notification action buttons had been missng
Can I arrange them vertically?
Samsung Galaxy S9+ Display brightness/rotate not working
Just purchased Tasker and really like the possibilities. I am using a Samsung Galaxy S9+ and want to rotate and change display brightness when launching a defined app. But no actions is executed. Also used the ADB Tool (Galaxy S9+ Developer Settings activated, USB Debugging enabled) to send the command to activate android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS like recomended in the guidelines. Still no success. Simple Tasks (like Beep, Pop-Up) work perfectly. Also activated logging - don't see any Errors there.
What am i missing?
Regards, Martin
Media Play Dir sometimes plays nothing
I want to play a random song from a folder when I shake my phone and it usually works but sometimes it just doesn't play a song. I turned off random to see if it always happens at the same place and it happens after all the other songs have been played once.
scan media not working on Oreo
The "scan media" action does not seem to work on my "Note 8" with Oreo. I believe this is a bug that needs to be addressed.
Instead, I am using the following shell command with root:
am startservice --es volume "external" com.android.providers.media/.MediaScannerService
There is also an app that works for the "scan media":
Enter / Exit tasks not in sequence.
I've noticed that since the last upgrade(s), there's a problem with the sequence of the enter/exit tasks.
I wondered why some of my profiles didn't work exactly as they used to work and suspected some tasks not to be performed or performed more then once.
To check this i added counters to each enter and exit tasks on the profiles which gave a problem. These counters count one up each time a task is executed.
This confirmed my assumption that sometime the enter tasks where performed but that the exit tasks never where executed when the profile was deactivated and
Userguide problem "Not Found"
On this web page { https://tasker.joaoapps.com/userguide/en/activity_main.html } if you click on "menu options" you get to { https://tasker.joaoapps.com/userguide/en/menus } which says "The requested URL /userguide/en/menus was not found on this server."
Enable tasker from menu not working properly
If tasker is disabled and I wanto to enable it I touch "Enable Tasker" from app menu. This doesn't enable the app. To actually enable it, after enabling tasker from the menu, I have to click on any profile and then to confirm the action through the tick that appears on top bar. At this point Tasker enables itself and everything works right
%DEVTID stopped working in v5.5
Does not work on Moto E4 or Samsung S8+ %DEVID returns NQ... correct value %DEVMOD returns SM-G955U %DEVTID returns %DEVTID
same behavior in v5.6 I don't know how far before v5.5 this stopped working
End call action disabled erroneously
I have an Android 5.1 phone where the End Call action works properly. I have another Android 5.1 phone where Tasker shows the End Call action as disabled. However, in the past I was able to import a task that included the End Call action into the disabled phone and the End Call action would still work. Now when I attempt this, the End Call action just brings up a notification saying (paraphrasing) "End Call action is disabled on this device." It would be nice if Tasker attempted to perform the End Call action even if it is deemed disabled
Get voice action brings tasker to foreground.
When a 'get voice ' action is run and Tasker has not been closed (by backing out) and is in the background, the action will bring tasker to the foreground and show the get voice input promt. This will not happen if tasker has been closed by using the back button prior to the action running.
Help pages in German often don't exist
When I tap on the help button in Tasker I often get "page not available". Because I use German system language Tasker help links to German help pages. That's nice, but many pages seem not to be translated.
Please, if there is no German help page but an English one for an item redirect to the English page.
Thank you very much.
Custom Quick Settings tiles don't work via Tasker
I use latest Custom Quick Settings and Tasker versions on Samsung Galaxy S5 Plus (SM-G901F), LineageOS 15.1 (Android 8.1).
Custom Quick Settings tiles like reboot and reboot recovery work from quick settings, but using them in Tasker has no result.
manual backup only creates local backup and restore only restores from cloud
When migrating to a new phone the settings don't get copied over with Samsung Smart Switch. So, I tried creating a manual backup on the old phone, which creates a local file backup but the manual restore option looks for a Google drive backup.
Please sync up manual backup and restore options.
Tasker Crashes
Tasker occasionally crashes. Quite old problem and have not been fixed still. And when it does crash, it also triggers all or most of the tasks to action, apparently all at the same time. This is very old problem since Tasker 4 and have had this with Android 5, 6 and 7.
Might be some bug if too much going on at the same time? Maybe should optimize my stuff and give different priorities to tasks (as I have never done that)? Or maybe need more powerful smartphone to run my stuff without crashing?
I have observed that crash phenomenon
App factory problem with media button event
When i create a standalone app with appfactory 5.6, the the media button event is not received by the app. In tasker 5.6 itself it works perfectly.
Please help. I'm stuck!
Tasker V5.6 keeps disabling on Pixel 1 Android 9
I have followed all the steps in the FAQ but my tasker keeps disabling itself on my device running 9.0 on Pixel 1
Media volume - Level different via profile
When a media volume task is executed from a profile, the level is lower than if you execute the task directly.
Example: I have a profile that executes a task when a spesific bluetooth device is connected. The task is set to open Spotify, wait for 10 seconds and adjust the media volume to max (30). But the volume is always set to lower than max. I have to reach down in my pocket to get the 2 or 3 last clicks up to max. The task works as intended if I press the play button inside the task
AutoNotification can't intercept notification buttons for SMS Organizer and Single Whatsapp notification
I have a profile that executes some task when notification is cancelled.
When i cancel a group of notification in whatsapp it doesn't execute task for last notification also doesn't execute task for single notification. On testing i discovered the button text variable isn't also set for the given condition.
For SMS Organizer although the button text is set but the button action isn't performed.
Profile description:
Profile: Mark Chats As Read (19)
Event: AutoNotification Intercept [ Configuration:Event Behaviour: true
Cancel Reason: User cancelled,User cancelled all,Other app cancelled,Other app cancelled all