Accepted Ideas

  • 2

    Web server so we could develop on computer

    roizcorp · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I use Tasker for almost everything, Tasker in fact is my OS, I keep my settings in Tasker rather than in the OS menus as they will be with me with any device or any Rom I will use.

    The most time consuming for me is to interact with the device and Tasker (Typing complex shell commands and navigate between the tasks and screens.

    I understand this is big, but I would want some way to connect my laptop to Tasker and use Tasker as WebApp (with mouse and hotkeys)

  • 60

    Tasker on Android TV

    Andy · 21 · Last reply by Akalsharan

    Support for Tasker on Android TV. 

    - Download / Update via PlayStore

    - Opening without Sideload Launcher

    - DPI adjustments, so the top bar with burger menu isn't cut off on some devices

    - Bonus: usability with tv remote

    - Bonus: ability to recognize / simulate tv specific keys like input or netflix

  • 10

    Implement Android Enterprise API (Device Owner)

    Nick Betcher · 3 · Last reply by Nick Betcher

    There's a huge, Huge, HUGE untapped resource out there: Device Owner (NOT Device Admin). You can do all sorts of wild things that most experienced Android powerusers had no idea even exists and tend to try to root their device (unnecessarily) to accomplish. SecureTask accomplishes this goal, but with the developer having suddenly abandoned all of his apps and began ignoring emails about acquisition of the source code (they're all free apps), we need a long-term replacement.

    SecureTask is also very vulnerable to external apps because it performs no password verification when it receives the plugin fire intents, even if

  • 3

    Add Keyguard Lock State Listener (API Level 33; Android 13)

    Nick Betcher · 3 · Last reply by Nick Betcher

    New In Android 13:

    KeyguardManager  |  Android Developers

    Please add support for the new KeyguardLockedStateListener class so that, in addition to the, "Display Unlocked" we may also have, "Display Locked." From a security hardening perspective, this is an essential feature.

    This allows for features like putting the device into a paranoid-level of security so that -- in the case of a malicious actor -- if someone uses known-exploits (via USB) to remove a user's secured lockscreen while the device is on and logged into, Tasker can protect the user. This, combined with amazing features like an "Overlay+/Allow Outside of Boundaries"

  • 6

    Passive location listeners

    randomuser · 2 · Last reply by randomuser

    I'd like to perform an action via passive location monitoring (i.e. the action is triggered with the new location when another application requests location). I believe this is possible via LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER.

  • 2

    Regarding the "Notify" action...

    Alan Rosen · 6 · Last reply by Alan Rosen

    Hi, thanks for all you do. I LOVE Tasker! Regarding the "Notify" action, would it be possible to change the parameters of the action so that a variable itself can be shown in the notification panel, rather than just an icon which then has to be dragged down to see the variables's text? In my case, I'm trying to create a simple app to show the current local temperature (itself) in the notification panel. Thanks again, Alan R

  • 6

    Ability to set your own default values for the parameters of each action.

    Alex Ertl · 0 · Posted

    For example, whenever I use Beep, I always want it at 25% amplitude and 100ms.   This should probably go in the overflow menu, and have a confirmation dialog with the following options: Set current values as defaults Cancel Revert to original (Tasker's) default values.

  • 7

    Torch status profile trigger

    Sharif Salah · 2 · Last reply by João Dias


    Would be great if a torch status profile could be added to allow actions to be triggered based on whether the torch status is on or off.

    Thanks as always

  • 12

    An "Advanced Search / Replace" Action

    Tasker Pro · 0 · Posted

    Really need the creation of a new/additional Search/Replace that primarily enabled two things:

    1. Allow named groups in the regex to automatically create variables and values within the Task.

    2. Allow multiple replaces at one time in the Action by inputing a group name along with its replacement value.

    Pairs should likely be created/input using the format of the new Task/Profile/Project variables feature, where you press a " + " button, and a new pair of fields appears.

    For full detail and code examples please see this reddit post.

  • 3

    Add support for the Implicit Grant Flow to the HTTP Auth action

    libnaniam · 0 · Posted

    I've been working with HTTP Auth for some time now. As far as I know, HTTP Auth only supports the Authorized Grant Flow.

    I know that the Implicit Grant Flow is less secure, but some APIs include additional functionality in the Implicit Grant Flow. For example, Fitbit's API requires re-authorization every 8 hours under the Authorized Grant Flow, but allows longer-lived tokens (up to one year) under the Implicit Grant Flow.

    Thank you!

  • 8

    Tasker can't send MMS

    Steve · 0 · Posted

    I am the secretary for a small but very active archery group.  We use group messages constantly to send out meeting reminders, upcoming events and work parties.  Currently, Tasker can send SMS messages, but not MMS.  I can get around that restriction by sending a join SMS message from my tablet to my phone with multiple phone numbers and my phone then sends it out as an MMS message without an issue.

    It would be much more convenient to send out a group message from my phone using Tasker rather than relying on my tablet.  I always travel with my phone,

  • 9

    Productivity. Tasks UI long click on second action to select all in between

    Steve Waring · 0 · Posted

    If just one action in a task has been selected by long pressing on it, allow a second long press on a different action to select that one, and all the actions in between the two actions. Like Shift+Click on a list in windows.

    This would be so much easier when there are quite a few actions to be selected and you have to scroll the list.

  • 7

    add "wake on lan" functionality

    sla jurk · 4 · Last reply by SmartPhoneLover

    add "wake on lan" funtionality

  • 18

    Run a Http server in background. Receive Http post and get events.

    Jackal Zhao · 0 · Posted

    It's been a hard thing to transmit messages from one device to another. Such as simple  sending a long text message from a computer to a android phone. 

    Using the Join to share clipboard requires connecting to Internet and exposing your content go Google. 

    Using Chat softwares has much much limitation. 

    Even if our devices are under same wifi network, it's hard for us to send a simple message from one device to another. 

    So, if Tasker can run a background http server, when there is a http post or http get sent to this server, tasker can triger an

  • 6

    Add an option to enable/disable access to clipboard data on Android 10

    pearhuman · 1 · Last reply by pearhuman

    Since version 5.9.1, Tasker can access clipboard data in the background on Android 10 when it grants READ_LOGS permission.

    However, in order to get around the limitation of the clipboard,

    Tasker will pop up a transparent overlay temporarily (or switch to the built-in input method when it has been granted WRITE_SECURE_SETTING permission) to access clipboard data when the content was copied.

    Can you add an option to enable or disable access to clipboard data on Android 10 in Tasker?

    Because my device has been rooted, I don't need to access clipboard data with this method.

  • 6

    Task: Selected apps

    Ralph · 1 · Last reply by Ralph

    There is a List Apps task that already exists, however it returns ALL of the apps installed on your device.

    What I wish to have is a task where I can select apps manually, and let the task return those selected apps and store them in an array by package name, app name and icon. Similar to App Info task's return value but in an array.


    After the release of 5.9.2 beta, we now have the new feature called ADB WIFI, where we can run some root commands, my particular use for this is the app killing adb command, 

    with this

  • 6

    Add Get Location V2 to profiles tab.

    Pheggas · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    When creating new profile, there is no option to get location via that "Get Location V2", only with near cell or gps. Please add it.

  • 15

    "Restore Settings" disabled by default option when creating new Profiles.

    Tasker Pro · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Most people using Tasker these days are savvy enough to understand that Profiles have "Exit" Tasks, and when they try to adjust certain settings - the Profile's "Restore Settings" feature being checked by default causes A LOT of confusion.

    A good answer to this is to have a simple checkbox item in Tasker's Preferences labelled something like "Restore Settings" Enabled By Default". And that way anyone who wants it NOT enabled by default when creating new Profiles can have it that way.

  • 10

    New Tasker function getDateFormatted

    Stefan · 3 · Last reply by Stefan

    Can we please have this as a Tasker function? I guess it's a very common functionality needed by many ambitious projects and if anybody has already the function in his Tasker configuration new imports of projects containing this task as well will fail.

  • 7

    Allow Quick Settings Actions on lock screen

    Philipp B · 0 · Posted

    It would be very useful to be able to use Quick Settings Actions when the device is locked. As for security concerns there could be a toggle in preferences to dis-/allow this behaviour.