
Missing permissions "Start a phone call"

Samsung Note 20 Ultra, Android 10, kernel 4.19.81, not rooted.

I'm trying to write a simple task that will send calls to voicemail if the number isn't in my address book.

I've enabled all the permissions on tasker (screenshot attached), but it still says it needs the "Start a phone call" permission when I either activate it or just try "playing" it.

Here's the error when I "play" it: (also screenshot)

18.09.27/E Tasker needs the following permission(s) for the functionality you have configured:

Start a phone call
18.09.27/E End Call: don't have permission(s): Start a phone call
18.09.27/E result: stop task (error)
18.09.27/E Error: 1
18.09.27/MacroExit action finished exeID 1 action no 0 code 733 status: err next 0


1 reply

Can you please try disabling and re-enabling the Phone permissions and see how that works? Thanks

Side note - I don't know if there's a way for me to get notified of new comments, but I didn't get a notification.

I turned that permission off, exited the permissions, came back and turned it back on.

I disabled/enabled the task, quick test and now it works.


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