Common Problems

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    XMLHttpRequest() and fetch() in Javascript(let) returns nothing sometimes

    Jason Lim · 3 · Last reply by Jason Lim

    I would first like to acknowledge that I might be getting something absolutely wrong here.

    The code below will have the following results in chrome (accounted for CORS):

    • results[0-8].fetch = "..." // contains something
    • results[0-8].xhttp = "..."

    but will have the following results in Tasker:

    • results[0-4].fetch = "" // undefined
    • results[0-4].xhttp = ""
    • results[5-8].fetch = "..."
    • results[5-8].xhttp = "..."

    Few things to note:

    • An observation will be that something is only returned if the URL doesn't end with "html" or a sever directory.
    • The results here are the same with a POST request too.
    • I currently have no workaround other
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    Gestures and shake actions broken

    Trac Fone · 2 · Last reply by Chis

    Across multiple phones and Tasker versions, I have never found shake and gestures usable - either the false positive or false negative rate is much too high or it simply triggers the action when I'm positive it couldn't possibly have been performed.


    One consistent bug I have noticed is that shake actions trigger when I pick the phone up off my desk after it's been motionless for a while. Sometimes when performing a gesture, the action starts triggering over and over again as if an infinite loop, as if some flag that should tell Tasker that the action was

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    Element create can't accept a variable as Content field

    Domenico Romano · 0 · Posted

    Joao, please fix this, otherwise this action isn't useful to create dynamic scenes.

    Thanks in advance

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    Increase history items for "cell near" context

    269red · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Dear Joao,

    I work a lot with Context "Cell Near" e.g. to detect work places,...

    To set the cells for my wifes place I look at the context in the evening when she comes home.

    Sadly the history (in the cell near context magnifying glass) is to short and so does not show the cells from in the morning. Could you please at least double, better tripple the history or make it a preference.

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    Run shell timeout not work

    Lazypawn4012 · 1 · Last reply by Lazypawn4012

    I saw the Old Discussions at forum, it has no meaning...!topic/tasker/DeEHhw2emao

    Today I runned a shell script about "Getevent" -same as above discussions- with 5 sec of timeout. But it doesn't timeout.

    And it worked on my device earlier, but after several updates, some months, today, it doesn't.


    I performed above as task, give a stop action to that task, it doesn't stop itself.


    So, the result is... you had an mistake with root permission.

    A shell script action with root permission can't be controlled by tasker, th owner app.

    It just can be excuted by, but

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    Wrong Application Icon in Widget

    Michael · 1 · Last reply by João Dias


    I have created a widget on the home screen. Depending on the profile, I change the widget icon and text (and some other things) via tasks (Set Widget Icon). For the widget icon, I use an application icon since it launches the application when clicked.

    There are two problems with the widget's icon:

    When setting the icon to the application icon for Google Maps, it doesn't show the usual map icon but a red location marker instead. There seems to be a problem with how the application icon is selected. In the task definition in Tasker, the correct icon

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    media recorder

    Maxime · 0 · Posted


    I can't record calls (incoming and outgoing). Let me explain.

    For that I use a task with the action "Record sound", found in the tab "media". I have specified the destination path (correct path), and the name of the file that will be created. I put a maximum size of 300. Format: AMR Narrowband and the same for the codec.

    When I receive a call and answer (task triggering), an error message appears: "Failure to initialize the recorder")...

    However, the action works if I change the source and put "Microphone".

    How can i solve this problem ?

    Thank you in

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    Launch App only works if I'm inside tasker

    Cotov · 1 · Last reply by Cotov

    If I set a task to launch an app it will only do it if I have tasker open and running in the foreground and I'm browsing inside it. Otherwise apps aren't launching e.g from home screen with tasker minimised.other things like vibrate on trigger work so the task is initiated. But apps do not launch. Seeing the logs it says all is good and app is launched.


    Event: shake up and down -> task: 1) vibrate, 2) launch camera.

    If I'm inside tasker in any menu, if I shake 1 and 2 happen. But if I'm anywhere else,

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    maths adding negative number

    Aase · 7 · Last reply by João Dias

    Yesterday (or possibly one or two days before, I had tasker turned of for a while) one of my tasks that have been working for years started chrashing. After some debugging I've isolated the error to a 'set variable' where I add two other variables using 'do maths'. The problem occurs when the second of the variables added is negative. Trying to replicate the errror I found that if i just tried to set %newvar to e. g. 3+-1 there's no problem, but if i first set %var to e. g. 0-1 (getting a negative result) and the try to

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    Missing permission Notification Access in Second Space

    elread · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I try to set up Event -> Notification under Second Space (MUI11, Android 10).

    The task works well after I save it but in a couple of minutes it stops working and Tasker asks me to set the Notification Access again that I already set. It says: Error still missing permission Notification Access. On the same phone but under First Space is everything ok.

    I tried to reboot the phone. It helps for a while but then it happens again.

    Does anyone know a solution?

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    de-googled phone > now tasker thinks it is expired trial version

    DrWho · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    - installed tasker paid version from playstore on previous device - migrated to new device without issue - de-googled new device - tasker now displays message stating it is expired trial version what to do ?

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    Patrick Lucas · 0 · Posted


    My device is a Huawei MediaPad M5 tablet running Android 8 and the "Set Timezone" action appears red and cannot be used. This is preventing me from creating a task to update the timezone depending on GPS location.

    I know very little about Android programming but I found the link below and was wondering if it has anything to do with the issue. Please take a look.





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    AutoNotification comma problem

    Enrik · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    If my notification text does not contains comma ot shows correctly. Notification text:

    <p style="color:#eeeeee;">This is text and text again</p>

    But if I include commas it shows like this. Notification text:

    <p style="color:#eeeeee;">This is text, and text again</p>

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    Unable to install Tasker

    Ahmetsevkisoydan · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    my tasker app suggested me to update the app and once i try to update it through

    it couldn’t install the file. Now i cant open the app and get an error as unable to install Tasker.

    i tried to install both former and current versions if the app, sane thing happens. 

    i have already booked for some tasks for next days but can’t see the adresses nor i have any tool to warn the clients. 

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    Remove multiple Google account restrictions in Autoweb

    Ravi Warrier · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Sometimes you need to have more than one Google account on your phone. 

    But having multiple accounts disables purchases/registration in some autoapps, especially autoweb.

    It would be nice to have this restriction removed as no amount of clearing cache and reinstalling autoweb+autoapps fixes the problem. 

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    Scene tab crashing

    kingfish · 4 · Last reply by João Dias

    When I go to the scenes tab and tap the plus sign, I'm prompted to name my scene. As soon as I tap the check mark after naming, Tasker crashes. Backed up data, reinstalled, and restored. Same result.

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    Choose input device - Keyboard changing

    DenHaz · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I'm going mad and can't pinpoint the issue.

    Honor View 20, Magic 3.0.0, Android version 10.

    I was ADB authorising Tasker, Join and Autovoice for Android 10 and since then my Android system switches the Keyboard input methods between my keyboard, Tasker and Join, making typing virtually impossible as the keyboard minimises every few seconds.

    I have tried the basics of uninstalling, reinstalling, re-authorising, trying different keyboards installs but nothing holds. I can't find any other similar issues online so it must be something very specific I have done but not sure where to start. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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    logcat Problem

    note666 · 2 · Last reply by note666

    Hey joao,

    After I use logcat entry for fingerprint action, the bubbles of "Click to stop logging" every time I use multi windows. See video.


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    Get Voice can fail so it needs a continue task after error option.

    Steve Waring · 3 · Last reply by Steve Waring

    I'll add a screen shot when I am on my PC as you have to drag and drop them on this website, so I can't do it from my phone.

    This might just be a bug in Tasker that needs fixing. But if it's not possible to stop get voice from failing, then a continue task after error is needed so that the situation can be managed, eg try again.