Allow tasker variable in definition of JavaScriptlet.
As an example, to find the distance between London and New York, I'd like to:
Wanted (52)
A1: Read File [ File:Tasker/javascript/geo/distance.js To Var:%jsdistance ]
A2: Variable Set [ Name:%distance To:%jsdistance
var dis = jsprivate_gcdistance('km', 51.5286417, -0.1015986, 40.6974881, -73.979681); Recurse Variables:Off Do Maths:Off Append:On Max Rounding Digits:3 ]
A3: JavaScriptlet [ Code:%distance Libraries: Auto Exit:On Timeout (Seconds):45 ]
A4: Flash [ Text:The distance between London and New York is %dis km. Long:Off ]
But the definition of the code has to be a literal. The work round is:
Have To (96)
A1: Read File [ File:Tasker/javascript/geo/distance.js To Var:%jsdistance ]
A2: Variable Set [ Name:%distance To:%jsdistance
var dis = jsprivate_gcdistance('km', 51.5286417, -0.1015986, 40.6974881, -73.979681); Recurse Variables:Off Do Maths:Off Append:On Max Rounding Digits:3 ]
A3: Write File [ File:Tasker/javascript/temp Text:%distance Append:Off Add Newline:On ]
A4: JavaScript [ Path:Tasker/javascript/temp Libraries: Auto Exit:On Timeout (Seconds):45 ]
A5: Flash [ Text:The distance between London and New York is %dis km. Long:Off ]