Screen on time
Any chance to add a variable that can fetch daily screen on time (not from last full charge) would be great.
Integrate AI into tasker to take action quickly
I suggest AI for Tasker and will be called Tasker Intelligence to do some action quickly. Any AI can't take action on any device and is limited. But Tasker with AI can do more action easily. I hope you all like this.
Action to fetch Fitness Data from Health Connect
If tasker can natively fetch fitness data from Health Connect it would be great. There is an existing tasker plugin that does the job (GitHub - RafhaanShah/TaskerHealthConnect: Android Health Connect Plugin for Tasker). But it would be great if this can be included in Tasker. The plugin can fetch data for specified number of days and out put as json string. something similar would be nice.
Customization in inputs dialogs and other alerts
Add background color and text color options to dialogs for a touch of customization, useful if you are creating an app or scenes with specific colors that identify the design.
HTTP Request: select if to use WiFi or Data
It would be very useful for me to have a way how to force s HTTP request to be routed using the WiFi connection. Especially when the system is using mobile data and I join a WiFi network which requires login in captive portal. I have a task which does this, but when i have my cellular data active this request is just sent using the LTE connection.
Alternatively there could be some option to handle Sign-In portals, but that seems to be even more work.
WaitUntil Time OR Condition is met
Goal: WaituntilTime TIME set in context (like implemented WaitUntil) is reached OR Condition is met
The actual implemented WaitUntil waits forever until condition is met. That produces "hanging tasks". It continues to wait even if the task was stopped by STOP task... It also confused me the first time, as I thought the time that can be set is the max. time it waits (even if condition is not met). But it is the cycle time for checking the condition.
Option to launch List Dialog even when variable or array isn't defined
Current behavior is to error out and display nothing. This makes it difficult to use a list dialog for user populated global arrays if no items were entered yet. Id like to use the list dialog buttons to begin the creation of an item within the array and for that I need the list to launch similar to a text dialog with an empty list until an item is added to array.
Change the default task priority to something that can be changed, or to a very high number
This would allow tasks run from home screen to have priority over anything in the background. A dynamic starting priority would be huge for other reasons as well. It could default to 7 as currently operating, but be changed as needed.
Notification timeout
When sending notifications to android, it allows to set a timeout, after which the notification disappears automatically.
Could tasker also support this feature when using the notifiy action?
Animation Effect on Scene
I hope you can add animations to make "show and destroy scene" seem more lively, such as:
•pop-up: provides an attractive effect when used. attracts more user attention to something displayed in the scene.
•fade: as in video cinematography, this can have a dramatic effect. suitable for some situations.
Having a choice of effects on the scene will increase added value to the user experience.
I hope you and the development team can consider the suggestions I gave.
Thank You.
It is recommended to support WeChat and Alipay payment methods.
Hope to support, hope to support App Bao or Huawei Store, um, and other internal Chinese mainland.The application store can pay in the store in this way, and the current payment method is more troublesome.
China usually pays by WeChat or Alipay.
Hide project/profiles or passwore-lock project/profiles
Can you provide a feature to hide project/profiles or passwore-lock project/profiles for habits control and for parental control?
Make If, Else and End If actions not set or clear the %err or %errmsg variables
Currently, if we want to react to a branch ending in error, this is necessary:
Is there any reason for the If, Else and End If actions clearing the %err variable? If the %err variable was left alone by these actions, the task could be written more simply:
Please add more options/features for Tasker's Music Play
Currently the options available to play music in Tasker include:
1. Music Play 2. Music Play Dir 3. Music Skip 4. Music Stop 5. Music Back
I request the addition of
1. Music Pause/Play (to pause and then continue the currently playing file) 2. A way to skip to the next song / go back songs (the current skip feature can accomplish this by jumping forward like 5 minutes but there is no way to go back to the start or to previous songs) 3. A way to select the Stream in Music Play Dir. Currently only Music Play has
Export description to variable
I currently send all exported descriptions to a text editor via the clipboard. This helps with debugging and allows me to give them a final review before posting.
The issue is that this overwrites the current value of the clipboard.
Could we add a way to export to a variable?
Bring back permanent notifications 🗣️📢
Another day, another feature taken away by Google (seriously, what have they been up to lately?).
As you're all well aware by now, Android 14 made "permanent" notifications dismissible now, breaking many apps along the way – including our dear Tasker, most notably. I've been missing the old notification's functionality ever since the update but apparently there's a rather easy fix for this, at least in theory.
We can somewhat bring back most of the old functionality back by automatically showing any permanent Tasker notifications as soon as they're dismissed. This is probably easier said than done as every Tasker
Adding the most recent episode of a podcast to a Spotify playlist on AutoSpotify
I want to be able to add the most recent episode of a podcast that I like to a Spotify playlist just like how you add tracks. I mainly thought of this idea after listening to the Daily Drive playlist on Spotify and hating the news sources that they would use.
Add support for use of Selection Parameters in commands such as INSERT and UPDATE
For example:
%a, %b, %c
instead of:
Change ' to '' where needed in input vars
INSERT INTO X (A,B,C) VALUES('%a', '%b', '%c');
Ask permission when required
Actions that do not have a permission should request it before executing or at least have the option to enable or disable the request and not just show an error in notifications.
Thanks 👍