There is no "Order Validation" choice under /More/..
I've just invested in a new phone and wanted to relocate my Tasker app to it.
Downloaded the latest release (5.2.bf1) from tasker.joaoapps.com and installed on the new phone, but when I open the app and look for the "Order Validation" choice under /More/ menu I can't find it.
how to start tasker after reboot and unlock
I use OnePlus 5,the system is Android 7.1.1.As we know,reboot need input PIN to unlock,then app can run.I use Xposed edge pro can auto unlock.I want know how to use Tasker to auto unlock phone.
I use Shell code can unlock after inputed first PIN.
Take call in Nougat
Sadly not a root free method, but rooted users can take a call in Nougat by using input keyevent 5 - Could this please be added as a Take Call action if root is available please? Thanks.
[BUG] Latest update broke profile using AutoNotification. The Plugin can't find existing notifications anymore
Getting the error
"Autonotification action error"
Notification can't be updated because no notification with the same ID (1) exists
The profiles and tasks were working flawlessly for the last year, notifications can still be created but I can't update them anymore it seems.
Variable Project Placemnet
Hi Joao
I have a project that uses Autoremote to poll information from my other devices. Whilst half of the variables (The manually named ones) show under the projects "vars" tab, the other half of my variables are named and created based on the info that the project polls from my other devices. These dynamically named variables do not show under the projects "vars" tab but instead under the "base/default" projects "var" tab. The only difference with these variables is the name of the variable being created from the info that Autoremote polls. All profiles/tasks are under my
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