Common Problems

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    Scene not showing

    Estebanhegg48 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    A created scene won't appear when the conditions are met. The other tasks in the sequence play just fine, and when I play the sequence manually it appears. I've already tried incompatibility management, all the "how to show" options, and waiting a time before showing it, with no results. I'm using MIUI 11 with no root permissions.

    Also, the scene stays greenlighted as if it was running

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    Autolocation related: autolocation activity triggered and the specific task is performed but it continuely keep performaing the task e.g. i set state autolocation activity driving, then perform task to open google map. but performs well but keep performin

    Sachin Bedkyale · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Autolocation related: autolocation activity triggered and the specific task is performed but it continuely keep performaing the task e.g. i set state autolocation activity driving, then perform task to open google map. but performs well but keep performing it again and again.

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    Playing a media file when reacting to a certain word in a text doesn't work in Android Q

    Peter S · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a task that looks for a certain word in an SMS message and plays a media sound file. Could not seem to get it to consistently work. I have a Samsung S10+ and phone just got upgraded to Android Q

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    Bluetooth connected

    squwal · 3 · Last reply by squwal

    When bluetooth connected to a specific device is active (and shown in the profils tab) the trigger "doesn't launch" the associate task.

    If I manually launch the task (by the tasks tab) I confirm that the task is working.

    Also I can see the trigger and the task call in the execution log, and the differents actions inside the tasks without any error. But the actions are not actually performed.

    I tried different actions (launch app, pop-up notification, ...) with the same results.

    I try on another phone (same model, and same configuration) with the same result.

    My phone is

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    HTTPS Request not found in referer

    Bruno Davi · 1 · Last reply by João Dias



    This does not work though, I need to do this to get in response to the site location key but always the error. You couldn't see how to make this work, maybe even using the curl I tested in Termux that worked.

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    Cannot find a guide how to edit the conditions for a profile

    schalou · 3 · Last reply by schalou

    I am new to takser coming from llama.

    I searched with google and looked for tasker tutorials but no success.

    I could not even find easy examples how to set up some obvious things like switching wifi off at night.

    I finally managed to create a profile with a schedule condition which switches wifi off at night but now I want to change the time condition but cannot find a way to do it except creating another profile and deleting the old one.

    I also created a profile to switch wifi off when I leave home.

    With llama it was

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    Validation after Factory Reset

    J R Walton · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I did a Factory Reset on an old phone - Android 2.1.1. Play Store will not load & a side-loaded Tasker expired without validating. I have the Google purchase email but no validation code included.

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    Tasker "time context" cannot restore previous state switching off the phone

    wizardgsz · 2 · Last reply by João Dias


    I am able to setup a "time context" from time X to time Y. If I switch OFF the phone while the profile is active, Tasker is not able to restore the previous state later. E.g. a task to set "Do not disturb" mode ON from late night to the early morning. 

    Is it ok as expected?

    Thanks and regards

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    next alarm filter

    squwal · 1 · Last reply by João Dias


    Is there a way to add a filter for the next alarm package provider ?

    Because I want to put the date and time of my next morning alarm in a http post, but the %na variables are always overrided by different packages than the clock.

    Example :

    My next morning alarm is in 2 days.

    Now :

    - %na_day value is today

    - %na_time value is 21:04

    - %na_package is

    If I create an alarm today I can sometime have the value of this alarm and the good %na_package : but most of the time it

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    if %TIME = 9.29 then %TIMEVAR = %TIME+.01 returns 9.3

    When adding a minute to a time variable, the result drops any trailing zero, invalidating the resultant time variable.

    OR, the timer doesn't respect 1 digit minute decimal value of time variable.  Which is odd, because it is fine with the 1 digit hour portion.

    Workaround: add a minute to the time, split the time by "." then append 00 to the 2nd portion and and select the left most 2 char before finally putting it all back together.

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    Settings for Samsung Galaxy S7 (Android version 8.0.0)

    Peter Lauridsen · 1 · Last reply by João Dias


    I have downloaded the latest version of Tasker, and I have accepted and enabled all possible setting I thin, and I have followed these instructions:

    My problem is that my tasks not are launched/runned in profiles?

    I am only able to run my tasks manually in task menu.

    Please help me and the code is simple as you see: 

    Profile: Profile 1 (2) Time: From 06:56 Till 17:56 Enter: Wifi3 (3) A1: WiFi [ Set:Off ] If [ %TIME ~ 12.03 ]



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    Tasker is sometimes disabled until I log in to Google Play

    Henry · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    What I did

    I paid for Tasker and signed out of Google Play. I have most app permissions turned off. I use a Google Pixel with LineageOS 16, an Android 9 variant.

    What I expected

    I thought that I could use Tasker while signed out of my Google account.

    What actually happens

    Every few days I get a notification: 'Trial period ended. Sorry, you can't use Tasker until you purchase it from the Google Play Store.'

    If I open Tasker, the Play Store quickly opens instead.

    When I log in, the notification vanishes and I can use Tasker again.


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    feedback for low rating on play store, as requested.

    Martin Mucha · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I tried to update info into my comment, but it's limited by char count.

    So here some more. 

    1. I was welcomed by several 404(documentation does not exist) into application (samsumng galaxy a50). not a good sign at all.

    2. I'm a devel so I can somehow figure out in my head what I'd like to do, but there is no clear way in HOW, in tasker. Using automate with diagrams is super easy, using tasker superhard. Not because of task itself, but because of insanely hard way to navigate around. I gave an example: I created profile: if battery

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    Getting error message using autovoice with Google Assistant

    Joshua Barlin · 3 · Last reply by João Dias


    Every time I use autovoice with Google Assistant, I get told to contact the developer with an error UUID. I've tried changing numerous settings to no avail. Any help?

    Here is a few of the UUIDs





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    Next alarm time in Android displayed wrong

    Ronald · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    On my pixel 3a XL the next alarm time on the android lochscreen and in the status/ notifications bar is displayed always 00:00 for me. I thought this was a Google bug, but I found on the Google reports that it is this app what causes it. For more info how to bypass the bug:

    Hope you can fix it. 

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    Bluetooth disconnect device not working?

    Peter Kingswell · 5 · Last reply by Peter Kingswell


    I want a Task that will disconnect my headphones. So I created a Bluetooth Connection Task as you'd expect but when I execute it, the headphones are still connected. 

    Any tips on what I should be doing? I've tried matching by MAC address and name to no avail. 

    Exported XML:

    <TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="5.9.2">

     <Task sr="task21">




      <nme>Disconnect BT</nme>


      <Action sr="act0" ve="7">


       <Bundle sr="arg0">

        <Vals sr="val">

         <>&lt;StringArray sr=""&gt;&lt;;%bt_address


    Bluetooth device's MAC address&lt;/;&lt;;%bt_battery_level

    Battery Level

    % of battery available, or not set if

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    Images moved by Tasker persist in MediaStore

    Tobias · 0 · Posted


    I am writing an app that downloads images into an folder. I was using Tasker to move and combine files from multiple folders into one folder. However, I saw that my app crashes when I re-download an image, that I downloaded before and then moved with tasker.

    contentResolver.insert gives me: SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: files._data where _data is the path of the by then non-existent file, and I need to use contentResolver.delete to delete the empty row from the MediaStore, after that I can download the file.

    Now, I was investigating this issue and found that if I use other apps

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    Karunelli Srinivasan · 0 · Posted

    When will you integrate this feature into taker or join..

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    Javascriptlet evaluates backslash escape codes in variables

    Frits van Bommel · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    The Javascriptlet action changes the values of variables that contain backslash escape codes by evaluating them, even if the JavaScript code doesn't touch that variable.

    This task demonstrates the problem:

    Bug in Javascriptlet (127) <Other backslash codes also break> A1: Variable Set [ Name:%data To:\\ Recurse Variables:Off Do Maths:Off Append:Off Max Rounding Digits:3 ] <Stores 2> A2: Test Variable [ Type:Length Data:%data Store Result In:%data_length ] <Code must contain an identifier, even if it is commented out.> A3: JavaScriptlet [ Code:// something Libraries: Auto Exit:On Timeout (Seconds):45 ] <Stores 1> A4: Test Variable [ Type:Length Data:%data Store Result In:%data_length_after ]

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    Date Time Conversion Bug 12p-1p

    Tim Curran · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I've discovered a bug in Date Time Conversion. 

    Any conversion from a Time string to Seconds where Time string is between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM results in an output that is actually in the midnight hour the next day.

    I've written conversion routines like this before in javascript and other languages, so I know from experience that an exception subroutine is required for 12-1pm; you can't just add 12 to get 24hr clock time (which works correctly starting at 1:00 PM). If you try, you wind up with exactly this problem. 

    Here's a task that very economically demonstrates the