New Problems

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    %caller reports incorrect context when the same named task is called by two profiles at the same time

    Dan · 0 · Posted

    I've discovered that %caller reports the wrong context when two different contexts with the same priority call the same named task at the same time.

    You can reproduce this by creating a named task (I called mine Collision Test), with collision handling set to "Run Both Together" with the following action:

    1. Array Push: %Collision, Position: 1, Value: %caller()

    Then call the task "Collision Test" in both the entry and exit tasks of two different contexts that have the same priority:

    • Collision Test 1: State -> Variable Value: %Collision_Test ~ true
    • Collision Test 2: State -> Variable Value: %Collision_Test !~ true


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    AutoWeb: Gmail API get message body data decoding needed

    anonymized · 0 · Posted

    Body data is somehow encoded and payload body data won't come through.

    Needing some way for Autoweb to decode body data.

     I found this, . Could I decode somehow with AutoTools?


    I don't know, if payload body data is needed, then it doesn't seem to go throuhg. Only body parts data comes through. I get something like this from here as below: 


    "body": { "size": 0 }, "parts": [ { "partId": "0", "mimeType": "text/plain", "filename": "", "headers": [ { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" }, { "name": "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "value": "7bit" } ], "body": { "size": 925,

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    Support for Android TV running Oreo (e.g. Sony TVs)

    Ameel · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    Similar to this previous post:

    I don't mind sideloading etc, but the main issue is being able to access the full layout of Tasker. Currently the search button and 3-vertical-dots menu at top right corner do not show up on my TV (Sony running android 8). I tested latest released 5.7.2 and 5.8.0 beta 5. 

    Is Tasker somehow compatible with some Android 8 TVs and not others?

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    Variable Convert from Seconds to Date Time gives the wrong solution

    feldritter · 0 · Posted

    When I want to convert Seconds to Date Time it always count one hour too much.

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    Element create can't accept a variable as Content field

    Domenico Romano · 0 · Posted

    Joao, please fix this, otherwise this action isn't useful to create dynamic scenes.

    Thanks in advance

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    Gestures and shake actions broken

    Trac Fone · 2 · Last reply by Chis

    Across multiple phones and Tasker versions, I have never found shake and gestures usable - either the false positive or false negative rate is much too high or it simply triggers the action when I'm positive it couldn't possibly have been performed.


    One consistent bug I have noticed is that shake actions trigger when I pick the phone up off my desk after it's been motionless for a while. Sometimes when performing a gesture, the action starts triggering over and over again as if an infinite loop, as if some flag that should tell Tasker that the action was

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    An important note about the problem of exported apps doesn’t work without Tasker

    Wael Talaat · 1 · Last reply by Wael Talaat

    The important note: Some exported apps works successfully without Tasker if the screen of the phone is on (surely if it can work when screen is on in Tasker before exporting).

    Explanation1: Recently I have created a project. The aim of it is to open the flashlight without need to unlock the phone. Just by gestures. The project works successfully in Tasker. But after I'd exported it as an app and disabling Tasker. The app doesn't work.

    Explanation2: My flashlight project is designed to run when screen is off. But to check my note I've edited my project to run

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    I want to delete in files in a specific folder running a command.

    Andrew kay · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    When I run the following command in tasker shell to delete files in a folder it gives me the following error:

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    can't find %TNET in list of tasker variables

    Jrj · 0 · Posted

    Want to be able to display provider. I thought %TNET was a monitored variable but I can't find it anywhere.

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    Tasker in hung state...

    Ashish · 1 · Last reply by João Dias


    I am reporting a situation where takser looks to be in a hung state.

    First my setup and environment:

    - Kindle fire HD 8 7th Gen Tablet, with google play installed.

    - Latest tasker version.

    Though this issue is not profile related(because the profile works on the same device 99% of the times and other devices too, and been using it since 2 years) but relates to takser/tasker service in general. I have an app profile , which i use to control how much my kid spends time on her lovely apps(games and youtube).

    Since about some time ago,

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    AutoInput accessibility caused droping frames during each swipe

    Jackal Zhao · 0 · Posted

    If I open AutoInput accessibility, the system would become unresponsive, more specifically, it drop frames when I swipe. (I'm nor sure if I used the proper words) 


    I did some research, found something on an article 


    The article mentioned that the existence of AccessibilityInputFilter blocked the InputDIspatcher thread being awake. So the input event was put into next Vsync, which means the InputDispatcher won't follow the pace of InputReader, but the pace of Vsync. 


    There is a super snappy app called FooView, and some people says the Advanced function in accessibility would cause dropping frames. So normally people only open the Basic function in

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    XMLHttpRequest() and fetch() in Javascript(let) returns nothing sometimes

    Jason Lim · 3 · Last reply by Jason Lim

    I would first like to acknowledge that I might be getting something absolutely wrong here.

    The code below will have the following results in chrome (accounted for CORS):

    • results[0-8].fetch = "..." // contains something
    • results[0-8].xhttp = "..."

    but will have the following results in Tasker:

    • results[0-4].fetch = "" // undefined
    • results[0-4].xhttp = ""
    • results[5-8].fetch = "..."
    • results[5-8].xhttp = "..."

    Few things to note:

    • An observation will be that something is only returned if the URL doesn't end with "html" or a sever directory.
    • The results here are the same with a POST request too.
    • I currently have no workaround other
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    Tasker UI language is switched to the OS language when entering Auto Series plug-in settings

    Hiroki OHZAKI · 1 · Last reply by Alessandro Perna

    When entering the setting screen of an Auto series plug-in (for example, AutoInput), the Tasker UI language is switched to the OS language different from the preference until exit the tasker setting screen.

    For example Event> Plugin> AutoInput> Gesture Action> Plugin> AutoInput> Action

    Tasker: 5.8.0.beta.5 Android: 9 OS language: Japanese Tasker UI language preference: English

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    Proximity sensor not working - profile state always "active"

    Michi · 6 · Last reply by Mike Frame

    Proximity sensor detection not working on xz2 compact.

    Profile says proximity sensor is always active, even when its not.

    Is it the same issue/bug as on S10+? (there was another solved question with the same issue.) 

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    SQL Query selection parameters not working with more then 1 parameter

    Falco · 0 · Posted

    I found out the sql query selection paramters need a real array and not just a list of values. But there is still a problem with this funktion: you can't use more then 1 parameter.

    Here an example

    Array Set %sqlparameters Values:  1 2

    SQL Query

    query: SELECT (? + ?) FROM table LIMIT 1

    selection parameters: %sqlparameters

    result: null

    SQL Query

    query: SELECT (? + 2) FROM table LIMIT 1

    selection parameters: %sqlparameters

    result: 3

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    Not start a conversation not lifting the tube not to pick up the phone not take call

    selevo · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    How to solve a problem ?

     Once upon a time it worked, now on older versions it does not work, lifting the tube does not occur. New versions show a message that i need android 8 I don't have android 8

    Is this the evil of a conspiracy of corporations?

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    "unsupported locale default:default = default:por_BRA"

    Marcos Felicio · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    This message appears all the time:

    "unsupported locale default:default = default:por_BRA"

    What should I do?

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    Allow Music Play to start from times that aren't just integer seconds. Right now it only lets you start from discrete one-second intervals.

    thomas · 0 · Posted

    I'm working on a scene where I'm going to need to be able to play a sound file from specific starting points, and being able to start from a particular time in the audio file is great, but currently it only lets me start at 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and so on.  And I'm unable to start it at 1.5 seconds for example.

    I really need that increased level of precision for the project I'm working on.  I don't see why it should be limited to one-second intervals.  Please let us specify down to the millisecond!

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    autoremote 4g to w10, w10 firewall?

    Henry M · 1 · Last reply by anonymized

    won't go thru...