb(166, 155, 125), the black & white filter results in an all-white image regardless of what threshold I select. So even if threshold is set to 255, which is the maximum, there are no black pixels in the resulting image.
I figured the filter might incorrectly calculate the lightness of each pixel from its components, so I also tried to first filter the image to grayscale, but that also didn't help. But then I'm not sure if the grayscale filter actually changes the image
Data Toggle Not Working
On Note 10+, strange issue with the "Cell Data" task
Indeed, the task run succefully, but the only effect is visual change of the button in the notification bar parameters. Cell data still remain active / inactive as there is no change.
Due to the strange issue, here is a video for the problem : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xtWOWTw4a6roG9Ke569dT6iNiIsX-8z6/view?usp=sharing
Google Pay
A simple task on S21 Ultra 5G dosen't work. Tasker doesn't recognize "Google Pay" as an app, or better it doesn't recognize when the app is opened.
If I change Google Pay with an other app (not matter which) it works all fine.
The task should activate NFC ONLY if I open Google Pay and disactivate it when I close the app.
Tasker crashing on Fire HD 10 (2021)
I'm on my Fire HD 10 (2021) tablet and whenever I try to add an a plugin the screen goes grey and I'm returned to task edit screen without anything added. I even end up rooting the device and same issue.
Voot TV app not showing in Application context
com.viacom18.tv.voot this app not showing in application context of tasker.
missing write secure settings in BlueStacks
im using tasker on BlueStacks simulator but the task im running needs to get write secure settings permission
so anyone know the way ?
Deprecated: 3. Party Apps Event: K9 Email received
With K9 Mail Version 5.800, released some days ago, the event "3. Party Apps Event: K9 Email received" is no more availible because K9 will not raise it.
The event was removed from K9 Mail. (https://forum.k9mail.app/t/tasker-k9-email-received-event-no-longer-working/1218/2).
I suggest to remove the event from tasker or at least give an info when you select it in tasker to manually check that the K9 Version is below 5.800 or maybe tasker checks against the installed app version and hide the event.
Workaround/new best-practice is to hook on the "K9 Mail notification" in Android.
Calendar state gets inactive during appointment
Hi there,
I'm facing an issue where I'm not sure if it's an issue of my phone (Pixel 3 with latest updates) or Tasker.
I created an task which switchs the background picture when my calendar shows that I'm having on-call for my company (State -> Calendar Entry). The on-call appointment is a bi-weekly recurring all-day appointment for 7 days. When the on-call starts, the background switchs as expected.
But during the week sometimes the profile becomes inactive for some hours. I added a log task with timestamps to the task to see when this exactly happens. But there's no
Phone Ringing Caller Name Failure
Phone ringing event only triggers on Blank, Any, or My Contact*. (The * is required). Caller Name In (%CNAME) only returns GMail, never a name.)
The Phone Ringing event does trigger on phone numbers 555123456* (Yup the * is required) and %CNAME will be GMail.
Phone Ringing Event triggering on Contacts Labels would be great!
Pixel 3 running Android 11 June 2021 update, Tasker 5.12.22.
ADB + Airplane Mode
To enable permission for toggle Airplane Mode only requires an ADB appops command be run only once. I have verified this using appops, that after device reboot, Tasker retains permission to toggle Airplane Mode without re-enabling ADB wifi.
Yet trying to toggle Airplane Mode in Tasker will fail due to ADB Wifi not being on. Tasker does not attempt to toggle Airplane Mode, even though it already has permission.
If Tasker can retain permissions, then enabling ADB Wifi after reboot appears unnecessary.
Thank you
Error while compiling apk
In latest build of Tasker or Tasker factory sometimes i have problem with compiling apk which have third party / downloaded images in it. I used to use images as my app's background.. by the way i always use jpg format