Common Problems

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    Tasker Say voice engine bug

    L C · 2 · Last reply by L C

    In using the Say functionality, I have a task that reads out at regular intervals. The voice engine selected is the Google engine and it is the 3rd option in the selection list. When testing the function with the play feature, it works as expected. However, when the task is triggered by the profile, it does not use the Google engine to read. Instead, it appears to take the 1st in the list - in my case it is a different language. 

    It would be great if it can be fixed. 

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    Javascript(let) does not set local variables when manual exit() is called

    Richard Kemp · 5 · Last reply by Richard Kemp

    Create a javascriptlet with content `var test = 1`, and follow it with an action to flash %test. You should see a flash containing "1". Now put `exit();` at the end of the javascriptlet, and you will notice that the variable is not set when the flash action happens.

    In summary, JS variables are only translated into Tasker variables when exit() is not called. Is there any way around this? Perhaps a taskerfyVariables() function that could be called before exit() ?

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    Tasker crashes when creating task with too many steps

    Pascal Ledoux · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have a task that's nearing 170 steps in tasker, and whenever I add about 5 more steps, tasker will crash when I try to edit any step of the task... For now I split off my task into two and have both called up when a trigger fires up, but I'll be needing this fixed to finish up the project.

    Couldn't seem to find any solution to this. Tasker is up to date, and I'm running Android 7.1.2.

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    Javascriptlet Code text is considered a "password" field for AutoFill services in Android 8+.

    Prasant · 2 · Last reply by Prasant

    Whenever I change my Javascriptlet, I get a message asking me if I want to save my password to my autofill service. This can get very annoying when making a lot of Javascript changes. Could this field be marked as not a password field so that the AutoFill service doesn't look for it?

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    Phone Ringing Profile stopped working.

    Mark Stevenson · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I'm having a problem with a profile that used to work well. I use a "phone ringing" event with caller set to caller group "blocked" to reject calls. However it is no longer triggering when I receive a call from a group member. I decided to re-set the event condition and chose "match against a contact group". The popup that appears is entitled "Menu Timeout" ? and has a a number of duplicate entries including "family" twice, but "blocked" only once. I know the contacts app has had a number of updates and the groups are now 'labels' but what

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    selim basic · 5 · Last reply by João Dias

    tasker starts with bluetooth connection and opens miracast app. after that it should click on push2tv

    but it wont click on it. i have to do it manually.HTC U12+ Android 8

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    Phone Ringing Profile stopped working - followup

    Mark Stevenson · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hi Joao,

    Thanks for the reply but I've updated to the beta app and the event is still not triggering with CG:Blocked.

    The group selection popup is still titled "Menu Timeout" with duplicates in the list.

    Is there anything else I need to do?



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    Switching GPS on off

    Mark M · 0 · Posted

    Hi, phone is Sony Xperia Z1 running 4.4.4, I've installed Tasker and AutoTools and successfully run adb command line to allow WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS. But I can't get Tasker to turn on GPS. Any ideas? Is it possible? Thanks. (phone is not rooted, i was hoping Auto Tools would make that unnecessary)

    EDIT - ignore me I was doing it wrong! Works - what a great app!

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    Alarm Clock Event Does Not Trigger

    Robert L Ryan · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    The Alarm Clock event context does not seem to work on my Galaxy S9 with Android 8.0. I am using the stock alarm app. My Tasker version is 5.5

    I have tried both named and unnamed alarms. Here is one of the test profiles I used:

    No toast appears when the alarm goes off.

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    File events only work with relative paths, not absolute

    Richard Kemp · 0 · Posted

    File events work with relative paths, e.g. to watch the Tasker dir you enter "Tasker". However if you use absolute paths, like "/sdcard/Tasker" it doesn't work.

    I have a bunch of global variables for various directories, all using absolute paths, e.g. "/sdcard/Tasker", so for convenience it would be great to have these events modified to work with absolute paths. As far as I know all other places in Tasker which take paths will accept both absolute and relative paths.

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    Back up before purchasing

    Kaloyan Ivanov T · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Tasker is asking for validation. It suggests to back up, uninstall and purchase from play store but there is no way to back up as it jumps straight to validation screen. I have 10 hours worth of commands written (some of which I don't remember how to rewrite). How do I back them up?

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    List Item Dragging, With Menu Option, Delete Action Not Available

    Robert L Ryan · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    In the Tasker preferences -> UI, List Item Dragging has the option When Selecting, With Menu Option. This works perfectly for me, except for one thing.

    When selecting a profile, task or scene a 'trash can' icon appears in the title bar so the selection can be deleted.

    However, when selecting an action in the task edit screen no 'trashcan' icon appears. The user is forced to cut the actions to Tasker's clipboard to delete them. See attached screenshots.

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    Completed tasks replay when TaskService is restarted if the task was started following a long running task

    Sean · 3 · Last reply by Sean

    Tasks that are running when the TaskService is killed are resumed when the TaskService can be recreated (as they should).  In addition completed tasks that should not resume are incorrectly replayed if they were started after a task which should resume.


    • Task "Long" requires a long time to finish.
    • Task "Short1" and "Short2" are done quickly.
    • User starts tasks in the order Short2, Long, Short1.
    • Tasker finishes Short2 and Short1 but is still working on Long.
    • Android terminates the TaskService
    • Tasker recreates TaskService
    • Tasker resumes Long and Short1 even though Short1 had already finished.

    Expected behavior: Tasker resumes Long

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    Calendar event variables have default value

    Arnaud Boussaer · 0 · Posted


    I think there is a small bug in the calendar event handler. Let me explain.. 

    My user story

    When a calendar entry (meeting) is starting, I would like to mute my phone. But I want to exclude the meetings where the location is set to 'DSN'. These are all-day events that remind me to work on a different work location, so they are not really 'meetings'. I have a calendar event profile with location set to '!DSN' . 

    The problem

    The calendar event variables are set to a default value when not present in the event.

    Example: I have

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    Tasker exit task UI problem

    Samuel · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    When I create and add an exit task in Tasker it appears in the UI as a standard starting task (green arrow pointing to the right). I  created many exit tasks before and it seems after a Tasker update Tasker has this UI bug where the exit task never shows with the red arrow pointing to the left like it used to.

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    Material Design Pictures

    Torsten · 0 · Posted


    in Scene Layout we can replace Pictures (Scene>>Object Picture).

    In my Scene´s i replace many Material Design Icons with the same, but in a other Color.

    e.g. "car.picture" in white, replace with "car.picture" in green.

    The Problem:  When i would replace it live in the active scene with a button, it dont change the Object Picture, because the Filename dont change, only it´s Color.

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    Custom Setting: "Continue Task After Error" does not work

    schlimbo · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have imported a tasker project from my mobile phone to an Nvidia shield TV, when I execute the task I get an error message by a "Custom Setting" action:

    A1: Custom Setting [ Type:System Name:screen_brightness_mode Value: Use Root:Off Read Setting To:%autobright Continue Task After Error:On ]

    results in error:

    21.29.47/E Custom Setting: missing 'modify system settings' permission, start proxy 21.29.47/E start proxy ProxyTransparent, wait, time limit 20s 21.29.47/E add wait type Proxy Group time 20 21.29.47/E add wait type Proxy Group done 21.29.47/E set proxy: true (startProxy) 21.29.47/E add wait task 21.29.48/E Error: 1

    What I'm wondering is why

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    Lock and Screen Images Revert Back to Default

    Gordon Newell · 2 · Last reply by Gordon Newell


    It appears that from tasker V5.6 causes custom set live wallpaper and lock screen image to always revert back to defaults when reset or screen turned off.

    I'm running Ironman Rom V1.2.0 on Note 8 NS950F Android 7.1.1. 

    This issue did not occur prior to V5.6.

    Thanks Gordon

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    Security bug: Full access to Tasker without lock code from home screen icon

    Antti Pinomäki · 4 · Last reply by João Dias

    Lock code protection is not functioning properly in Tasker and security is compromised:

    1. Tasker is lock code protected

    2. Long-pressing Tasker icon on the phone's Home screen opens a popup with options such as Settings, Run Log, Edit Task.

    3. Tapping Edit Task, for example, takes the user straight to the editable Tasker task with no lock code prompts

    4. Now, selecting Cancel from the task takes the user to the task list, i.e. giving an unauthorized user full access to do whatever (s)he wants with Tasker

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    Tasker Notifications Can Not Be Expanded

    Robert L Ryan · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Tasker 5.6

    Android 8.0

    Notifications created by using the Notify, Notify Sound or Notify Led can not be expanded and will only show the first line of text.