
Get Voice can fail so it needs a continue task after error option.

I'll add a screen shot when I am on my PC as you have to drag and drop them on this website, so I can't do it from my phone.

This might just be a bug in Tasker that needs fixing. But if it's not possible to stop get voice from failing, then a continue task after error is needed so that the situation can be managed, eg try again.

3 replies

I'll test it. I love the new options upon creating an if action.

Hi there, thanks for the report! Can you please try this version? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UfMEt1H6wjlMDdsqByn-flCRqE45PdJ1/view?usp=sharing

Now I'm on my PC, I see I could have uploaded via a file name. Ah well, here is the screen shot. BTW, I'm fairly sure the 903 errors are also something to do with Get Voice. If It can't be fixed, a continue task after error option would allow me to have a retry, or take some other action.

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