Android App made by tasker app factory not fitting the screen properly
i have an issue where the android app made by tasker app factory not fitting screen properly.Issue mainly observed on 6 inch screen phones.Can you please suggest solution.
Enable tasker from menu not working properly
If tasker is disabled and I wanto to enable it I touch "Enable Tasker" from app menu. This doesn't enable the app. To actually enable it, after enabling tasker from the menu, I have to click on any profile and then to confirm the action through the tick that appears on top bar. At this point Tasker enables itself and everything works right
Grant Document Tree Access nor working
Android 6 (Marshmallow).
When trying to write a file the alert appears that "grant document tree access" is necessary to perform this action next time without asking. Then the usual file manager is displayed where I selected external SD card.
But tasker does not seem to be able to write to the file. The alert reappears instantly. If I select <back> I get an error message
/storage/1234-5678 is external SD card. If I provide the full path to a file on internal storage it works (as expected).
What's wrong?
scan media not working on Oreo
The "scan media" action does not seem to work on my "Note 8" with Oreo. I believe this is a bug that needs to be addressed.
Instead, I am using the following shell command with root:
am startservice --es volume "external" com.android.providers.media/.MediaScannerService
There is also an app that works for the "scan media":
Media Play Dir sometimes plays nothing
I want to play a random song from a folder when I shake my phone and it usually works but sometimes it just doesn't play a song. I turned off random to see if it always happens at the same place and it happens after all the other songs have been played once.
Samsung Galaxy S9+ Display brightness/rotate not working
Just purchased Tasker and really like the possibilities. I am using a Samsung Galaxy S9+ and want to rotate and change display brightness when launching a defined app. But no actions is executed. Also used the ADB Tool (Galaxy S9+ Developer Settings activated, USB Debugging enabled) to send the command to activate android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS like recomended in the guidelines. Still no success. Simple Tasks (like Beep, Pop-Up) work perfectly. Also activated logging - don't see any Errors there.
What am i missing?
Regards, Martin
Wireless Charging not detected in All charging on Verizon Samsung Galaxy S5
Love Tasker, been using it for over 7 years now across 5 phones. My current phone is a Verizon Samsung Galaxy S5, SM-G900V. I have a Tasker profile that is designed to inform me when the battery is at 100% and is being charged by "Any" means. The SM-G900V does not have native wireless charging capabilities. I purchased and installed a 3rd party wireless charging add-on device for my SM-G900V. When charging wirelessly, the Tasker state of charging "Any" for my SM-G900V doesn't recognize wireless as a trigger. I created another profile of charging "Wireless[ly]" with the battery at 100%
"Play Ringtone" does not stop
At least on some devices the action "Play Ringtone" does not stop playing the ringtone until Tasker is disabled or quit.
The action "Play Music" is not always a good alternative because it changes %MTRACK which can be used to trigger music playing causing unwanted profiles to become active.
So an action to stop the ringtone playing would be necessary or the ringtone should stop playing by itself after one loop or a configurable time.
Material Design Pictures
in Scene Layout we can replace Pictures (Scene>>Object Picture).
In my Scene´s i replace many Material Design Icons with the same, but in a other Color.
e.g. "car.picture" in white, replace with "car.picture" in green.
The Problem: When i would replace it live in the active scene with a button, it dont change the Object Picture, because the Filename dont change, only it´s Color.
Calendar event variables have default value
I think there is a small bug in the calendar event handler. Let me explain..
My user story
When a calendar entry (meeting) is starting, I would like to mute my phone. But I want to exclude the meetings where the location is set to 'DSN'. These are all-day events that remind me to work on a different work location, so they are not really 'meetings'. I have a calendar event profile with location set to '!DSN' .
The problem
The calendar event variables are set to a default value when not present in the event.
Example: I have
Completed tasks replay when TaskService is restarted if the task was started following a long running task
Tasks that are running when the TaskService is killed are resumed when the TaskService can be recreated (as they should). In addition completed tasks that should not resume are incorrectly replayed if they were started after a task which should resume.
- Task "Long" requires a long time to finish.
- Task "Short1" and "Short2" are done quickly.
- User starts tasks in the order Short2, Long, Short1.
- Tasker finishes Short2 and Short1 but is still working on Long.
- Android terminates the TaskService
- Tasker recreates TaskService
- Tasker resumes Long and Short1 even though Short1 had already finished.
Expected behavior: Tasker resumes Long
List Item Dragging, With Menu Option, Delete Action Not Available
In the Tasker preferences -> UI, List Item Dragging has the option When Selecting, With Menu Option. This works perfectly for me, except for one thing.
When selecting a profile, task or scene a 'trash can' icon appears in the title bar so the selection can be deleted.
However, when selecting an action in the task edit screen no 'trashcan' icon appears. The user is forced to cut the actions to Tasker's clipboard to delete them. See attached screenshots.
Back up before purchasing
Tasker is asking for validation. It suggests to back up, uninstall and purchase from play store but there is no way to back up as it jumps straight to validation screen. I have 10 hours worth of commands written (some of which I don't remember how to rewrite). How do I back them up?
Does not automatically set Do Not Disturb to all upon exit task
I have set a Car task that is appropriately triggered when connected to car audio. It correctly sets Do Not Disturb to Alarms Only. As an exit task, Tasker is supposed to run another task that includes setting Do Not Disturb back to All, but it fails to do it automatically. When I manually run the task, it works though. I've attached the exit task
Destroy scene animation glitch
Hello Joao,
Destroying scenes in the background brings them to the foreground in a glitchy animation which really takes away from UX.
I know this isn't a mainstream request but it's the only thing keeping me from publishing a very impressive app I built using Tasker on the Play Store and I would really appreciate it if you'd take a look at the issue, thanks!
P.S. I've attached a video showing this animation glitch in my app while switching tabs.
File events only work with relative paths, not absolute
File events work with relative paths, e.g. to watch the Tasker dir you enter "Tasker". However if you use absolute paths, like "/sdcard/Tasker" it doesn't work.
I have a bunch of global variables for various directories, all using absolute paths, e.g. "/sdcard/Tasker", so for convenience it would be great to have these events modified to work with absolute paths. As far as I know all other places in Tasker which take paths will accept both absolute and relative paths.
Plugin MiBand Tools not working with 5.5 anymore
The Plugin MiBand Tools is working after upgrade to 5.5 in an existing task anymore (asks to install the app) and is not shown in the plugins list when creating a task.
Javascriptlet Code text is considered a "password" field for AutoFill services in Android 8+.
Whenever I change my Javascriptlet, I get a message asking me if I want to save my password to my autofill service. This can get very annoying when making a lot of Javascript changes. Could this field be marked as not a password field so that the AutoFill service doesn't look for it?
JavaScriptlet does not load libraries when previewing
JSlets have a play button in the top right which runs the JS code on it's own, without running other actions in the task. When this button is used, any libraries specified are not loaded, so calls to library functions fail.