[ Javascript ] - Errors without alert
Could add a way to read the error that occurs in javascript because invisible erros are complicated to solve and with the error description it would be better
[ Javascript ] - Not found variables in librares
The javascript action doesn't have an option to use variables as path to find libraries
Google Drive upload creates duplicate folders in same parent folder
For some reason it appears that when specifying a remote folder on Google Drive, it does not attempt to see whether that folder already exists. In the root directory (My Files), I have a folder called project which has subfolders containing various projects. When I put the following entry into the remote folder field of the Google Drive Upload task...
...there's the expectation that the tasker folder would be created in the existing project folder and then the tracker folder being created in the tasker folder. This does not happen. Somehow, Google Drive API seems to allow duplicate
Faster scene destroy
I have 2 scenes that show only on AOD (1st) or when lock screen is up (2nd) and are set up to be destroyed on exit, however they linger for about 0.2-0.3 sec after the phone is unlocked on top of home screen. Is there a way to destroy a scene faster? (PS Samsung S20, have tried already to use the Screen unlock event and to hide scene before destroying, no result). Thank you!
Problem with AutoInput and app saying it is unregistered
I have a task using the AutoInput plug. However, recently, possibly since my Samsung Galaxy FE S20 got updated to Android 12 I get the following error message: "Please unlock the app os start a trial to use this"
I purchased the app some time ago. I cannot find anywhere in the app where I can check its registration status. I'm hoping you can help me, it's very useful to me.
Calendar data not found in TEST APP
I migrated my phone from a Samsung S10+ Note to a Samsung S22 Ultra over the weekend and have discovered I no longer get any output for the TEST APP for the Calendar actions. This had worked flawlessly and reliably on the Note for the 3+ years I had the Note. When I run the
TEST APP - CALENDAR/DESCRIPTION/LOCATION/TITLE returns blanks for the arrays even when there are both interval and all day events to report.
Using the Calendar state to trigger a PROFILE seems to find all the calendars and trigger appropriately.
ANY insights or options to try would
Alarm Clock Event not Working
The "Alarm Clock" event is not working for me, neither with nor without a label specified.
I`m using a Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro on MIUI 12.0.2 with Android 10.
Failure to assign non-default TTS on first "Say" command
Using the attached task, the expected behavior would be:
- Say "Test one" in `com.google.android.tts:eng-gbr`
- Say "Test two" in `com.google.android.tts:eng-gbr`
However, if you let the device sit for a while (~2 minutes) and run this task, you instead get:
- Say "Test one" in default Android TTS
- Say "Test two" in `com.google.android.tts:eng-gbr`
Device: Galaxy S9+
Android version 10
This could be related to https://tasker.helprace.com/i234-tasker-say-voice-engine-bug, but I chose to post separately to not conflate a 3 year old report.
Auto XML backups corrupted
I have just tried to read the most recent automatic backup XML, but it's not a valid XML file. Manual files created are fine, but the automatic ones have no carriage returns (not critical, but irritating) and the tags have missing spaces, making them invalid, for example: <TaskerData sr=""dvi="1"tv="5.14.6">
Use a Task error as an Event Profile?
It would be pretty useful if when a Task or the like %err's, that this can be used as an Event Context. We already get notifications; But for cases where Tasks are expected (and sometimes required) to fail, such an event context would be useful.
An example of this is when wanting to dynamically adjust a Tasker service; say Accessibility. Task fails, %errmsg can be sent along with %caller() or the like.
It'd be sooo much better than adding tonnes of workarounds all over the shop to individual tasks when most errors can be remedied in identical ways. Task errors,
Alert > Popup Creates Scene Popup Conflict
Using the Alert > Popup creates a scene named "Popup". This creates a conflict when trying to import any other project that also has a scene named "Popup". Since scene names must be unique, no one can import my projects from Taskernet for this reason.
Perhaps create a scene with a random name that is unlikely to be in use elsewhere for Alert > Popup, or allow duplicate scene names across projects?
"File Modified" event never triggered on OnePlus Nord 2
I have created profile using File Modified event. But this profile is never triggered on my OnePlus Nord 2 device. Even Tasker can see/browse that file.
So, I have created backup and restored the same configuration on my older Xiaomi Mi 8 device. And it works...
It seems that tasker cannot see modifications on file system on OnePlus Nord 2 device.
Please, any idea how to fix this?
Пересылка СМС
При получении сообщения с содержимым "/" пересылка не происходит.
Specific [Custom Setting] seems glitched, you can enable, disable but not read current state or toggle
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G with (unrooted) Android 12 here.
My S20 has a feature called "Extra Dim" (to dim the display even more than the default minimum) which is identified by the Custom Setting "Find Setting" as (secure) "reduce_bright_colors_activated" with value 0 or 1.
I can ENABLE or DISABLE this specific setting without any problem using tasker, but surprisingly I cannot READ the current state, as Custom Setting doesn't return a value to the variable referred to by the "Read Setting To" setting (it returns the name of the variable, as usual when using uninitialized variables).
Furthermore while on
Multiple error messages with new beta
This is a follow-on to https://tasker.helprace.com/i1326-unknown-class-android-telephony-cellinfonr (I wish you hadn't closed it as solved because the beta https://drive.google.com/file/d/19w0kkEle9oinGusDHMe-1f1u6_xuuifD/view?usp=sharing simply changed the messages being displayed).
Now I'm getting the messages shown in the attached screen shots. I don't have any ADB WiFi actions (though I do have actions to turn WiFi on/off as well as to check WiFi state).
I've attached runlog and backup to help you figure out what this is referring to.
AutoNotification and Toast problem again
I haven't noticed this until today but it seems like AN no longer intercepts toasts. I reported this some 9 months ago here https://tasker.helprace.com/i1145-autonotification-not-working-on-samsung-a51-with-the-new-one-ui-3-0 and got a fix that worked but I can no longer get it to work. Maybe the October update caused this? Notifications are intercepted fine. I'm running Tasker 5.14.6 with AN 4.2.3 on Android 11 and One UI 3.1.
Created in JavaScript variables not appears in autocomplete list
Variables that are declared in JavaScript script are available from actions in the task, but autocomplete list doesn't display them.
Display Timeout
I think this problem (https://tasker.helprace.com/i514-turn-off-bug-with-android-p) has returned in version 5.14.6. I'm using a fairly old Galaxy S7 Edge. The task I use has been working perfectly until recently, when the Display Off action changes Display Timeout (now sets to 1 second) and the brightness level (is turns completely dim). I'm not able to check the Lock option .. that's Android 9 and above.
Autotools SSH key
Recently I have been trying to try and ssh from my android to my linux machines for some basic thing that I do need to manually do everyday and I do not want to use cronjobs as my android do play a certain amount of role in those tasks.
Autotools is using a deprecated authentication format (SSH-RSA) and that would not work on any updated linux machine unless one explicitly weakens the security of that machine (which won't be an issue on a local network but poses high risks when it comes to the ssh over internet) which is not recommended.