Required Permissions in App Factory
The "Required Permissions" list presented by the App Factory while creating a kid app is preventing the devs from removing "required" permissions. This means that some permissions that by Google are classified as "sensitive" will be present in the APK even if not actually needed by the app, requiring full verification by Google, which may take long time for no reason. During the app testing stage it should be up to the dev to determine which permissions ACTUALLY are required for the app to function properly, not (what sometimes seems to be the case) by generalized "guesses" by the app
Tasker on WearOS please?
This post is probably not within the scopes of what Tasker should be able to do, but I would be happy if it can happen.
I have AutoWear already and don't get me wrong, it is a great tool. However, versus the average individual who has their phone and watch synced all the time, I am not really into that. I like my device to be self-sufficient. One of the things I liked about AutoWear was it allowed me to deploy somewhat of a miniature routine to the watch in the background. For example, I used the AutoWear (default buttons)
Display -> Status Bar Incorrectly Warns that Accessibility is Needed
On my Pixel 6a running Android 13, I have found that the Display -> Status Bar action incorrectly wants me to enable accessibility for it to work. I understand that on some devices accessibility is in fact needed.
This results in a few interesting quirks:
- When creating a Status Bar action, if it is set to Expanded, Tasker warns that I need to enable the accessibility service. But the action works fine to open the notification shade even if I decline to enable accessibility.
- If the notification shade is open, the Status Bar -> Collapsed action works as expected. But
Alert -> Notify: Variable Values in Action Label Not Passed To %caller for Action
When using a variable to create part or all of the Action Label for an action within the Notify action, the notification correctly displays the variable value in the label. However, when clicking the action label to perform an action, the performed action's %caller variable displays the variable name instead of the variable value.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create a task with the Alert -> Notify action.
- In the Notify action, scroll down to the Actions section and add an action.
- Give the action a label that includes a variable.
- Set the action to Alert -> Flash. Set the Flash action's
The vibration doesn't work.
Hi. Vibrate, Vibrate Pattern actions don't work. There is no error, but there is no vibration. Android 11 Lineage Tasker beta 6.2.12-rc. All permissions from settings are obtained, as well as write_secure_settings
Geomarker spot colour disabled with variable spot size
When using "Element Add Geomarker" there is a field called "Spot Colour" which allows you to set the colour of the spot surrounding the marker.
If the spot radius is set to 0, this parameter disappears, which makes sense. But if you set spot radius to a variable (e.g. %marker(3)) the spot colour parameter also disappears. This means you can only use spot colour if the radius is a constant.
I imagine this isnt intended
Android: 13 (TQ3A.230705.001)
Tasker disable Accesibitily Service of other apps
When Tasker enable Accesibility Service for itself, it disable Accesibility Service for other applications.
Uso la pulsación prolongada del botón de volumen-arriba para lanzar una tarea de Tasker. Para ello necesita tener habilitado el Servicio de Accesibilidad. Este servicio se desactivaba cada dos o tres días y tenía que volver a concederlo.
También uso constantemente el programa Quick Cursor, que también necesita el Servicio de Accesibilidad, pero nunca lo perdía.
Cuando se añadió la opción de que el propio Tasker vigilara si había perdido el Servicio de Accesibilidad y lo volviera a conceder, me alegré y lo active tanto para
Scene resolution NOT updating when exported to Factory KIDS APP
I make a scene and it is 910w by 525h. I export it as an app. I then later decide I want my scene to be WIDER, so I change the width from 910 to 925. Looks normal in Tasker. When I export it as an App however, the resolution is still 910w instead of the new 925 and all my buttons are pushed horizontally into the others if they were on the edge past 910 pixels.
mobile network state 'active' is not set when connected using ipv6
Tasker mobile network state 'Active' does not apply when a connection is established using ipv6 only. When connected using ipv4 the 'active' state is properly set.
AutoTools Bluetooth Permission
Unable to determine how to add the required bluetooth connectivity permission on a OnePlus CPH2459 Nord 20 5G. When running a bluetooth related AutoTools action in Tasker, a notification will inform a requested permission is required. But selecting the notification does no action. Also attempting to add the permission via the App details page does not seem to be an available option to enable.
Android Build - CPH2459_11_C.13
autovoice headset rerouting not working on Android 12
Using Autovoice to Control BT for enabling headset sound (forcing audio through hfp profile ) isn't working on Android 12 device.
Tasker "SQL Query" getting syntax error on DROP COLUMN
As what title says, SQL Query gets a syntax error on using DROP COLUMN or DROP SQL Query: cursor exception: near "DROP" syntax error. Tested queries: ALTER TABLE "my_table" DROP COLUMN "my_column" ALTER TABLE my_table DROP COLUMN my_column ALTER TABLE "my_table" ALTER COLUMN "my_column" DROP ALTER TABLE my_table DROP my_column
Tasker "Variable Clear" (without Clear all variables checked) also clears Project Variables
As what the title says, Variable Clear (without Clear all variables checked) also clears the values of Project Variables, even though Immutable is checked which is annoying because you can't use the feature with Variable Clear.
What I've tested:
- Variable Clear, Project Variable with Immutable checked.
- Variable Clear, Project Variable without Immutable checked (This is the worst because it also clears the assigned value unlike the checked immutable that value it's not cleared on the Project Variables but cleared on the Task with Variable Clear.
Task Flow:
-use variable %ids from the project variable that is set "1"
Missing permission to manage external storage
Hi there, I stumbled uppon this error and dont know how to fix it.
I am just trying to change my UI language from german to english, but as soon as I try that I get a error "Missing permission" to manage external storage. But in the App permissions I can not find any way to allow the storage management.
I am running Tasker 6.2.1-beta on a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 with One UI 5.1
Maybe anyone here can help?
Thanks in advance.
AutoVoice Nosie Action Not Starting Noise Recognition Service
I am running latest Android beta and Tasker 6.2.1 beta. When I restart the phone for some seemingly random amount of time the AutoVoice Noise action works fine but then it will run with no errors and nothing out of place in the log but the Noise Recognition Service will not start. If I go into AutoVoice and toggle the Noise Recognition Service to on it will start listening for noise but does not even temporarily fix this issue and I must keep toggling this in AutoVoice until restart.
Display issues with multiple custom toasts
Hi João!
The fade-in animation on custom toasts is a real dealbreaker for me at the moment in terms of actually being able to use them. I really wish that new toasts would display instantly rather than fading in slowly over the top of the previous one. This is especially jarring and obvious when displaying different text or background colours in quick succession.
If we could remove the fade-in completely and furthermore make sure only one toast is shown at any one time (either implicitly when creating a new custom toast, or via a separate 'cancel existing custom toasts' action),
autonotification action antouchaction not working ?
I've installed KDE Connect on my Pixel 6 and Dell laptop. But they don't seem to automatically connect. I posted a question on the KDE subreddit, and had a couple of responses that KDE Connect it doesn't seem to work as expected. The only way I've been able to get the phone and laptop to connect is my manually tapping the KDE Connect notification.
So, I thought I could use Tasker to simulate tapping the notification. I've done some searches, and from that created the below profile. However, it doesn't seem to work either.
The match on A4 is triggered,
App Factory seems to be full of malware
See virus total scan results bellow
App context detects that app is not running but app was running
on some phones running Android 9/10 (Oukitel, Blackview, Cubot) I try to launch an app, when it is not running but the app is launched all the time even though it was already running, except if that app is in the foreground.
This does not happen with OnePlus 5T with Android 9.
While I found a workaround via notification checks and time limits, I prefer that this context was not reporting false results.
Can you help with a fix?