Can't connect bleutooth device
I can't force-connect my car alarm neither with common action nor with AutoTools (see attached screenshots). Could you please provide some solution?
app not responding dialog
how can tasker press wait on the dialog?
i cannot post to google group forum for unknown reason
close system dialog does not work
android 4.0.4
tasker latest for gingerbread, installed one week ago
thank you
Navigation bar customization not working on Android 10 using adb?
Navigation bar customization not working on Android 10
using adb any method???
export task with java code
Good afternoon,
I have a task that uses java code to get the call log, I then filter to get rejected calls or just last 5 calls or whatever, everything works fine in tasker, but when I export the task to an app it does not work, I inserted a vibration at the begining and at the end, so I know that the task is starting, but after the first vibration it does nothing more, no java code and no last vibration.
So, is java code accepted in exported tasks? ... if yes, then what do I have to do
tasker on the pixel 5 will NOT run any profiles
Ever since I upgraded to the Pixel 5 I can't get Tasker to do anything at all. I used to have a profile that would run when connected to my car's BT. That no longer works. I tried changing the profile to trigger when I started my podcasts app (Pocket Casts) and that didn't work either.
In addition, I keep getting the message to install ADB on my phone. Well, I've tried that several times using the instructions provided but, apparently, it hasn't worked.
Help! Please.
Tasker has no access to files created by AutoNotification
I've found this problem a handful of times on reddit etc., but I can't seem to find any fix (except maybe rooting my device, which I would like to avoid at this point).
I used to get a .png from a notification using AutoNotification and I could send that image via a POST Request in Tasker to a nodejs server. However, when using the path 0/Android/data/com.joaomgcd.autonotification/etc... in the request, I get a permission denied error.
I am aware it has something to do with the way Android 11 handles scoped storage, however, wouldn't it be possible for AutoNotification to
Couldn't toggle airplane mode with ADB Wifi (Android 6.0, no root)
I want to enable Airplane Mode on my phone using Tasker action.
There is a simple action named AirplaneON:
Airplane Mode [Set: On]
I have already configured Tasker and ADB according to the guides:
- ADB Setup
- ADB Wifi Permission
- Write Secure Settings Permission
ADB Wifi actions are working after that, like test.
But when I try to launch my EnableAirplaneMode action, i have the following error:
Is it possible to fix this problem without root?
Device: BLU R1 HD (non-root)
Android 6.0
Chromecast Google TV
I use tasker already for more then 5 years.
Great App !
Now i have a small problem.
I need to make an app that wordks on the Chromecast Google TV.
I have installed Tasker and the App factrory
I have 2 issues:
The sttings button and the button to accept the disclaimer when exporting to app are not vissable.
What should i do.
Please let me know.
Rick Schwarz
The Netjerlands
Get Location v2 doesn't return %gl_time_seconds in Android6
I used the "Get Location v2" function to get time from the return value %gl_time_seconds.
It works very well in Android 10, but the same task doesn't work in Android 6, %gl_time_seconds keeps unset while %gl_latitude %gl_longitude can work correctly.
Tasker Version 5.11.14
AutoNotification not working on Samsung A51 with the new One UI 3.0
Hi Joao, as I reported here (https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/comments/m54otc/autonotification_toast_intercept_has_stopped/) I can no longer intercept toast and notifications since I installed the latest update by Samsung on my Android 11 device. I don't know which version of AN I was using after (re?)installing 4.3.0beta but now nothing works, no log entries, nothing, nothing. The only thing is that I get an AN notification saying "Intercepting Toasts" but that's it. What is interesting though is that after installing v4.1.4 (after I dropped out of beta testing), the AN log now contains some entries like this:
- New intercepted Notification:
- Title: Checking Tasker Condition
- Text: Running...;
Notification Blocking backup cannot be restored
I just found that a backup created of the list of blocked notifications in AutoNotification cannot be restored. The backup works fine and creates a BlockFilterForDB database (SQLite), which contains all the definitions and looks correct. But restoring only lets me choose the backup file and when accepted nothing more happens. I'm running Android 11 One UI 3.0 with Tasker 5.11.14 and AN v4.2.0 beta.
Thanks for looking in to this.
Installed tasker for the first time, crashed on startup. Uninstalled. Now gmail crashes on startup
I purchased and downloaded Tasker today onto my Verizon Galaxy S8.
After it installed, I tried running it, and it crashed. I tried starting it a few more times, and it crashed every time. So I uninstalled the app and got a refund.
Now my Gmail keeps crashing. I'm guessing Tasker installed some sort of hook to be able to use Gmail, but it wasn't (un)installed properly, so now Gmail itself is broken.
Is there any way to cleanup whatever it is Tasker has done to Gmail?
Oh, and I also get notifications that Email has crashed, which I don't
API POST to Home Assistant returns "Invalid JSON specified"
I am trying to save a state to Home Assistant using the API. The POST request is working fine in postman, but not i Tasker.
When i add the header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" (replacing "<token>" with the correct token. 183 characters consisting of letters and a period. So no special characters if that is relevant). The response is "Invalid JSON specified".
If i change "Authorization" to something else it says "Unauthorized" instead.
What am i doing wrong?
autoshare not working in android 11
Hey I want to copy file path using autoshare action.I have copied the path copier task from autoapps projects, but not working.
In toast message it shows file : none While I have tried several file managers including mixplorer but none of them seems to working.
How to create a task to take a screenshot by holding down the power button
I can't find out how to create a task which allows me to take a screenshot by holding down the power button.
The video on how to create a task does not display on my phone.
Surely someone could produce a simple step by step outline on how to do this
Task to disconnect bluetooth headset doesn't work
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 running Android 10. I've created a simple task to disconnect my Bluetooth headset. However, when I Play the task nothing happens. That is, the headset remains connected. I've tried usight the MAC address as well as the Name of the headset. Neither Action works. Please advise.
%DATE not updated
I am launching a App when the %DATE Global Variable is changed. If I switch off my phone during the night and switch it on in the morning. %DATE Variable is not updated. Only if I edit the Task and save it again, It changes. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Appriciate your help
Passcode workaround
Despite having a passcode on tasker, a user is able to use bypass the passcode using the search function to manipulate some of the tasks.
[ App Factory ] - [ Icon Bug ] When restart your device in the Nova Launcher
I'm having a problem creating the apps in Tasker because when I restart android the nova launcher doesn't load the icon that was in the application exported in Tasker
outdated help text
The help text for "restore settings" in the profile settings still references the old "cog icon" which has been replaced by double arrows