Set Scene Size Action

There should be an action to change the size of scenes so that scenes could be created dynamically depending on the screen size of the device they are being run on. There is already a set element size action, an additional set scene size action is needed.

Optionally variables should also be settable for both the geometry of scenes and the geometry of scene elements if someone wants to use that instead.

João is already aware of this missing feature and adding this idea is just for his convince. 

4 replies

João, it's been years now that many people have requested this - could we make this a possibility?

I could see this request not being possible however if a scene is already shown and then the dimensions of the scene are changed via this proposed action and all of a sudden the elements no longer fit within the updated dimensions of the scene. That would make things complicated and maybe this requested action isn't possible then now that I think about it but I'm sure João could come up with a creative workaround 😃❤️


You use `Create Scene`, then set dimensions, then use `Show Scene` to show the scene. That's not an issue and that's how elements can be added/updated dynamically currently anyways. If it's already showing, use `Destroy Scene` first, although tasker would do it anyways to redraw.

@agnostic-apollo (it won't let me reply directly to your reply on my comment but hopefully you see this), the issue I am having is with regard to using the on-screen keyboard (Gboard) to input information into text fields from a website being displayed in a webview element on a full-screen scene. If I show the scene as an activity or dialogue the scene vanishes the moment a text field is selected and the on-screen keyboard pops up. If I show the scene as an overlay it does not vanish when a text field is selected but then when a text field is selected the scene continues to take up the entire screen area and I cannot access the soft keyboard that pops up because it is underneath the scene. My scene has a small menu button with a hamburger type menu that expands when selected and I'm trying to add a "toggle keyboard" button as one of the options and would like when this button is pressed for the full screen scene being displayed as an overlay to remain open but for the dimensions to be updated so that the bottom 1/3 of the screen is no longer hiding the area where Gboard/the keyboard pups up. I can't really recreate the scene or create a new scene because data entered in previous text fields will no longer be there. And I can't apparently use activity or dialogue options for showing the scene because the scene closes the moment the keyboard is activated and so it's a catch 22. Is there some other way to achieve what I'm trying to accomplish which should be pretty darn simple, just entering text into fields on a website being displayed in a full screen? I have tried using an AutoTools Chrome custom tab and that did not work well for me at all. 


I just came here to request this feature and I found this topic already here :)


lolz, sorry beat u to it ;)

João has been working pretty hard and fast these past few months and probably has like a million other feature requests and bug reports (which include a lot from me), lets see when he gets to this, hopefully in our lives :p

but he does plan to do this, have already talked to him about it. lot of other people have already made the same request here in their own ways though...