Tenho a versão paga (última do play store). Não estou conseguindo criar regras no estado ou evento, porque?
"Bluetooth Connection" Disconnect not working on Xiaomi Mi Mix 3
I'm pretty sure it was working some time ago, but no matter if I use the device name or MAC, it keeps connected. I tried unpairing it as well just to see what happens and it throws the error "Unknown error removing bond".
Is there any chance disconnecting devices will work again on Xiaomi devices?
Tasker shortcut is replaced by Tasker Secondary on home screen
When Tasker is placed on the home screen, and Tasker Secondary is not on the home screen. When applying a change in Tasker. Then Tasker is replaced by Tasker Secondary on the home screen.
Attachment: - TaskerShortcutIsReplacedByTaskerSecondaryOnHomeScreen.mp4 Video reproducing the behavior.
Tasker Version: 5.9.2 Phone: Samsung Galaxy XCover Pro Model number: SM-G715FN One UI version: 2.0 Android version: 10
Tasks stop working because of language change
In reference to my previous post i may have the answer.
Back in the days when i created profiles and their relative tasks i was using the app with the language set to english and i still prefer to have english as default. Now, from time to time tasker decides on its own (???) to change language to italian (which is the OS language) and that causes all of my tasks to stop working properly. When i change language back to english everything seems to work again as normal. How do i prevent tasker from automatically switching languages?
Thank you
Screen Capture Action allways ask permission on Xiaomi MIUI 11
Actually, my device is an Xiaomi Redmi 8 Miui 11 (Android 9). When I use "Screen Capture Action", or "AutoInput Screen capture" in a task, allways ask permission to initiate the record, so I can't automate screen capture because of user interaction is needed. In my previous device (Moto G3rd android 6.0.1) theese actions works fine.
Could you told me how I can solve it?
I've attached screen capture showing the message. Sorry, it is in spanish.
Thanks in advance.
Continue after error doesn't work
So, I'm trying to take a picture with Tasker, but I noticed that 90% of the times it doesn't work, for reasons yet unknown.
The biggest issue, tho, is that the "continue task after error" doesn't work. It just stops at all.
14.22.15/Variables doreplresult: |photofront-%FILENAMES| -> |photofront-1597407667_14.21_14-08-20|
14.22.15/E start proxy CameraProxyDiscrete, wait, time limit 17s
14.22.15/E add wait type Proxy Group time 17
14.22.15/E add wait type Proxy Group done
14.22.15/E set proxy: true (startProxy)
14.22.15/E add wait task
14.22.19/E Error: 1
14.22.19/E timeout
Sound mode doesn't work alone
On my old ringtone (Samsung J7 2016, Android 9) I had a profile with I turn ringer sound on / off when I was in the meeting. Now I have Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro, Android 10 with the same profile, but something is going wrong. It looks like vibrate mode and sound mode doesn't work alone. I checked it. The results are in PDF file. Sound mode and vibrate mode alone do not turn the sound on or off. I had to add both of them to my task. And it still depends on the order. For example, if
Android 11 - Cannot turn off wifi
I have a task that always ran successfully until Android 11. I can no longer turn off wifi. I've tried Net-Wifi Off and Custom Settings methods and neither works.
Any other way to accomplish?
HTTP Request Action throws missing access storage permission notification even if no file output is configured in the action
I recently startet replacing JavaScriptLets in my kidapp with HTTP Request actions and now my kid app complains about missing access storage permission whenever this action runs.
I don't use the action to access storage so it doesn't need this permission. Please fix this as I can't use the action as long as it asks for unnecessary permissions. It should only ask for this, if a file output is set.
Error in tasker exporting task
Hello, when I try to export a task I get the following error:
available audio stream global variables don't include the accessibility stream (STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY) https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/AudioManager
I use the TalkBack screen reader. I'd like to adjust the accessibility stream. The volume buttons control only the "active" stream, so not always relyable. I have tasks to adjust other streams, they work very well, but adding a global variable for this stream would help a lot. Documentation for STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/AudioManager
Thank you.
Turn OFF WiFi sporadically doesn't work
Boas João,
I've a very simple profile to turn OFF WIFI when I leave a certain location.
Recently the action to turn OFF WiFi started to bug.
Sometimes it runs as it should, sometimes runs but doesn't turn off WiFi (ExitERR on the LOG)
I've the last version of Tasker (beta) + new tasker setting and both aren't battery optimized.
Samsung S20 running on Android 11 with One UI 3.0
I've posted on Reddit and there's at least 3 more persons that experience this bug. Link
P.S: Just noticed that you released a new version of tasker settings 2 days ago
Assistance Request event changes the current selected app
As reported in the subject, if I associate a task to the Android "assist app" feature, when I run it the current selected app is changed (I guess the focus is given to Tasker itself, but I am not sure hot to verify it). To avoid this, I am currently using the "Home Button Launcher" app to run the task, instead of Tasker itself: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dynamicg.homebuttonlauncher
app info action
Takser v 5.11.14
OnePlus 7T A10
in attempting to get a list of current and recent apps using App Info action 'last(0:3)', tasker's package name will populate the return array if a scene has been shown. Is there a way to differentiate between scenes and the app itself? I would like for tasker app to show in array, just not for scenes.
No permission to check license
I had Tasker installed on a new Samsung S21 running Android 11 - this was installed as part of migration from old to new phone. On the new phone I've never run Tasker, or set it up at all.
I've kept getting toast type messages randomly appear on my phone saying there was no permission to check for a license. I had no idea which app was causing this, but after pulling the logs I can now see it was Tasker. ADB logcat snippet below:
I've since run Tasker and accepted terms and conditions etc so hopefully it will
Secure settings not enable/disable GPS in Miui 12 android 11
Hi, I switched to xiaomi Mi 10 Miui 12 with android 11, I rooted with magisk, I use the using version of tasker and the pro version of secure settings, with huavei I had created a task that turned on the gps if connected to my machine , now the same task with the new device does not work, secure setting does not work to change the gps status. How can I solve the problem if possible, thanks.
QuickTask quick settings tile event trigger no longer works after v5.12
I am using "QuickTask" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.balda.quicktask) for simple quick settings tiles, and this has worked well for me for a long time. Since Tasker v5.12, clicking the quick settings tile no longer triggers an event in Tasker. I have tried reinstalling both Tasker and QuickTask and resetting Android quick settings via adb, but it still didn't work. It's only the event-triggering part of the quick settings tile which was not working; I was able to change the image and label of the quick settings tile using Tasker actions. I can also configure whether clicking the quick settings tile required an unlock,
TextEdit display cannot update
Hi,dear developer:
An issue was observed that the display of a "TextEdit" created by action "Element Create" cannot be updated when the related global Var, Which is the content of "Text" of "TextEdit", is updated.
In my test, this issue does not exit if the "TextEdit" is created mannaully in the scene edit interface.
This issue was firstly appeared after I updated to 5.12. But it is still there when I go back to 5.11.
support for lineage profile settings
hi, first: great app!
i wanted to ask for support for the current version (lineage 18.1) in order to switch profile settings. it was working on different devices with lineage 16.
more and in depth information about this whole issue:
many thanks for the support!
Deprecated: 3. Party Apps Event: K9 Email received
With K9 Mail Version 5.800, released some days ago, the event "3. Party Apps Event: K9 Email received" is no more availible because K9 will not raise it.
The event was removed from K9 Mail. (https://forum.k9mail.app/t/tasker-k9-email-received-event-no-longer-working/1218/2).
I suggest to remove the event from tasker or at least give an info when you select it in tasker to manually check that the K9 Version is below 5.800 or maybe tasker checks against the installed app version and hide the event.
Workaround/new best-practice is to hook on the "K9 Mail notification" in Android.