Solved Problems

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    Cannot install Tasker, tick battery optimization

    Justjomi · 3 · Last reply by João Dias

    My Tasker stopped working after 6 years on my Ugoos TV box. When trying to reinstall, it is not possible to pass the install screen with tickboxes as I am unable to tick the box battery optimization. My android TV box is always connected to power. Changing battery settings and reboots did not solve it.  What can I do?

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    Stuck on Install Welcome Screen

    Brian Anderson · 1 · Last reply by Brian Anderson

    Device: Fire HD Tablet 10 with Google Play Services Installed

    I was able to download tasker from Google Play Store but I am getting stuck on the "Before We Get Started" setup screen. I am able to check off the three boxes but there is a gray box below that says "Check all checkboxes to proceed". 

    Any work arounds for installing this? I triple checked to make sure that Tasker is not running with battery optimization.

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    Bluetooth state control stopped working

    Ryan · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    All of a sudden all of my tasks that contain Bluetooth control stopped working.  I'm on a Samsung Galaxy S22 running OneUI 5.1 which is Android 13.  My Tasker is the latest released version.

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    Widget Audio Adjustment Failure

    E Jones · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Audio Adjustment command fails to perform successfully when performed from widget, but does not report an issue. Successive steps are performed as if command succeeded. Task is performed accurately when performed from Tasker application directly, so failure is limited to only when activated via a widget.

    Performed report issue to developer option via Android app.

    Phone - OnePlus CPH2459

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    Google Assistant won't run task when Android Auto is active

    Dan Muller · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have some tasks written to allow me to do some things "hands free" while I'm driving. They have worked well in the past, but today I noticed that they work only if Android Auto is not running. So if I say, "Run <task name> with Tasker" while AA is not running, Google Assistant will execute it with no problem. But if AA is running, Google responds with "Sorry, I don't understand".

    The "Sorry" message is something I understand is expected without AA if the phone screen is off (and that still happens, of course), but I've never before gotten

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    Since i've migrated Miui13 to Miui 14 my wifi profile always ask me permission to enable/disable wifi, so the profile is unuseless

    Jose Cipres · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Every time I leave or enter the house, the profile is activated but it shows me a message on the screen requesting permissions for "tasker settings" to enable and disable wifi. This application has always had all the permissions. So I don't know what else to do except disable the profile and do it manually.


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    App factory and tasker version

    Michael Ruotolo · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have just installed app factory and tasker from the play store and trying to export an app. See attached error 

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    GPT-ElevenLabs Voice Chat Error

    nadam · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    these errors are appearing when I try to use the ElevenLabs GPT voice chat module. Instead of returning the voice output it will open another google assistant voice prompt dialog and display the GPT response under the microphone button where the recognized speech normally would be displayed

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    Assistance Request android.os.BadParcelableException

    KTasker · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Tasker Version: 6.0.10 App Check Method: Accessibility

    OS: LineageOS 20 (Android 13) OS Code: 33 OS Target: 30

    When using the Assistance Request event profile, it will consistently fail/crash with android.os.BadParcelableException in certain areas of apps. It seems to happen most often while I'm viewing an area of the app that is used for chatting.

    Note 1: I can disable all event profiles that utilize assistance request, and the crash will still occur. Therefore it would seem it has nothing to do with the profiles I've created.

    Note 2: I used the same event profiles in LineageOS 19 (Android 12L) 

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    TouchTask plugin is not working again. Tasker 6.1.14 beta

    Benson9999 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hi. Unfortunately, the events of the TouchTask plugin do not work again. Tasker 6.1.14 beta, Android 5.1. It was like this before too, then it worked, now it's not working again.

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    google assistant shortcuts in spanish

    Matías dC · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hello, Joao!

    Though app shortcuts are now working in google assistant in spanish, they don't seem to be fully implemented, since I'm not able to execute tasks from the assistant. Are there any plans to implement it?

    Thanks in advance!

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    Join extension compatibilit with Microsoft Edge

    Productivity · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    The join extension in Microsoft Edge is not working, doesn't show the devices. I think the problem is that can't sync the google account session

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    LGV60- Torch action worked briefly but now says "Torch isn't available on this device"

    Justin · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    Yesterday I set up my LGV60 to use the google assistant button to toggle the torch.  it was working great for several hours but I believe at some point I restarted my phone and it just stopped. Restarting again has done nothing to fix the problem. Tasker just tells me torch is not available on this device.

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    Touchtask events not working in Tasker 6.1.9 beta

    Benson9999 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I have Tasker 6.1.9 beta installed. The events of the TouchTask plugin stopped working for me, more specifically screen touched. Everything works on the latest stable 6.0.10.

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    [Question] Screen pixel color detection

    RegiOween · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hello Taskers!

    I'm a passionate AutoIt user for many years (an amazing automation/scripting language for Windows).

    One of the most powerful functions of AutoIt is the possibility to detect screens by pixel color, because as we all know, some developers try hard to hide information from automation tools, like disguising screens with text as actually images, and that very particular feature makes AutoIt invincible in this war, because it can detect even fullscreen games with this wonderful function.

    Tasker has a native Get Pixel Colors action, and AutoInput plugin has a similar action, but both require an image file.


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    Auto input v2 action click slow

    Erik Carlin · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    V2 click action takes twice as long as v1, see reddit thread.

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    Location edit not working

    Juhani Hakkarainen81 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    When i drag location pin, sometimes it doesnt update the location correctly or selects location near to last spot and new spot. coordinates screen doesnt update correctly when dragging. 

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    Tasker mis-handling of beacons

    ckollars · 2 · Last reply by ckollars

    Tasker handling of beacons (iBeacon, Eddystone, etc. etc.) is not possible because operation of BT Near with beacons is not reliable. Active Profiles keep going inactive again several times a minute even though neither the phone nor the beacon have moved at all. Although this false reporting of "BT Beacon Gone" can be reduced somewhat by careful tuning of the monitoring parameters, it cannot be reduced to a tolerable level.

    The problem acts as though for faster response _both_ Tasker and Android are trying to detect the "BT Beacon Gone" condition at the same time. This should not be happening.

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    Wifi Near State Doesn't Work when Screen Off

    Randy · 1 · Last reply by Randy

    Device OnePlus CPH2399 ("Nord 2T") Android 12 Tasker version 6.0.10

    The state Wifi Near doesn't trigger when device's screen is off (device is locked). Only first after the device's screen goes on (device gets unlocked) does the state trigger. Other actions e.g. Beep, Perform Task, etc., can trigger when screen is off. Location Net context also can trigger when screen is off.

    Tasker should make a native workaround analog to Net/Cell Wake Screen.