Urgent Enhancements and Suggestions for Tasker / Javascript joaomgcd

Hello Tasker Community,

  1. Synchronous "Perform Task" Option: It would be beneficial to have a synchronous version of the "Perform Task" action in JavaScript. This would be particularly useful when we need to wait for a task to complete before proceeding.

  2. Plugin Compatibility in JavaScript: Exploring ways to improve plugin compatibility with JavaScript actions, such as AutoInput plugins, could open up new possibilities for automation.

  3. Update JavaScript Library: Updating the JavaScript library to include all native actions would help streamline JavaScript usage within Tasker.

  4. Logging JavaScript Console Output: A feature to log JavaScript console output to a file would be handy for debugging and tracking script execution.

  5. Variable for AutoInput Element Existence: Having a variable to store whether an element exists in AutoInput would simplify automation tasks that rely on UI elements.

  6. Running a Live Server Without WebView: Although Tasker excels in automation, the ability to set up a live server without using WebView would be a valuable addition for specific use cases.

  7. Collision Handling and Synchronous Code: A clearer explanation of collision handling and options for running synchronous code would be helpful for users who require precise task execution.

  8. Unleashing Tasker's Full Potential: Tasker is a versatile tool, and it would be great to see it evolve to its fullest potential, offering even more advanced automation capabilities.

Look at my attachment, I want to write my code like this, but its not working because of the above. Now i have to write some long tasks on my phone.

With the way joaomgcd has written it so far, you are holding back the true potential of the software for automation.

Similar suggestions were made 5 years ago and no change has been made https://tasker.helprace.com/i323-misc-javascript-improvements

You have done a great job updating the Autoinput plugin etc, now it is actually really useful. But in order to utilize it properly and run some really advanced automation, I would love to see suggestions #1 and suggestions #2 implemented ASAP.

Lets see Tasker reach it's full potential in 2024.