6 replies


Yes using biometrics also face unlock along with fingerprint.


Apart from the biometric lock, could the pin lock be updated to reflect the same layout as all other app pin layouts on Android?


This is exactly what I would like. No outdated pin. Just pure fingerprint/biometric unlock !


the fingerprint authentication takes only part of the screen, so my concern is that protected app could be seen "beneath"  the fingerprint

Am I wrong?


Not if a full screen overlay/activity is shown when made.


I think this idea is about unlocking the app with fingerprint and not about the biometric unlock activity:

There is a Difference between unlocking Tasker and another app with fingerprint.

I have created a project that can do what you ask for:


Anyway, a built-in function would be really nice!

PD: Upvoted!


I would like this as as well. 

But with the following additions and concerns:

  • add an option to trigger the authentication each time the app is opened (also from the background) and not only once until the app is manually closed.
  • you should be only able to set up fingerprint authentication, if you have created a lock code before. So that you are able to login also if your fingerprint reader suddenly dies.
  • so if you open the app you get asked to authenticate with your fingerprint or lock code at the same time.