App Factory (kid apps) crash/killed on Android 12
On Android 11, works fine. On Android 12, works fine until a day or so later, when the notification is gone and the profile won't trigger.
Using tasker and app factory 5.12.0, target Android version 26, basic permission set like LOCATION, NETWORK, WAKE LOCK, EXTERNAL STORAGE, etc. When installed it asks for location and storage permissions, and Display over Other Apps, which I grant. I also disabled battery optimization.
The Profile conditions only check for Display On, GPS On, and WiFi connected.
I know Android 12 has issues with killing phantom processes described here, but I've tried the fix using ADB with no change in the behavior.
I'm also following the steps to keep the app alive that you describe in your FAQ
Can you tell me how Tasker app factory kid apps attempt to run in the foreground as a service? If it differs from how Tasker does it? Or if you know of anything on Android 12 that has changed to break it?
Thank you