Missing permission Notification Access in Second Space

I try to set up Event -> Notification under Second Space (MUI11, Android 10).

The task works well after I save it but in a couple of minutes it stops working and Tasker asks me to set the Notification Access again that I already set. It says: Error still missing permission Notification Access. On the same phone but under First Space is everything ok.

I tried to reboot the phone. It helps for a while but then it happens again.

Does anyone know a solution?

1 reply

Hi there.
To make sure Tasker and the AutoApps run in the foreground please check here: https://tasker.joaoapps.com/userguide/en/faqs/faq-problem.html#00

Make sure to check here too: https://dontkillmyapp.com/?app=Tasker

Hope this helps!