Why Wifi is not controlled automatic on off while another apps like "Wifi Automatic" can do it
Why Wifi is not controlled automatic on off while another apps like "Wifi Automatic" can work and on play store and work for the same mobile while tasker can't control?.. if its not legal on play store you can add it on the website as an adon or plugin .. Thank you.
installing tasker permissions - Unexpected Error: Cannot read property '1' of null
Tasker Permissions was successfully (without any reported errors nor warnings) installed under Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS.
However after opening Tasker Permissions an error is reported as per the attached DialogWindow-shot.
The following actions were tried and did produce the same error:
1. from website click on link https://github.com/joaomgcd/Tasker-Permissions/releases/download/v0.1.0/com.joaomgcd.taskerpermissions_0.1.0_amd64.deb and allow Ubuntu's Software-Installer to proceed.
2. from same website as in 1. "save as" from link https://github.com/joaomgcd/Tasker-Permissions/releases/download/v0.1.0/com.joaomgcd.taskerpermissions_0.1.0_amd64.deb and in a Terminal issue the command <sudo dpkg -i Dowloads/com.joaomgcd.taskerpermissions_0.1.0_amd64.deb>
System info: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS, OS type 64-bit, proc AMD® Athlon(tm) ii x4 640 processor × 4, Graphics AMD Rs880, Gnome 3.28.2
Kernal info:
Google Calendar Entry - State in Profile
I created a profile that detects if a calendar event is active using the State>App>Calendar Entry function. It has worked for a number of years. This past week it stopped working. It is not detecting when the event is active. I tried adding a new calendar to the Google Calendar and accessing it through Tasker and it does not display. I have also tried toggling the calendar permissions in Tasker and that has not helped. It seems Tasker is not accessing the Google Calendar at all.
Task doesn't continue after Take Screenshot action
I've got Take Screenshot action, Continue Task After Error option is checked, but task stops after error.
Task: Test Take Screenshot A1: Take Screenshot [ File: test Insert In Gallery: On Continue Task After Error:On ] A2: Variable Set [ Name: %myerr To: %err Max Rounding Digits: 3 Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ] If [ %err > 0 ] A3: Flash [ Text: %myerr Continue Task Immediately: On Dismiss On Click: On ]
Log: 20220219 20.48.11 E Start ID0:0.0 TaskService 20220219 20.48.25 T Running ID261 Test Take Screenshot 20220219 20.48.25 A OK ID261.1 Test Take Screenshot.Take Screenshot 20220219 20.48.27
Parse/Format DateTime linked to wrong documentation
Parse/Format DateTime help is linked to https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html for documentation on the formatting codes to use. However, using e.g., u gets an IllegalArgumentException. From the exception it appears Tasker is using Joda, so the doc link should be https://www.joda.org/joda-time/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/DateTimeFormat.html instead.
ref: https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/comments/sx6nwo/help_illegal_pattern_component_u/hxqzv0j/?context=8&depth=9
Problem with empty body in HTTP Request
I think I found a bug. I tried to get information about my Dropbox account: (documentation) %token, of course is set in task's settings. But I got an error: So I put brackets {} in body, and got another error: How to deal with it?
Clipboard monitoring makes keyboard to glitch
Hi. As always, huge thanks for continuing developing Tasker. Want to report bug. Latest 5.15.3-beta, Android 11 (LineageOS 18.1).
Steps to reproduce: 0. Important: bug "activates" only after some time after Tasker was launched, like few hours 1. Create single task with any single action which use %CLIP variable, e.g. make Tasker to monitor it (via workaround, yeah) 2. While typing anywhere mark text and press Copy / Cut, e.g. change clipboard 2.1 Even enough modify clipboard via shell: service call clipboard 2 s16 "text" 3. For a second *any* keyboard hides and appears again (shown on attached video) 4.
Calendar Profile interferes with alarm on lock screen
If I use a profile triggered by a calendar entry, the lock screen shows a nonexistent alarm that just adds 10 minutes to the time I lock the phone.
Android 12 on Pixel 6 Pro
unknown class android.telephony.CellInfoNr
New Pixel 6 Android 12. I started seeing the attached error in Tasker that I never saw in Android 11.
Get Location v2 suspends all other tasks
I noticed an issue with the "Get Location v2" action. It seems that the action suspends all other actions/tasks when the location update is running.
When I stop my car and the bluetooth connection to my mobile phone gets inactive, the variable %BluetoothConnection is set to "None", which triggers two pofiles to do an location update (Location Update@Out of Car) and check the audio profile settings (Check Audio Profile@Bluetooth).
According to the Tasker log (see below) both profiles are triggered and also both tasks (Force Location Update & Set Audio Profile) are started. But when the Get Location action
App Factory bug: Not showing built-in icons
There is App Factory bug that does not show the "Misc" and "Material" options in an icon dialog on my app. I'm trying to make a notification creator. Also the scene, does NOT display correctly.
Music image in szenes no longer working
I have set up a szene for my music controls some time ago and it worked absolutely fine and displayed the track image, but after the last update it does no longer display the image given from a variable. The called variable is set by the "Music track changed" event's child variable %mt_art and contains a path to the image.
On Asus Zenfone 8, bluetooth state is not correct
Hi Joao,
I've sent you an email through the app. I open a problem as well for the follow up.
I create the same profile over and over again on different devices (Pixel 5, Pixel 4a, Xperia XA2 etc ...) and they are working fine.
But with my asus zenfone 8 I cannot make tasker to read, correctly, the bluetooth state.
What does it mean ?
I have a profile and task saying that if the phone is connected to my band (Mi Band 5), then volume of everything should be set to maximum.
Actually, Tasker never detects when my
Setting/changing notification volume (or any volume setting) ends DND mode if turned on by Tasker?
Is it expected behavior that implicitly changing the volume level via Tasker would turn off DND mode if turned on by tasker? Doesn't seem to do this if DND is turned on via Android UI. See attachment for VERY simple reproduction case.
I have a Nexus 6p and all I want to do is completely disable the proximity sensor since the phone goes black when I make a call
Please tell me exactly (I'm dumb) how to completely disable the proximity sensor, since when I make a call the screen goes black.
Otherwise, since I just bought Tasker, if I can't do this, I want to return it for a refund.
It's the only reason I bought it.
phone.setSimPowerStateForSlot causing issues
Don't know if it has been reported or not. And i do hope i can explain the issue for you guys to understand.
I have a task where i disable my 2nd sim when i have a day off according a certain calendar entry. I use the ADB Wifi command phone.setSimPowerStateForSlot (1.0) to disable it. It does work well and my 2nd sim is disabled. But here comes the issue, after i think aprox 12hr while the sim is disabled i can't reenable it anymore. My phone (Samsung s20 fe 5g - non rooted) doesn't see any available 2nd
Fix AutoApps not showing up
All AutoApps are not showing up in Tasker. Please fix.
Power Any stopped working
Out of nowhere "Power: Any" state change stopped being detected.
Zero clues. Zero messages.
Is there a way to discover the reason ? A Log ?
That Run Log from tasker itself doesn't register anything
I even created the simplest possible task (to beep) when power:any triggers. No deal.
Dual SIM event only for SIM1
Hi, I have event where i need use only for SIM1 in my mobile phone with dualSIM. I don't know how to se up an event only for SIM1. For SIM2 I don't need any events. Anyone advise me what to put in the variable ?
First event is call screened and second send sms with text.
Unknown Caller Week (12) Restore: no Notification: no Event: Call Screened [ Output Variables:* Caller:* ] Day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu or Fri Enter: Anon (11) A1: Call Screening [ Disallow/Allow:Disallow Reject:On Silence:Off Skip Call Log:On Skip Notification:Off ] Exit: SendSMS (13)
Get Location v2 error: "Location was disabled"
I am having an issue with using Get Location v2.
My device: Samsung Galaxy S9, Android 10, OneUI 2.5
Tasker: 5.12.22 and it has all permissions.
Location is definitely enabled on my phone and I am testing outdoors.
If I use only Get Location v2 the task will return this error
However if I add Get Location (v1) in front of it, it does work:
Enabling High Accuracy on v2 doesn't work and isn't really something I want to do.
I have no specific settings in v2, other than Last Location on Timeout and Enable if Needed there is