New Ideas

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    Confirmatory Box before Toggling a Profile from The Home Page

    S. M. M. Kaisar · 0 · Posted

    Accidental touches cause profiles to be turned off. Can you provide an option by which users can decide to show a confirmatory box before turning on/off a profile from the home page?

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    Non-Unique Task, Profile, and Scene Names


    Allow multiple tasks, scenes, and profiles to have the same name so long as they're in different projects. You can have the default be to check the current project so you don't break people's stuff and you can make it so that if there's only one task with said name, it'll use that one to further the not breaking of stuff.


    1) Project "Main" has a task named "Get Project Name" which returns "Main" while the project "Chrome" also has one which returns "Chrome". You could access Main's task thusly, "Main(Get Project Name)" and if the calling task

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    Choose icon directly from an icon pack

    zc m · 0 · Posted

    Hi, I might be late to the game for this RC version.

    I am wondering if you will add the ability to access icon pack directly? Since there is a new feature to add Task to launcher, we need to choose an icon.

    For now, we can only choose the application icon, but if we can choose the icon from an icon pack directly, we have more option.

    For example, I have a task to automate Google Maps direction. If I use the original application icon and put them side by side, it will be quite confusing because of the

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    show indicator on profiles/tasks that have changed properties/hidden variables

    bitclick · 1 · Last reply by bitclick

    When i scroll through profiles/tasks in the lists i cannot see if there are some changed (not default) properties or profile/task -variables set.  This makes debugging hard, for ex. i wonder why my profile does not activate when in fact there is a cooldown set. 

    If tasks/properties would have an indicator showing "there is something set in the properties." debugging would be a lot quicker sometimes.

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    Paid for app in previous build of android or different gmail account, happy to pay the fee when i can. Cheers Scott

    Scott · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Paid for app in previous build of android or different gmail account, happy to pay the fee when i can. Cheers Scott 

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    Combine Features: AutoTools Toast + Tasker Toast Layout

    Elias Cabrera · 0 · Posted

    The Tasker Toast Layout has some great features that the AutoTools Toast doesn't, like appearing on the lockscreen and timeout. On the other hand, the AutoTools Toast has more customization, like font, padding, and more. 

    Could AutoTools be updated to add these missing features? Or could Tasker include the toast customization that AutoTools has? Having the functionality of both with be amazing. Thanks! 

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    Make Notifications Persistent again

    inguscrowe · 0 · Posted

    With Android 14 update, Notifications cannot be persistent anymore. So I am always dismissing ones I want. This is request to give Autonotifications an option to make them reappear if they are accidentally dismissed, perhaps in the "command on dismiss" area there can be an option to reappear if you want it to be persistent .

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    Add a "millisec" option to Additional Time parameter of Volume Up and Volume Down events

    Viper21 · 0 · Posted

    Would you please consider adding a millisec (msec) parameter to the Volume Up, Volume Down, and Volume Up/Down events in Tasker?


    Currently, the "Additional Time" parameter accepts only whole numbers as seconds, which doesn't help if I want to configure the volume long press to 0.5 sec.

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    Add "Priority conversations" to "Allow SMS Senders" in Do Not Disturb Action (Mode: custom settings)

    iw2ngg · 2 · Last reply by iw2ngg

    In the tasker Do Not Disturb action (Mode: custom settings), as "Allow SMS Senders", I see 4 options: - Any - Contacts - Starred - None

    But ... in the corresponding systems settings (Android 14) there is also another (new ?) option: - Priority conversations

    Is possible to activate it from tasker ?

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    Action to enable & disable projects

    urkindagood · 0 · Posted

    Title says.

    Expected behaviour for disabled project.

    1. The profiles status remains unchanged.
    2. The profiles stop monitoring their assigned contexts, so they won't trigger the tasks they are tied with as if they are disabled.
    3. The tasks and scenes are still useable by other projects.

    I think It may be better to put the 3rd point under the action that toggles the project so user could have more control over their behaviour.

    Some additional actions or variables may be needed to query their status, and retrieve the project list.

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    Add to Collision Handling

    Add "run after existing task" to Collision Handling.

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    Copy Move Paste a single condition line from IF or other condition Blocks

    269red · 0 · Posted

    The Condition features are a great idea !!!   But what I miss most, is the possibilty to move, copy, paste a single condition statement within the IF of an action and to copy a single conditon statement to another action. In the example below, I would like to Move, Copy, Paste a single line like %WifiCMD ~ auto withthin the Condition block or to other Actions or IF statements !   Action Edit Condition %BatLow SET OR %WifiCMD ~ auto AND %Usr !SET


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    Slight change to the behavior of the "add action" (+) button when editing a task.

    Change the add action button (the + dealy) such that it adds the action above the currently selected action as if "insert action" from the menu were clicked.

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    Add onExit task to scenes.

    Add an onExit task to scenes such that when one presses the back button or the tiny little "x" the bottom-right corner of the scene said task is performed. AutoInput doesn't seem to be up to the task (no pun intended) or I haven't figured it out, yet.

    Edit: I found the way using the "key" tab of the scene's properties.

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    Suggestion for the new Copy/Paste conditions option across actions

    SmartPhoneLover · 0 · Posted

    Suggestion (1)

    I think placing the Copy & Paste options under the Conditions section would be better, than having to open the top menu.

    I mean, instead of placing the correspondign options in the top menu, allow Tasker to show/hide the Copy/Paste buttons in the Conditions section if the user copies (and wanted to paste) conditions from an action. So, by default if no conditions are copied from any task, the buttons (copy) could remain hidden, and only appear (paste) when Tasker detects that some conditions have been copied.

    • Copy button: always visible.
    • Paste button: only appears when the user
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    Make "Go to task" context menu option...

    Make "Go to task" context menu option when highlighting a "Perform Task" action. Like "Convert to if block" in actions with conditional statements.

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    Dynamically Rearrange Actions

    Manny · 0 · Posted

    Action to rearrange/move other actions inside a task by number or label.

    Example: Move Action #5 to last place, first place or to number 10...

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    Open file with default app just like browse url action

    WhirlWolf · 0 · Posted

    There is no option to choose default app for OPEN FILE action.

    There should be option like BROWSE URL action have.

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    Default on tap for NOTIFY action

    WhirlWolf · 0 · Posted

    Currently when a notification is created there is no default on tap functionality.

    We have to create another profile as NOTIFICATION CLICKED event and configure.

    We should be directly able to configure on NOTIFICATION CLICK functionality in the NOTIFY action itself.

    It will be great addition to tasker imo.

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    Be able to show picture as not tinted for Progress Dialog

    SmartPhoneLover · 1 · Last reply by Abhishek M

    Currently, the Progress Dialog action, when configured to show an animation, it applies a tint to the configured picture, as shown below:

    I would like to be able to choose not to tint the picture(s), and instead show them with their original color scheme, as shown below:

    By this way, we can use our own set of icons to create a much more customized animation for the loader image.