Support "Night Light"
The mode turns the display more amber. I'd like to be able to turn it on and off through Tasker (eg off when Maps is on).
Add file rename action to the list of file actions.
This would save the work arround of using a shell command.
NFC adb hack
Other apps (like Macrodroid) uses adb hack to grant permissions for NFC toggle and other settings... "
adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
Update User's Guide
Many sections of the User's Guide have not been updated since Kitkat. New options have been added, new restrictions added or removed, ect. In some cases the information is simply incorrect.
Sections in the guide should also include:
- Any OS requirements or restrictions
- If root is needed
- Special permissions needed
I know that updating and maintaining the User's Guide is a monumental task, but I think it is essential to maintaining the usefulness and popularity of the app.
Monitor Display Brightness as State
Monitoring %BRIGHT as a state is not directly possible. However, we can create a loop and additional task for a Screen on State and monitor %BRIGHT for changes. Is it possible to have this directly as a State Monitor please?
Example workaround;
Google+ Post
Thank you!
Rename AutoNotification to an AN
Renaming AutoNotification to an AN would save a lot of space in the notification.
Add ContentObserver to monitor for changes in Secure/Global/System settings
This is a very basic feature that should be built in to Tasker. It will open up automation based on toggling of settings, many of them OEM settings, that were never before possible.
For example, I could monitor for changes in the status of Night Light and then act off of that by, for example, changing between a Light/Dark theme.
Tasker quick setting tiles
Instead of adding tasks shortcuts in the homescreen, why not add tasker quick settings tiles too just like AN and Join for Tasker. Or add that feature too.
Allow a task to schedule the execution of a task.
This is related to the fork/join feature request and is probably a better choice for the use-case described (ie update some state in the background).
If a task can schedule itself for execution in the future it can:
1. Update a widget.
2. Schedule itself for execution one minute in the future if some condition is true (eg a Scene is active).
Query set variables
I would like to query, at random, which variables I have set and fill an array with their names and values. "Test Tasker" will show me the variable names, but not their assigned values.
My idea is to create a permanent notification that I can view at any time to see what variables I have set and what their values are.
Missing keystore when exporting as app
Using version 5.1.8b.bf of both App Factory and Tasker. When exporting a task or project as an app the followimg error is displayed.
error: missing keystore keystore.auto
This error occurs even if the user has created their own secure certificate. See attached.
Fix tether/hotspot toggle in Oreo
This may help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45984345/how-to-turn-on-off-wifi-hotspot-programmatically-in-android-8-0-oreo
Also, this: http://www.floatingintheclouds.com/app-wifi-hot-spot-on-oreo/
The issue I have with the "Nougat+ Tasker Tethering Control" is that it only works when I let it install to system, which I'm pretty sure will break future OTA updates. (OG Pixel, Oreo 8.1 march 2018)
Notification Icon Colours That Work
Allow chosen colour for notification icons to actually reflect in the notifications per android 5+ APIs. currently the colour chosen has no effect on android 5/6/7+. this was the whole point the option was added, but it never worked. otherwise why else would you let us choose the notification icon colour? Pent never seemed too bothered about this for some reason. Hopefully now Joao has taken over, we may see this feature come to work?
"Notify" Action - Wear Compatibility.
Currently if you want a notification to show on your watch/wear device you have to choose the Tasker action "Notify Sound", However, with this action, you cannot select "Permanent" notification so the notification can get swiped away accidentally. However, if I select Taskers standard "Notify" action (without sound) in order to choose the "Permanent" notification option, the notification does not show on the wear device at all.
An option under the "Notify Sound" action, to make permanent would resolve this (can always select a silent audio file), but it would make sense if the standard "Notify" action even showed on wear
Currently, the only way to modify settings values in Secure/Global tables is to either export a mini plug-in via App Factory and grant that app this permission, or to the the AutoTools plug-in.
However changing device settings seems like such a fundamental feature that it should be made native to Tasker. Tasker already lets you change many device settings, but there's no way for it to account for every possible setting from every possible device, so let the user manually choose.
Right now, just adding the permission itself is enough. It might mean we have to use a clunky Java
Edit Task/Project from PC
Building larger tasks with a lot of text is very cumbersome on the phone.
Would be great to have an app for PC that loads all profiles/tasks from the phone to a similar UI. You could use mouse and keyboard for faster editing and easily sync your new/edited task back to the phone and also test it from the PC.
Probably would be a lot of work, bit I think it could make things a lot easier.
Show global variables in plugin
Tasker doesn't allow a plugin to show global variables
You are welcome to share your ideas
Feel free to suggest improvements to our product or service. Users can discuss your suggestion and vote for and against it. We'll look at it, too.