
Launch App only works if I'm inside tasker

If I set a task to launch an app it will only do it if I have tasker open and running in the foreground and I'm browsing inside it. Otherwise apps aren't launching e.g from home screen with tasker minimised.other things like vibrate on trigger work so the task is initiated. But apps do not launch. Seeing the logs it says all is good and app is launched.


Event: shake up and down -> task: 1) vibrate, 2) launch camera.

If I'm inside tasker in any menu, if I shake 1 and 2 happen. But if I'm anywhere else, say home screen it only vibrates. Tried with a bunch of apps.

Just updated to 5.9 today, did not have that problem before. Also did the the ADB thing today to be able to use Logcat. Not sure if this can cause it.

Android P.

1 reply


Resolved, it seems the permission draw over other apps aka display pop up windows while running in the background on MIUI, had disabled itself.

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