Perform Task action, tap on it gets to that task (like browsing folders)
Like the title says, one of the things missing that I feel would be great.
Change of plugin protocol
Current plugin protocol is no more updated to the new Android policy, intent based communication has several cons. A service binding using AIDL should be much better. The interface should:
1) Provides info to plugins when there is at least one active profile involving the plugin to allow it to setup a service if needed;
2) Provides info to plugins when there is no more an active profile involving the plugin to allow it to shutdown a service if needed;
3) Allow the plugin to stay alive using a bound service without being killed by the system;
4) Allow always
Integrated file browsing
There is already a file browser inside tasker for setting variables. We should be able to use the same page as an action. More so now that file magic is no longer on the play store.
Give the Runlog action the option to only effect the current Task
Please allow separate Tasks to turn logging on and off for that particular Task. This setting should also carry over to all tasks called by the Perform Task action.
Another idea would be an option to turn off logging in the Perform Task action.
Add an option "Wait for return" in Send Intent (Native Task)
A1:Send Intent
Mime Type:
Select the folder and return the path in a variable (Data URI).
Nested or grouped tasks
Stay with me, Joao! please... ;-)
I know, I know...
I have seen others request this, without fully or clearly explaining any type of detail or benefit.
I have made images to explain how this would benefit the usability of Tasker. As a UI designer myself, I am often annoyed by this small but easily fixable thing. I have made examples in Photoshop to illustrate my explanation: My home automation tab ("project") is a good section to demonstrate this with, as it consists of many many tasks. This causes me to have to scroll quite a lot. And I have
Bluetooth scanning
Since Android 7, I think, Bluetooth scanning has been available without having Bluetooth turned on. But Tasker still requires Bluetooth to be turned on for Bluetooth near to work. This is similar to WiFi scanning without WiFi turned on, and Tasker does take advantage of this for WiFi near. It would be really useful if Tasker would receive support for Bluetooth scanning, so that Bluetooth could remain off when not in use. This would also eliminate the need for the toggle Bluetooth option in Bluetooth near for those using a supported Android version.
Show Kid Apps in Recent Apps
I know this was disabled because of some issues back in the day. Would be great, if this could be given another shot. I think app creation needs some love. There are some issues that keep tasker from being great for creating apps that have been overlooked for far too long in my opinion.
Bluetooth LE read/write capabilities
It would be very handy if Tasker had basic Bluetooth LE read and write abilities and/or be able to discover BLE service characteristics. This would be fantastic for giving people the ability to interact with their BLE devices. For example, read the state of a heart monitor and display the information, or controling BLE smart lights.
Run a Http server in background. Receive Http post and get events.
It's been a hard thing to transmit messages from one device to another. Such as simple sending a long text message from a computer to a android phone.
Using the Join to share clipboard requires connecting to Internet and exposing your content go Google.
Using Chat softwares has much much limitation.
Even if our devices are under same wifi network, it's hard for us to send a simple message from one device to another.
So, if Tasker can run a background http server, when there is a http post or http get sent to this server, tasker can triger an
Urgent Enhancements and Suggestions for Tasker / Javascript joaomgcd
Hello Tasker Community,
Synchronous "Perform Task" Option: It would be beneficial to have a synchronous version of the "Perform Task" action in JavaScript. This would be particularly useful when we need to wait for a task to complete before proceeding.
Plugin Compatibility in JavaScript: Exploring ways to improve plugin compatibility with JavaScript actions, such as AutoInput plugins, could open up new possibilities for automation.
Update JavaScript Library: Updating the JavaScript library to include all native actions would help streamline JavaScript usage within Tasker.
Logging JavaScript Console Output: A feature to log JavaScript console output to a file would be handy
Native Method to get Foreground App
There is currently no built-in action to get the foreground app name and package. The %WIN variable is inaccurate and often empty, making it unsuitable.
I know this can be done with AutoInput, but a native action for this would be very useful, especially in kid apps.
copy and paste If criteria
It'd be great to be able to copy the If section of one action to another. There are certain criteria I use over and over, and typing them each time leads to typos. And it's so frustrating to get a complex If tweaked just right and then realize I should have used a different action. It'd be nice to be able to use Switch Action without losing the criteria, or to be able to copy the existing criteria and paste them into a new action.
I'm not talking about copying the variable or value individually. I know that's already possible.
New category to organize projects
I would like to know if it would be possible to add a new feature to Tasker about project organization. The issue is about the organization of the projects. Well, Tasker currently allows to have individual projects, which can contain profiles, tasks and scenes. But there is no way to organize projects in "mega-projects", to put it in some way. That is, as a project of several projects. Thank you very much ;)
"Restore Settings" disabled by default option when creating new Profiles.
Most people using Tasker these days are savvy enough to understand that Profiles have "Exit" Tasks, and when they try to adjust certain settings - the Profile's "Restore Settings" feature being checked by default causes A LOT of confusion.
A good answer to this is to have a simple checkbox item in Tasker's Preferences labelled something like "Restore Settings" Enabled By Default". And that way anyone who wants it NOT enabled by default when creating new Profiles can have it that way.
Xposed integration.
It would be great if we've a built-in integration with Xposed or Xposed module over basic android stuff. Such as detecting windows, connectivity even to execute tasker' tasks I'm using Xposed module to send terminal command to tasker to run the tasks and it is faster by Xposed.
Another speed example detecting apps or notifications is faster by Xposed framework.
And most of tasker users are having root access and Xposed both on their phones since with tasker we can build a huge projects and things getting complicated to launch Xposed Framework will sure help for speed or reducing resources
Scene "Create Element" Currently Doesn't Allow Actions
Currently when using the "Create Element" action to add an element to an existing scene - there's no way/place to put any Actions for Tap or Long Tap, etc.
For example the first element type listed in the drop-down menu of "Create Element" is "Button". However it will be a button that does nothing because there's no place to specify the Actions for it ;)
Native support for BLE in Tasker
Hi, Bidirectional BLE Integration in Tasker would be awesome for makers and hardware dabblers, it could make Tasker even more interesting to us.
I think these would be the features that would be needed: 1) Have Tasker connect on some bonded devices when they are within range (currently available via Plugin BLE AutoConnect) 2) "listen" on specified service and characteristic UUID for "notifies" so to trigger profiles, 3) BLE-Write to a specified characteristic. Cheers!
Under Review
Change folder for Tasker-Backup in Google Drive
It would be beneficial if wen could move the Tasker-Backup anywhere in Google Drive. At the moment it's on the start folder of "My Drive" and it can't be moved. Else a new Tasker-Backup-Folder will be created.
Search by Task / Profile / Scene
Currently Tasker's Search feature doesn't let you specify whether to constrain the search to just Tasks, or just Profiles, or Scenes, etc.
The current drop-down menu only lets you specify "Contains", "Matches", or "Regex" and the toggles at the bottom are "USER DATA", "FEATURES". etc.
So I guess adding another separate dropdown menu for "All", "Tasks", "Profiles", "Scenes" would work. Or - add them as Toggles so that combinations could be selected.