Gestures and shake actions broken
Across multiple phones and Tasker versions, I have never found shake and gestures usable - either the false positive or false negative rate is much too high or it simply triggers the action when I'm positive it couldn't possibly have been performed.
One consistent bug I have noticed is that shake actions trigger when I pick the phone up off my desk after it's been motionless for a while.
Sometimes when performing a gesture, the action starts triggering over and over again as if an infinite loop, as if some flag that should tell Tasker that the action was done isn't cleared.
I've calibrated the accelerometer on my phones, tried many combinations of settings, and verified that the raw data coming from the sensors is as expected, but have never been able to find a setting where gesture and shake actions are usable.
I've attached a screenshot of a gesture that doesn't work - I have to do the gesture 3 or 4 times before anything happens, then the action may trigger once, three or four times, or just start triggering in a loop until I disable Tasker.
Here's the profile export:
Profile: Gesture T (5)
Event: Gesture [ Name:T Pattern:... ]
Enter: Anon (13)
A1: Torch [ Set:Toggle ]
A2: Vibrate Pattern [ Pattern:0,100,100,100 ]
Sometimes when performing a gesture, the action starts triggering over and over again as if an infinite loop, as if some flag that should tell Tasker that the action was done isn't cleared.
I've calibrated the accelerometer on my phones, tried many combinations of settings, and verified that the raw data coming from the sensors is as expected, but have never been able to find a setting where gesture and shake actions are usable.
I've attached a screenshot of a gesture that doesn't work - I have to do the gesture 3 or 4 times before anything happens, then the action may trigger once, three or four times, or just start triggering in a loop until I disable Tasker.
Here's the profile export:
Profile: Gesture T (5)
Event: Gesture [ Name:T Pattern:... ]
Enter: Anon (13)
A1: Torch [ Set:Toggle ]
A2: Vibrate Pattern [ Pattern:0,100,100,100 ]