Google Drive upload creates duplicate folders in same parent folder
For some reason it appears that when specifying a remote folder on Google Drive, it does not attempt to see whether that folder already exists. In the root directory (My Files), I have a folder called project which has subfolders containing various projects. When I put the following entry into the remote folder field of the Google Drive Upload task...
...there's the expectation that the tasker folder would be created in the existing project folder and then the tracker folder being created in the tasker folder. This does not happen. Somehow, Google Drive API seems to allow duplicate folder names in the same parent folder, meaning that a whole new project folder tree is created in the root folder (in the same location as the existing project folder). Not sure why Google allows this, but I assume when the API 'creates' a folder it gives it a UUID which is used for uniqueness, the folder name just being a 'decorator'.
Prior to running the task, I created the full path as described above (so Tasker should not have to create any new folders). However, these appear to be ignored. Did I specify the path correctly above? Regardless, duplicate folder names with the same parent should never happen.