Wrong Application Icon in Widget
I have created a widget on the home screen. Depending on the profile, I change the widget icon and text (and some other things) via tasks (Set Widget Icon). For the widget icon, I use an application icon since it launches the application when clicked.
There are two problems with the widget's icon:
When setting the icon to the application icon for Google Maps, it doesn't show the usual map icon but a red location marker instead. There seems to be a problem with how the application icon is selected. In the task definition in Tasker, the correct icon (i.e. the map) is shown after I selected it.
The other problem: Some app icons have a background in the launcher (e.g. the Duo Authentication app has a green background in the launcher) but the background is transparent when using it as the app icon for the widget. This makes some of them difficult to see (e.g. in the case of Duo this is only a small white text) and look different from the app in the launcher. Again, in the task definition in Tasker, the background is displayed correctly (in green for the Duo app)
I use Tasker 5.7.2 on an Samsung Galaxy S10 running Android 9.
Thanks for looking into this,