Add a wait period to the flash action
The newer versions of Android have created what I would definitely call a bug with the wait action. Now if I have multiple flashes no matter if the first flash is set to long or not the second flash will immediately overwrite the first. This happens so fast I can not even see the first flash action, leading me to believe it never occurred which makes debugging very difficult. The fix for this is to add a wait action after the flash action. Which means every flash action now I will have to add a wait action after it to
Cool down period as a variable or set from within a task
Have profile "cool down" time be specified from a global variable. Something like ...
Tasker Function - Set Profile Cool Down Period - Select Profile (from helper list) for Cool Down Period. - Set Cool Down Time Period (from helper)
This can be useful when using "If" statements in specific tasks for profiles where collision or priority levels can cause conflicts.
Profile - "Remind me to Call Mom Back"- Missed Call Notification from Mom
Task - Remind Me
IF - I'm in a %Meeting (true), Set Cool Down Period for 2 Hours for profile "Remind me to Call Mom
A way to designate whether a Profile has been user named or not.
Currently in Tasker when creating a new Profile there is the ability to name it manually by the user, or to just click the checkbox and let Tasker auto-assign it a name (usually based on whatever the Contexts are then assigned).
The problem with this is - some of the names that Tasker uses for auto-naming can often look like they were named by a user, which can cause problems later on, specifically:
The variables %PACTIVE and %PENABLED do not / will not contain Profile names that have been assigned by Tasker, regardless of if they are active or enabled.
Somfy Tahoma scenario
same kind of connectivity as the IFTTT "TaHoma" applets, to trigger a Somfy scenario (proprietary home automation protocol) from Tasker framework
Is this possible ?
Screen Capture action in Tasker
Add a Screen Capture action in Tasker.
Add Ability to specify seperator on list dialog
Please add ability to change seperator on tasker native list dialog..
I have array %arr() = 1,2,4,3
%arr1= 1
%arr2 = 2
%arr3 = 4,3
IF I have this kind of array its showing 4 items.. so allow me to specify seperator on list dialog, its very usefull
Collision toast - optional please!
Hey Joao,
please make the collision toasts optional. They may be interesting for newbies. But people who know Tasker, who manage collisions appropriately, who take them into account, as part of the programming - the toasts are totally annoying.
Please a global option or a checkbox where we can supress the warning for specific tasks...
You could also make them part of the "Flash warnings" global setting.
Create a variable whose value is the name of the current task.
Please provide a way to get the name of the currently running task (and only that task). This would allow tasks to push themselves on to a stack and have other tasks pop off the stack and execute those tasks (eg to set and reset volume profiles).
Incoming call lock
There shall be an incoming call hidden behind a fingerprint, password or any authentication. After providing the credentials the call incoming shall be visible.
This will avoid anyone answering or spying incoming caller. Or answer calls on your behalf which you might not want anyone to see or know.
Alexa integration
since i've seen the google assistant integration it would be good if we can go with alexa too references https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/steps-to-build-a-custom-skill.html
BT Connected => Select BT Device. Also display custom device name
In the "BT Connected" state settings, device name lookup dialog ("Select a BT Device") displays built-in devices names, but not aliases. This make hard to distinguish devices with identical names. I know that by testing it is possible to found corresponding device MAC Address, but it would be very much easy if the dialog displayed BT devices aliases also. Sample:
Toggle Bluetooth absolute volume developer setting
I'd like to toggle the Bluetooth absolute volume developer setting when a certain BT device connects and disconnects. Unfortunately I did not find the option in Tasker. It would be very nice if you could add the option to change this setting with Tasker.
Autotools Web Screen Status Bar Text size
I've tried the new Autotools Web Screen 'Status Bar Text' and liked it. It's pretty straight forward. While trying I noticed it's possible to change the position of the Text in the Status Bar but not the text size. I would like to be able to change the text size to match the text and icons of the Status Bar, or do what ever one likes.
In my case for example, I have the current temperature in the little space right of the hole for the front camera and the edge of the screen wich is not used by the
Built-in orientation variable
It would be great to have a built-in variable for the orientation state.
There are a functions to check it manually either by profile or task action but both of course are slower if we've a built-in variable.
Send text-command to Google Assistent without opening the Assistent app
From Tasker, for example send the command "Play Spotify on my Google Hub" to the Google Assistent. Without seeing any visual interaction. Maybe the API from Google can be used? Or the action-block app from Google?
Restart foreground app
Please consider this small contribution this works for me you can minimise it into one line of shell command with REGEX by eliminating the extra steps of variable splits I'm sorry I can't dig further into REGEX.
RestartApp (43) A1: Run Shell [ Command:dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mCurrentFocus' Timeout (Seconds):0 Use Root:On Store Output In:%what Store Errors In: Store Result In: ] A2: Variable Split [ Name:%app Splitter:/ Delete Base:On Regex:Off ] A3: Variable Split [ Name:%app1 Splitter:u0 Delete Base:On Regex:Off ] A4: Run Shell [ Command:am force-stop %app12 monkey -p %app12 -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1 am start -n
AutoInput to also report the actual coordinates of the click/long-click actions
%aicoordinates contains the center point of the clicked element.
This is fine for relatively small elements like buttons, but sometimes I want to know the actual point I clicked on a larger surface -- for instance, on a canvas in a drawing app.
Is it possible for AutoInput to set an extra variable (%aitruecoordinates ?) to return the point that was actually clicked?
Many thanks!
Sensors off option in android 10
Can you please add sensors off option in new tasker for android 10? Similar to dark mode toggle
It helps for privacy as well as battery saving.
I'd like to suggest that release dates be change to ISO date format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Here is a link to the suggested standard: Use international date format (ISO)