Common Problems

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    Kid App Draw Over Other Apps Permission

    Threemoneys · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    Kid apps from Tasker App Factory start with the following notification inherited from Tasker:

    "Starting in Android 10 Tasker needs to always have the 'Draw Over Other Apps' permission to be able to do stuff like opening apps from the background."

    Can this notification be removed from Kid Apps? Even if this permission is required for the kid app as well, the notification shouldn't say "Tasker".

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    Full Screen Overlay in Immersive Mode Not Filling All Vertical Pixels

    Dan · 1 · Last reply by niwa2

    I have run into the bug described here while attempting to create my own full-screen blocking overlay scene. The original post I linked to describes the issue well:

    I'm trying to have tasker blank the entire screen, including the top status bar and bottom nav bar. But overlays don't seem to cover the top and bottom bars. If I switch to immersive mode to hide the bars, there seems to be a bug in tasker that crops the scene at the top and bottom. I don't want to use an activity instead because that causes the underlying app to lose focus.


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    Problem with AutoInput and app saying it is unregistered



    I have a task using the AutoInput plug. However, recently, possibly since my Samsung Galaxy FE S20 got updated to Android 12 I get the following error message: "Please unlock the app os start a trial to use this"


    I purchased the app some time ago. I cannot find anywhere in the app where I can check its registration status.   I'm hoping you can help me, it's very useful to me.  

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    android 12 wifi control not working with tasker settings 1.3 or 1.4

    schalou · 4 · Last reply by João Dias

    I used to use tasker together with tasker settings 1.3 to control Wi-Fi on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 with android 11.

    This worked until last weekend, when my phone got an update to android 12 by xiaomi.

    I then updated  to tasker settings 1.4 from github, which seems to be the latest revision but still Wi-Fi control doesn't work anymore.

    Is there something I am missing here?

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    Cannot install Tasker, tick battery optimization

    Justjomi · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    My Tasker stopped working after 6 years on my Ugoos TV box. When trying to reinstall, it is not possible to pass the install screen with tickboxes as I am unable to tick the box battery optimization. My android TV box is always connected to power. Changing battery settings and reboots did not solve it.  What can I do?

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    Autonotifiation startActivityAndCollapse()

    A Harper · 4 · Last reply by A Harper

    When I use an Autonotification tile with "Hide Notifications" as an option (to collapse the notification shade), I instead get a warning that Autonotification cannot close the shade and I should be using "Close System Dialogs" from the fired task to close the shade.

    Unfortunately, a work profile on my device prevents me from using Tasker's accessibility service, so this is not an option for me.

    However, other apps I use with quick setting tiles all seem to be able to accomplish this goal without special permissions. As does the QuickTask Tasker plugin.

    All of these other apps appear to

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    Sound Mode - Mute - doesn't work

    Anders W · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    When using the Sound Mode task, tasker is able to change the sound mode to vibrate or "sound", but not to mute. Any suggestions?

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    Auto Dial Action with USSD codes again

    Michael Wolf · 4 · Last reply by João Dias

    See here:

    Some information on this: The app "Easy Call Forwarding" can set Call forwardings with a simple tap on a shortcut. It does the same as tasker should do: Send an ussd code... So there should be a way for tasker to do it the same way.

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    Can't get refund as I can't make tssker do what I need it to (denied by Google play)

    Peter · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Can't get my £3.09 back despite "free trial" promise 🤔

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    GD Sign In blocked by google

    Daniel · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Good morning,

    tryng to access with GD Sign In Google blocked log-in, I think that's for the new security policy, but there is a way to workaround this or a specific procedure to follow? Will be an update in the next days to correct  this problem?



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    WiFi Net Disconnect Fails with possibly a cache validity error?

    Will Callender · 3 · Last reply by Will Callender

    Here is the log from the failed action. Wifi was connected to my home network and this issue persists through a reboot and reinstall of Tasker Settings.  19.17.28/LicenseCheckerTasker Checking cached only 19.17.28/LicenseCheckerTasker cache validity left -830597 19.17.28/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached status: Licensed 19.17.28/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached only: Licensed 19.17.28/E wifi ctrl: code0 have wifi net: true force: false flash false 19.17.28/E wifi net: disconnect 19.17.28/E result: stop task (error) 19.17.28/E Error: 1 19.17.28/MacroEdit action finished exeID 3 action no 0 code 426 status: Err next 0

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    MS Exchange calendar availability nor detected correctly

    ArnaudB88 · 0 · Posted

    Very detailed background: Calendar entries can have different availability options to mark a calendar entry as "free" or "busy". A normal calendar entry for a meeting would be marked as "busy" and is the default. You can also have an entry marked as "free" when you want more of a reminder of a meeting that you might not attend. This concept exists in both Google Calendar and Microsoft Exchange/Outlook. Google Calendar shows this setting as "Show me as" with options Available and Busy and Exchange shows this setting as "Status" with options Busy, Free, Tentative, or Out of Office.


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    Creating a App that starts automatically when a device is booted.

    Alan · 0 · Posted

    I have created a Tasker Project ( called BillFolder) with a :

    Profile – ( called Start )-Boot Device which links to my tasks called wifion.

    ( to start the project/app when the device is booted)

    And a simple task sequence called Wifion.

    1-Wait 7 minutes

    2-Wifi – Set on

    3-Wait 5 seconds

    4-Wifi Net – Action Reconnect

    5-Wait 7 minutes

    6-Goto type Action Number 1

    Under preferences – Monitor – Run In Foreground is not selected.

                                   UI – Beginner Mode is not selected.

    The project has no user interface , and should auto start at power up and

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    Phone Ringing Event Not Working

    Erickt420 · 4 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a Pixel 2 XL on Android P.

    I am unable to get the Phone Ringing Event to fire at all when I receive calls. I have the volume on and am calling from a phone with a custom ringtone set. The UI of the app shows no activity when I receive a call, and the run log is completely empty after calling myself multiple times. The task that should fire simply sets a variable to 1 for now.

    Please let me know if I can provide any other information to help debug this issue.

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    Google Drive Backup Failed - Beta 5.4.5b

    Philip Schaffer · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    The Google Drive Backup feature of Beta 5.4.5b appears to fail if an apostrophe is used in the device name.  Tasker is able to create the Tasker\data\backups folder but never creates the subfolder with the device name.  My device was named "Phil's S8".  After changing the name to "Phils S8", the device folder and backup file were created correctly.  I suspect this issue is caused by the apostrophe being interpreted as a delimiter.

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    Notify action icon bug in MIUI

    Rino0099 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I noticed that changing icon in notify action in tasker doesn't work. It always show default Tasker app icon in notification. The same is happening in Autonotification.

    On stackoverflow i found this:

    And i made task which show notification with correct icon, so is it possible to fix this bug in Tasker?

    My device is Xiaomi Redmi 4X with MIUI 8 / MIUI 9

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    JavaScriptlet does not load libraries when previewing

    Richard Kemp · 0 · Posted

    JSlets have a play button in the top right which runs the JS code on it's own, without running other actions in the task. When this button is used, any libraries specified are not loaded, so calls to library functions fail.

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    Plugin MiBand Tools not working with 5.5 anymore

    Tasker · 6 · Last reply by Tasker

    The Plugin MiBand Tools is working after upgrade to 5.5 in an existing task anymore (asks to install the app) and is not shown in the plugins list when creating a task.

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    Attempting to download the userguide to the SD results in a "move: file not found" error

    Attempting to download the userguide to the SD results in a "move: file not found" error with a path to "cache/tmp/<random number.>"

    I have tried deleting the cache directory, and the app recreates it when trying to download the userguide, but it doesn't appear to be able to create the randomly numbered directory.

    v4.9u4 on Android 4.2.2.

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    Destroy scene animation glitch

    Delords Arthur · 0 · Posted

    Hello Joao,

    Destroying scenes in the background brings them to the foreground in a glitchy animation which really takes away from UX.

    I know this isn't a mainstream request but it's the only thing keeping me from publishing a very impressive app I built using Tasker on the Play Store and I would really appreciate it if you'd take a look at the issue, thanks!

    P.S. I've attached a video showing this animation glitch in my app while switching tabs.