Common Problems

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    Can I turn the Phone's Mobile data and WiFi Hotspot on and off with the Bluethooth pairing of the Tablet and Phone and the bluethooth disconnection.

    gurseli · 3 · Last reply by gurseli

    Can I turn the Phone's Mobile data and WiFi Hotspot on and off with the Bluethooth pairing of the Tablet and Phone and the bluethooth disconnection. How is it happening. Can you prepare 1 opening and 1 closing macro on this subject or help me how to do it. Since my English is bad, I translated it with Google Translate. Thanks in advance.

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    Autotools dialogs won't show

    Ravi Warrier · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Update - Fix: check draw over top and change system settings in app info. If missing, give those permissions.

    ------ op ------

    Get this error everytime I try to run a task with autotools dialogs.

    22.58.25/E FIRE PLUGIN: AutoTools Dialog / com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.action.FIRE_SETTING: 7 bundle keys

    22.58.25/E AutoTools Dialog: plugin comp: com.joaomgcd.autotools/com.joaomgcd.autotools.broadcastreceiver.IntentServiceFire

    22.58.25/E add wait type Plugin3 time 10

    22.58.25/E add wait type Plugin3 done

    22.58.25/E handlePluginFinish: taskExeID: 3 result 3

    22.58.25/E pending result code

    22.58.25/E add wait task

    22.58.35/E Error: null

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    Folder Monitor profile event malfunction

    SmartPhoneLover · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hello Joao, I would like to report a bug that persists in this version I think. But not really sure if it's an error or if Tasker should work like this way actually.   + > Profile (event) > File > (all of them)   The "bug" is that if there is more than one profile monitoring the same directory (e.g. /Download), the following will happen: If both profiles are enabled, only one of them will get fired (the last created one most of the times). If one of the profiles is disabled, the other won't get fired. Here doesn't

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    Pirate software

    Dmitry Kadykov · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have no idea where to place this escalation correctly, Sorry if that's against organizational flow.

    The following person is distributing pirate software of Tasker through links.

    Please report to youtube. 

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    Alarm Changed is not triggering when last alarm is off

    Stefan · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    Even when there's suddenly no more next alarm because the last alarm already occurred or the next alarms are turned off the Alarm Changed event should trigger. All variables like na_time should be not set in the event to indicate there's no next alarm.


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    Tasker payment

    Fatellistefano · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a problem with Tasker.I bought it about 8 months ago,with a Google Play gift card,and after I bought some plugins.After 4 month tasker said that the demo try is ended and you have to buy tasker or something like that.I searched a way to contact you,but I didn't find it and I forgot this think,but now that I have to use it for a project, I must have back Tasker or have back my money!!

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    JS writeFile append parameter ignored

    Friedrich Hehl · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    The "append" parameter for the JS function "writeFile()" described in the wiki here seems to be ignored and is always set to false.

    To reproduce this issue:

    1. Create a task with the Javascriptlet
    2. Run the task and look for "log.txt". Check that "some random text" appears on line 1.
    3. Go back to the task and change "some random text" into "text to append".
    4. Run the task again.
    5. Check log.txt and see that "some random text" has disappeared and only "text to append" is visible.

    Can anyone reproduce?

    I am running Tasker 5.7.2 on Android 8.0.0.

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    ADB WiFi overlays error.

    note666 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    When choose overlays, I get "no items" error.

    Run android 7.1

    See video. 


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    Tjoho . · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hi, I bought a new phone Huawei P40 pro, I don't have goggle play service on it, I bought Tasker before, now I can't use, because it stands I must buy it again, must I do that?

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    Allow tasker variable in definition of JavaScriptlet.

    Steve Waring · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    As an example, to find the distance between London and New York, I'd like to:

    But the definition of the code has to be a literal. The work round is:

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    AutoTool toast is too short.

    note666 · 0 · Posted

    And when I choose "long" it get even shorter.

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    Tasker monitor unnecessarily wakes phone up every single minute if there are any time contexts

    Ben · 6 · Last reply by Ben

    If I have any time contexts (eg. instant context that runs at 09:00, or a time context that repeats every hour), the tasker monitor wakes up every single minute.  Nothing appears in the run log for this obviously, however you can see it in Battery historian and in the tasker debug log.  Disabling all time contexts stops this from happening.  Enabling a single simple time context causes the activity.  The problem occurs no matter if "Use Reliable Alarms" is enabled or not.

    Debug log:

    15-05-2020 ReceiverStaticInternal: 10.49.00#m#ReceiverStaticInternal: r: 15-05-2020 WakeLockManager: 10.49.00#b#WakeLockManager: acquired partial lock for M flags: 1 autorelease:

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    App continues to ask for permission

    Ernesto Ferreira · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Although I've done ALLL permissions.

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    Tasker crashes if Get voice doesnt recognize speech

    Ray Gllisse · 2 · Last reply by Ray Gllisse

    If there's no answer when a get voice action is launched, Tasker crashes instead of continuing to next action.

    That's important to me, as I'd like to use voice control to acknowledge being alive and safe in mountain, and if not, I might not be able to answer, the lack of answer repeatedly 3 times would be the signal to send sms to rescue team.

    It can work only if get voice action doesnt make Tasker crash in case of lack of answer

    Thanks for your help

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    Testing if indirectly referenced variable is set generates error in the Tasker editor; Workround given.

    Steve Waring · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    With the following task, if lines three to five are not deactivated, then the error shown below will pop up when the tasker editor is started, if you edit the task. That is, just open up the task, don't change it, close it, close the tasker editor, open the tasker editor and the error dialogue shown will pop up. There is no need to run the task to get the error message. Lines three to five actualy work fine, you just get an error message every time you edit the task.

    Fortunately I have discovered a work around which is

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    Regex search of array fails if regex contains brackets.

    Steve Waring · 0 · Posted

    %array(#?~Ra(bc)?d) fails. Work round is to put regex into a variable and use (#?~R%regex)

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    ADB Wifi Action Timeout Error 1

    Srinivasan D · 0 · Posted

    Adb wifi after doing adb tcpip 5555, If i run task "test", getting error 1 and Action Timed out error. device- oneplus

    tasker ver: latest beta6

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    Autoweb - failure from system when editing API config

    Akalsharan · 0 · Posted

    I'm trying to Edit the AP Config of a web service that I've added to Autoweb so that I can hide the sensitive details and then share it. But it comes up with a "failure from system" error when I try to edit the config. If I copy and paste the web service, I get the same error with the pasted web service.

    I've not encountered this before.  For all the other APIs in my AutoWeb app, I can Edit configs without issue. I've tried restarting my phone. There's nothing about the error in the AutoWeb log (detailed logs selected). The

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    "Alarm done" does not work after update

    David LA · 2 · Last reply by David LA

    I have recently updated my system rom and Gapps packages. The new clock app is now slightly different (which is very cool and with assistant now integrated). It seems tasker has stopped recognising when my alarm is done and my profile is not triggering any more. Any fixes for that?