New Problems

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    Phone Ringing Caller Name Failure

    John C McAuley · 0 · Posted

    Phone ringing event only triggers on Blank, Any, or My Contact*. (The * is required).  Caller Name In (%CNAME) only returns GMail, never a name.)

    The Phone Ringing event does trigger on phone numbers 555123456*  (Yup the * is required) and %CNAME will be GMail.

    Phone Ringing Event triggering on Contacts Labels would be great!

    Pixel 3 running Android 11 June 2021 update, Tasker 5.12.22.



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    ADB + Airplane Mode

    Gamsin · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    To enable permission for toggle Airplane Mode only requires an ADB appops command be run only once. I have verified this using appops, that after device reboot, Tasker retains permission to toggle Airplane Mode without re-enabling ADB wifi.

    Yet trying to toggle Airplane Mode in Tasker will fail due to ADB Wifi not being on. Tasker does not attempt to toggle Airplane Mode, even though it already has permission.

    If Tasker can retain permissions, then enabling ADB Wifi after reboot appears unnecessary.

    Thank you

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    Error while compiling apk

    Dhanu anilkumar · 2 · Last reply by Dhanu anilkumar

    In latest build of Tasker or Tasker factory sometimes i have problem with compiling apk which have third party / downloaded images in it. I used to use images as my app's background.. by the way i always use jpg format

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    support for lineage profile settings

    D S · 0 · Posted

    hi, first: great app!

    i wanted to ask for support for the current version (lineage 18.1) in order to switch profile settings. it was working on different devices with lineage 16.

    more and in depth information about this whole issue:

    many thanks for the support!

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    Multi variables not assign %err after shell

    Damianek420 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    'Multiple variables set' action Does not assign a value from '%err' immediately after shell action. Screenshot attached

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    [ App Factory ] - [ Icon Bug ] When restart your device in the Nova Launcher

    GlitchYou · 2 · Last reply by GlitchYou

    I'm having a problem creating the apps in Tasker because when I restart android the nova launcher doesn't load the icon that was in the application exported in Tasker

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    TextEdit display cannot update

    Ramon · 0 · Posted

    Hi,dear developer:

    An issue was observed that the display of a "TextEdit" created by action "Element Create" cannot be updated when the related global Var, Which is the content of "Text" of "TextEdit", is updated.

    In my test, this issue does not exit if the "TextEdit" is created mannaully in the scene edit interface.

    This issue was firstly appeared after I updated to 5.12. But it is still there when I go back to 5.11.

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    QuickTask quick settings tile event trigger no longer works after v5.12

    Raphael · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I am using "QuickTask" ( for simple quick settings tiles, and this has worked well for me for a long time. Since Tasker v5.12, clicking the quick settings tile no longer triggers an event in Tasker. I have tried reinstalling both Tasker and QuickTask and resetting Android quick settings via adb, but it still didn't work. It's only the event-triggering part of the quick settings tile which was not working; I was able to change the image and label of the quick settings tile using Tasker actions. I can also configure whether clicking the quick settings tile required an unlock,

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    Passcode workaround

    Je Wang Yu · 0 · Posted

    Despite having a passcode on tasker, a user is able to use bypass the passcode using the search function to manipulate some of the tasks.

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    Get Location v2 doesn't return %gl_time_seconds in Android6

    WANG · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I used the "Get Location v2" function to get time from the return value %gl_time_seconds.

    It works very well in Android 10, but the same task doesn't work in Android 6, %gl_time_seconds keeps unset while %gl_latitude %gl_longitude can work correctly.

    Tasker Version 5.11.14

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    Chromecast Google TV

    Rick Schwarz · 1 · Last reply by Rick Schwarz


    I use tasker already for more then 5 years.

    Great App !

    Now i have a small problem.

    I need to make an app that wordks on the Chromecast Google TV.

    I have installed Tasker and the App factrory 

    I have 2 issues:

    The sttings button and the button to accept the disclaimer when exporting to app are not vissable.

    What should i do.

    Please let me know.

    Rick Schwarz

    The Netjerlands

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    app info action

    paul · 1 · Last reply by paul

    Takser v 5.11.14

    OnePlus 7T A10

    in attempting to get a list of current and recent apps using App Info action 'last(0:3)', tasker's package name will populate the return array if a scene has been shown. Is there a way to differentiate between scenes and the app itself? I would like for tasker app to show in array, just not for scenes.

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    Variable cuts varible when storing read html

    Ville · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I use html request get to store data from When I store in to variable, it doesn't include it whole. Does tasker cut it partly? How to workaround it?

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    Assistance Request event changes the current selected app

    lucatrv · 1 · Last reply by lucatrv

    As reported in the subject, if I associate a task to the Android "assist app" feature, when I run it the current selected app is changed (I guess the focus is given to Tasker itself, but I am not sure hot to verify it). To avoid this, I am currently using the "Home Button Launcher" app to run the task, instead of Tasker itself:

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    Turn OFF WiFi sporadically doesn't work

    Samuel Mateus · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Boas João,

    I've a very simple profile to turn OFF WIFI when I leave a certain location.

    Recently the action to turn OFF WiFi started to bug.

    Sometimes it runs as it should, sometimes runs but doesn't turn off WiFi (ExitERR on the LOG)

    I've the last version of Tasker (beta) + new tasker setting and both aren't battery optimized.

    Samsung S20 running on Android 11 with One UI 3.0

    I've posted on Reddit and there's at least 3 more persons that experience this bug. Link

    P.S: Just noticed that you released a new version of tasker settings 2 days ago

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    Can't connect bleutooth device

    Dr. Neuhaus · 1 · Last reply by João Dias


    I can't force-connect my car alarm neither with common action nor with AutoTools (see attached screenshots). Could you please provide some solution?

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    Add variable option in power profile

    Please add variable option on power profile. So that we can assign some variable when power connected to mobile. There is no option of it. 

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    Error in tasker exporting task

    Juan Pablo Sala · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hello, when I try to export a task I get the following error:

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    Dark mode switches off aod

    Hannes Klostermann · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    On the pixel 4a, if I choose to activate dark mode when the screen goes off (to get a black notification background on the AOD) it for some reason deactivates the AOD entirely. I tried triggering the task by event display off and by display state off. The only action in the task is dark mode: on. Whenever the screen goes off the AOD shows for a brief moment and then disappears. Any idea why this happens?

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    variable AND following with a list of variables with OR

    anonymized · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Experienced Tasker user here. When there is Task Action If/Then that using both AND, and OR (such as, when there is Global Variable and there is AND that following with a list of Global Variables with OR, then it seems there is one bug in Tasker. Apparently, it didn't recognize the first variable when following with AND and then list of OR values. It does appear to be bug of Tasker as I am writing here, so will show example below in case if I am overlooking something so you can see for yourself.

    %ElectVarCurTimeShPatternVar < 10 AND %ElectPriceVarCurTimeVar1 ~