
Settings for Samsung Galaxy S7 (Android version 8.0.0)


I have downloaded the latest version of Tasker, and I have accepted and enabled all possible setting I thin, and I have followed these instructions:


My problem is that my tasks not are launched/runned in profiles?

I am only able to run my tasks manually in task menu.

Please help me and the code is simple as you see: 

Profile: Profile 1 (2)
Time: From 06:56 Till 17:56
Enter: Wifi3 (3)
A1: WiFi [ Set:Off ] If [ %TIME ~ 12.03 ]



1 reply

That won't work because the task will run at 6:56. Then the first action will only run if it's 12.03 which is never true (because it's 6:56). Remove the If condition and it should work :)

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