Get information back from called app through intents
When sending intents, it would be useful if we could get data back from the called apps. So, for example, we could send an intent to pick a file and the called app would return the file in question, rather than developing a file browser or using a plug-in. This would be useful in other situations well
Scene editing widgets camoflaged when love wallpaper is used.
When a live wallpaper is being used, scene editing has a completely white background which makes the widgets invisible. Can this be fixed?
Add a "Copy Info" option to the menu->info
Usually the first response From João to a request for help is "Tasker Version ?" especially when dealing with betas. It would be very useful to have a menu option like Menu -> Info > copy tasker info.
This would set the clipboard to all data João would feel necessary to properly assess help requests. Such as Tasker version, app factory version, android version, device, rooted, ect..