Top Ideas

  • 167

    The ability to use OR in the context!

    Ryan Wilson · 19 · Last reply by Cris Andre

    Creating profiles that basicly do the same thing can take up alot of space. So I would like a way to put a OR in the context. Such as wifi connected OR  Bluetooth connected do this or that.

    Or maybe even something in the task such as a if statement have a OR statement. I know there kind of is but would like to have that option alone in Tasker.

  • 102

    Scene layouts

    John Doe · 8 · Last reply by Tom Bruno

    Creating a scene for several device is just a pain, the activity layout should scale according the screen size of target device, it shouldn't use any absolute layout or fixed aspect ratio.

  • 79

    Allow exporting Task/Project as app with additional files

    Mishaal Rahman · 3 · Last reply by GlitchYou

    Being able to create apps within Tasker is probably its neatest feature, but there's one rather annoying caveat: there's no option to export with additional files!

    You have to use convoluted workarounds such as this: Reddit

    There's also an app that helps you do it but it has file size limitations. Play Store

  • 67

    Fingerprint sensor event

    Lssong99 · 7 · Last reply by Andy

    Add a fingerprint event so Tasker can respond to fingerprint scanner from any screen.

    This will enable things like turning off screen with fingerprint sensor, as well as execute any task with a touch of finger.

    Better have options to respond only to registered finger, as well as gestures (fingerprint swipt down... Etc.)

  • 60

    Tasker on Android TV

    Andy · 21 · Last reply by Akalsharan

    Support for Tasker on Android TV. 

    - Download / Update via PlayStore

    - Opening without Sideload Launcher

    - DPI adjustments, so the top bar with burger menu isn't cut off on some devices

    - Bonus: usability with tv remote

    - Bonus: ability to recognize / simulate tv specific keys like input or netflix

  • 44

    Support for built in VPN profiles

    Sierd · 3 · Last reply by Kevin Boutelle

    Support for built in VPN profiles on Android so you van connect or disconnect with tasker

  • 40

    Allow renaming variables to be as convenient as renaming tasks.

    Noel Yap · 1 · Last reply by Richard Kemp

    As development progresses, refactoring, especially through renaming tasks and variables, becomes important. When a task is renamed, Tasker does what it can to rename all references to that task. It would be really helpful if the same happened for variables.

  • 38

    improved debugging

    Lynda Howell · 3 · Last reply by Jim Becker

    I'd like to see improved debugging options.  Like many people, I use Flash actions to check on progress of a complex task.  But those extra Flash actions have to be manually turned off or deleted or they clutter up the screen when the task is actually running.  And then they have to be recreated or turned back on when I need to tweak or troubleshoot the task. 

    I'd love to see another Alert type (or an option on the Flash action) that displays only in debug mode, and then an option at the task/profile level to turn debugging mode on/off

  • 33

    Unlock Tasker using Fingerprint

    Rodrigo Souza · 6 · Last reply by Alejandro Hernandez

    Would be great the ability to unlock Tasker using fingerprint, not just PIN (as it currently occurs).

  • 32

    improve file system explorer for file/dir selection or allow user to use a third party one

    Macadamia Owl · 0 · Posted

    Its hard to read and not very useful especially for low vision person. If possible find a solution for:

    • Icons, font are too small,
    • colors not well choosen,
    • no preview for pictures,
    • no sorting or searching option
    • no ability to choose number of rows/columns or setting view as a list.

    Or allow user to choose favourite file explorer

  • 30

    Grouped tasks.

    R. Tyson Vance · 3 · Last reply by Mike Rubin

    I have several groups of tasks that work together I would like to be able to select them as a group and have that group collapsible for easier management of tasks and make for a cleaner default task screen.

    Additionally it might be nice to be able to turn on or off all grouped tasks rather than having to use several on and off tasks.

  • 28

    send emails without request

    luca malatesta · 13 · Last reply by João Dias

    I think it is really useful to insert a function to send emails without request (being able to configure the various smtp parameters), now I can do it with an external plugin but it would be better to have it integrated.

  • 27

    Grace period for sensible state contexts to activate/deactivate

    Flavio Delgado · 6 · Last reply by adomm420

    An option in seconds the state must remain in the same condition until it finally (de)activates.

    This will make profiles more reliable and easier to use, instead of adding waits and conditions in tasks.

    Net: BT/Wifi connected

    Phone: Signal strenght

    Sensor: Magnetic field

  • 26

    New Global Variable %SCENES to List All Scenes Created (visible or not)

    Tasker Pro · 2 · Last reply by Joe Cornelius

    Right now there's variables for current Tasks running (%TRUN) as well as Profiles Active (%PACTIVE), Profiles Enabled (PENABLED), etc.

    However - there's no Global Variable that contains a list of all Scenes currently 'created' - meaning they're active, whether showing or not.

    So I am putting forth a request for a new Glboal Vairable %SCENES to contain the name of all active Tasker Scenes. Then using any of the names in this list a "Query Scene" action can be run to ascertain if it is visible, hidden, etc. 

  • 25

    Support Advanced Messaging (RCS)

    Glenn Wood · 5 · Last reply by Florian Vincent

    Newer Android phones have "Advanced Messaging" which isn't recognized as SMS or MMS messages so Tasker is not able to capture or react to these events.  Would like to have Tasker support this new message type.  Samsung Galaxy S8 and S9 phones on ATT in US support this feature. See ATT info here:!/wireless/KM1062086

    See more info here from other Tasker users:!searchin/tasker/rcs%7Csort:date/tasker/4IRssi2DWO4/AH3a9a-CAwAJ

  • 24

    undo button

    Jacques Aucamp · 2 · Last reply by Viper21

    An undo button would be really helpful to revert any changes to tasks (such as accidental reordering)

  • 24

    Enhanced Run Log

    Anthony C · 2 · Last reply by virtual

    Can we expand on the run log please? Currently the run log fails to do the most important aspect which is to tell you what exactly went wrong. It shows you the task that failed, but you can't view the error. Often times running the task/profile again makes it go through without a problem. It would be great if we could tap on the errored action and view the error that task showed just like it does when it fails in the edit screen. Furthermore if we can actually see the Plugin task name it would be very helpful as

  • 24

    Set Scene Size Action

    agnostic-apollo · 4 · Last reply by R dT

    There should be an action to change the size of scenes so that scenes could be created dynamically depending on the screen size of the device they are being run on. There is already a set element size action, an additional set scene size action is needed.

    Optionally variables should also be settable for both the geometry of scenes and the geometry of scene elements if someone wants to use that instead.

    João is already aware of this missing feature and adding this idea is just for his convince. 

  • 23

    More Material build-in icons

    Rodrigo Souza · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    Add more build-in icons from updated and

  • 23

    New context -> State -> Epoch Time

    Rich D · 3 · Last reply by Kristian Tigersjäl

    This has been a long sought for ability and requested many times in the past. It would work as the variable time context works only include a date along with time. It would be set with global variables.  I think a new context would be better then updating the existing time or date contexts.