ALERT/SAY %TIME not consistent
Task: ALERT/SAY Text: The time is %TIME
Result if 09:56: "The time is nine fifty-six."
Result if 10:28: "The time is ten point two eight."
This can be easily recreated by:
Task: ALERT/SAY Text: 09.56 10.28
Result: Nine fifty-six ten point two eight
Open with Tags OR Tasker
I get a nag screen when trying to automate an action - can I get rid of this? Trying to open frunk Tesla - also be great if can do this whilst screen locked - P30 Pro. Thanks
When I have updated Tasker 5.11.1.beta on today, then Kaspersky Internet Security showing virus in Tasker.
When I have updated Tasker 5.11.1.beta on today, then Kaspersky Internet Security showing virus in Tasker.
Event Time "Every" doesn't work properly
While i testing with the time event with the "every" option, i realized that this doesn't count correctly. I tried with the minimum of 2 min, I wanted a task to run every 2min when when I enable this profile, but it runs before the set 2min. I think this happens when you activate the profile, doesn't count the minutes correctly
While loop in tasks stops working after a while
I have this profile set up:
STATE -> Variable Value ~ 1
A loop in which every 5 seconds it should do a http request and check whether or not it should open an app. This includes a Wait of 5 sec and a Goto 1 after the loop ended.
This works for a while, however after 2 hours (http request no longer required the app to open), it stops working (http request now requires it to). It's just like the profile and task never existed.
I have another profile which works fine, so Tasker isn't killed. I
Custom DND suppressed effects remain in effect when Allow All used
I find if I use Custom DND with a suppressed effect (tested with Peek) then set DND to 'Allow All' the suppressed effect is still in effect.
I tested this with the following: Custom DND (with Peek suppressed) -> DND Allow All -> DND Query -> Flash %dnd_suppressed_effects().
As a workaround I use Custom DND with no suppressed effects then DND Allow All (just to clear the DND icon)
Turkish translation is very bad and misguiding. I could help with that but you haven't published any kind of e mail info.
They're probably taken from Google Translate, I was able to understand them but I translated the texts two times in my head to understand it. I can help with that, let me know please.
Kill app feature doesn't work in my non-root phone.
I'm using Samsung M-51 and Kill App feature doesn't work at all.
wrong application icon in widget
My problem is same as in this thread, https://tasker.helprace.com/u735-michael/all/activity
It seems it was solved using a custom build. It'll be great if i can get the same or even better if this came fixed in a Tasker update.
Thanks. I ❤️ Tasker
Project Variables not available to manually run tasks
If I create a Project with a Project Variable. When a profile runs a task flashing that variable it appears. If I run that task manually the variable appears unset. This means I find debugging tasks that use project variables is difficult.
variable AND following with a list of variables with OR
Experienced Tasker user here. When there is Task Action If/Then that using both AND, and OR (such as, when there is Global Variable and there is AND that following with a list of Global Variables with OR, then it seems there is one bug in Tasker. Apparently, it didn't recognize the first variable when following with AND and then list of OR values. It does appear to be bug of Tasker as I am writing here, so will show example below in case if I am overlooking something so you can see for yourself.
%ElectVarCurTimeShPatternVar < 10 AND %ElectPriceVarCurTimeVar1 ~
Variable Add/Subtract doesn't behave as documented
Without using AutoTools Regex I find no easy way to test if a variable is all numeric or not. So I tried Variable Add with an increment value of zero but instead of being ignored as the documentation says, it ends with an error and terminates the task. May I suggest that the two actions be allowed to continue in case of an error, and the documentation be changed accordingly.
Dark mode switches off aod
On the pixel 4a, if I choose to activate dark mode when the screen goes off (to get a black notification background on the AOD) it for some reason deactivates the AOD entirely. I tried triggering the task by event display off and by display state off. The only action in the task is dark mode: on. Whenever the screen goes off the AOD shows for a brief moment and then disappears. Any idea why this happens?
WiFi: enable failed, Error 1 code 425
When doing Net Action -> WiFi -> on, it spits out this error. I am on Android 9 and Tasker version 5.10.1
I'm happy to provide more information if needed!
oauth2: HTTP Auth method oauth2 does not replace the last refresh_token with the new refresh_token
When the HTTP Auth action using oauth2 uses a previously stored refresh_token to refresh both the access and refresh tokens, the auth server returns new access and refresh tokens, but tasker is not replacing the old refresh_token with the new refresh_token. Tasker continues to use the older refresh_token, which technically has not expired, but the server side deletes the older refresh_token since the server knows it just issued a new refresh_token.
When tasker subsequently tries to refresh the access token, it uses the older, no longer valid, refresh token and, of course, authentication fails.
The oauth2 spec is long and
Wifi not turning on in morning
I'm having an issue where my profile which turns on Wifi at 7 AM will activate but does not actually turn on the wifi. It used to work but no longer does so I'm not sure if it's something to do with OneUI 3.0 or an update to tasker but neither the profile or task has changed. Have no issues with turning off wifi or turning on/off bluetooth or gps.
GDList return wrong times in gd_time
I think that Tasker wrongly subtracts the local timezone from the time returned from Google Drive API (that it's already GMT/UTC). So if I have a GMT+3 timezone, the time returned in gd_time is 3 hours less than it should be.
Add variable option in power profile
Please add variable option on power profile. So that we can assign some variable when power connected to mobile. There is no option of it.
Improve audio recording quality for visually impaired/blind persons
Ref.: Release of new Tasker 5.11.14, this comment.
This is seemingly important for disabled persons.