Real file rename action
Although we can work around "rename" using "move" command, it seems that "move" is creating a copy of the original file in the new name, then deleting the original.
This is very bandwidth intensive to do on multiple large video files on an SD card (which is what I regularly have to do).
It takes ages and very inefficient.
Would be great to have a true "rename" action that simply modify the file/directory name.
multiple http auth sessions for same domain
I would like to create more than 1 http auth sessions for Google drive. Please add ability to store multiple sessions for same domain.
Local Variable Tab
I was wondering if it would be possible to implement a variable tab within the Task creation/edit menu. It will work the exact same way our current variable Tab does, except instead of showing just Global variables, it will show Global and Local variables associated within the particular Task you're viewing.
Increase HTTP timeout
It would be nice if the HTTP timeout of currently 60 secs could be increased to e.g. 120 secs. This is useful for HTTP long polling e.g. the Telegram bot API.
Scenes can be used as WIDGETS on the Homescreen
This is something that has been sorely missing from Tasker for sooo long. The ability for a Tasker Scene to be placed as an anchorable widget on the homescreen.
This eliminates the need for work-arounds like using Zooper or KLWP, etc. It'll probably involve developing a whole new widget for Tasker but it'll be worth it. If anyone can figure it out - it's you Joao!!
Grip Sensors
The Samsung Galaxy A32 5G has grip sensors. It'd be great if those could be utilized in some fashion.
[AutoNotification] Action Get Blocked
Suggestion: Add a Tasker action to AutoNotification that will return the text of the notification blocking filter for the specified app or all apps.
Bluetooth proximity alert
We were anchoring with a boat on a stormy night. Around 2AM in the morning we noticed neighbouring yacht lost anchor and was on a collision course to our boat.
I was thinking if I could use Bluetooth to detect foreign devices in the vicinity and trigger alarm. Nowadays there is at least one Bluetooth device on an occupied boat, often more.
So idea is to scan Bluetooth continuously like every 5 minutes and trigger a beeping alarm if signal strength is above certain level. Known devices should be excluded from triggering an alarm.
Is that possible with tasker?
Create and interact with widgets within tasker
What I'm thinking of here is to have an action that allows tasker to create a widget inside itself and to choose a position on the widget to tap. This way apps that have widgets but no other integrations can be easily interacted with without needing to understand intents.
Extend Tasker Actions
Is it possible to add Tasker Actions for: * Running Tasks * Active Profiles
Now there is only the option Show Runlog. (see screenshot)
PIN Input Dialogs Auto-Focus PIN Field + 'Done' on IME Performs 'OK'
(Written in Agile User Story style...)
As a heavy user of Tasker, I need the ability to quickly input my PIN in the security check dialogs. Currently, when a dialog opens prompting for my PIN, it doesn't automatically show the virtual keyboard, forcing me to tap the PIN input field.
Furthermore, when I tap Done on the virtual keyboard, it does not perform the OK button's action.
Power disconnect as an event
Follow-up to this: https://tasker.helprace.com/i559-power-connected-as-event
I want to realize a warning if I get off from my car and forgot to take my mobile. For this i want to use the BT connection, but this isn't enough because BT activates with unlocking the car und stays on for a while after locking. So i thougt i can use the power connection. The phone charges wireless or wired, but every time the power for this will be switched off when I switch-Off the car (there is a start/stop-button).
When I use the power state (inverted) the task starts when i unlock the car
Possibility to copy if conditions from actions
Hello there 👋
This is a request for Joaomgcd, to implement a new feature into Tasker, which I believe will save lots of time when dealing with actions that has a complicated set of conditions set.
Currently, duplicating or reusing a tasks if-conditions is impossible. You can duplicate the action and preserve its conditions, but if you need the conditions on a different action, you are forced to tediously reconfigure the (at times) complicated conditions.
My hope is that it will be considered to allow copying the conditions off an action, much like an action is copied by long pressing
Ability to change the text size for menus inside scenes
Currently there is no way when creating menus inside of scenes to change the text size of the items included. This makes it difficult to create menus with longer text because most of it cant be read. Would be great to allow both the size of the image and size of the text to be changed. Maybe even the ability to change each one separately depending on how the user wants it set up.
Toggle Samsung Performance Profile
I'm no longer a root-enabled Android user and it would be really useful to automate turning on/off Samsung "recently" released performance profile (standard x light) in certain conditions as a "workaround" for not being able to do this natively with Tasker CPU control due to the lack of privileges.
Add sensitive content to the clipboard.
Per android documentation "ClipboardManager.setPrimaryClip(). Adding this flag prevents sensitive content from appearing in the visual confirmation of copied content in Android 13 and higher."
Would be really cool to have an option to add sensitive content to the clipboard.
Finally mix all autoapps inside tasker
I think that, although the development work is difficult, it is necessary and urgent to unite the autoapps with tasker, since using the plugins constantly consume battery and memory and adb options are not 100% stable as they need to be enabled every time the phone is rebooted. This would help a lot to those of us who try to make kid apps and offer our users a single app and not multiple apps for the proper functioning of the Kid App.
I'm wondering if these two permissions could be added to the manifest?
These two simple lines have the potential to greatly ease the life of LineageOS users
According to: Official LineageOS SDK manifest:
- Allows an application to write to Lineage system settings
- Allows an application to modify system profiles
Anyway, thank you a lot for letting us enjoying this wonderful Tasker application!
Warning before deleting
I have many tasks that are called from other tasks. Every once in a while a accidentally delete one, forgetting it was used in another. I would love it if there was a warning before deleting, like the warnings you get when it's used in a profile.
Non root closing app
Add closing app feature like in app hibernator https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tafayor.hibernator . It is could be made by accessibility service.
It is useful for making script which can ask for password before opening app. Another one, script for battery saving.