Alert -> Notify: Variable Values in Action Label Not Passed To %caller for Action
When using a variable to create part or all of the Action Label for an action within the Notify action, the notification correctly displays the variable value in the label. However, when clicking the action label to perform an action, the performed action's %caller variable displays the variable name instead of the variable value.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create a task with the Alert -> Notify action.
- In the Notify action, scroll down to the Actions section and add an action.
- Give the action a label that includes a variable.
- Set the action to Alert -> Flash. Set the Flash action's text to %caller().
- Run the task. Observe that the created notification has an action button whose label correctly displays the variable value.
- Click the action button on the notification. Observe that the flashed toast shows the variable name instead of the value displayed on the button.