Common Problems

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    Number picker: old_val not set correctly

    Henrik · 0 · Posted

     When using a number picker in a scene, the %old_val is not set correctly, if you roll the number picker and then roll again before it has stopped, the %old_val becomes unset and defaults to - 2147483648 (-2^31).

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    open map action does not work on S10 but work on S9

    Nir Melamoud · 2 · Last reply by João Dias


    last week open map action stop working well , here is a forum where i reported it, and it was tested by one more user on S9 - but was working for him, 

    Tasker topic - Forum

    I use it daily (twice a day, sometimes more) and last week it stop working, it navigate to the wrong address, always, I actually change my task to sue spot instead of navigating so it will continue working for now, here is the tasker app: navHelper I probably have a new version if needed for troubleshooting

    point to make is that all my addresses

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    Android Pie and Display Brightness

    SmartPhoneLover · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hi Joao,

    I would like to report an issue regarding the Display Brightness action, from latest Tasker v5.8.2.

    Some users, me included, are reporting an abnormal function of that action when changing the device brightness. Known issues:

    - First time action is opened (added to the task), a huge number is shown: 1000+ (value). So, very out of range from 0-255.

    - When running the action with 255 value set, the device brightness doesn't get changed properly.

    So, I'm not sure why is this happening. Maybe because the API changed, so old code is not working as expected in Tasker.

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    HTTP request not working and not clear why

    Michael Degatano · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I am trying to make an HTTP request to in my task.  I have a working auth token and can make my request work fine in Postman and/or CURL on my PC.  But when I try the exact same request in a tasker task I get a 401.

    I have included the following in the HTTP Request action for headers:

    Am I configuring this wrong?  I followed the directions (separate name and value with a colon and no extra spaces).  Authentication is even one of the examples in the doc and this looks exactly like it so it should be working

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    any shell command can Enable or disable tasker like tasker tile

    海泉 唐 · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Is there any shell command can Enable or disable tasker like tasker tile do(Enable/disable itself)

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    Last profile created and used disappears and replaced by the old one !

    Ph Willemsen · 2 · Last reply by Ph Willemsen


    The last profile that I created and used for about 2 weeks has vanished.

    Instead, my last profiles that I deleted earlier reappeared.

    How is it possible ?

    Thanks for your support.

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    Notify doesn't play the right sound

    pben · 1 · Last reply by João Dias


    On my Samsung S10+ with Android 9 the action Notify with a specified file sound doesn't play this file but the default sound of incoming calls (not the default notification sound !).

    All these files are mp3. They sound right with the action play sound.

    I 've tried to relocate the file in a different folder like android/music but same problem.

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    system timer input method flickers

    Kasper Guldmann · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    When creating a "Start system timer" action (which sets a normal countdown timer), you are given a horizontal slider which lets you set the countdown time from 1-86400 seconds. This is not a good input method. It is made even worse because the length of the slider depends on the value of the slider (since the value is written to the left of the slider), which causes the value to jump back and forth between two values while you're dragging the slider.

    Entering a value like 1200 seconds requires either extreme luck or incredible patience while pressing "up" 1190 times.

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    %LIGHT returns %LIGHT (the string)

    Lionel Bompart · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    Hello !

    I wanted to create a task on an HP Touchpad running Android 4.4.4 (CM by jcsullins) to deactivate the daydream screensaver if the light is very low. The setting can be modified with secure settings plugin, that's great but I've got some issue trying to get the light sensor current value. When I try to display %LIGHT (in a flash for instance), it just displays %LIGHT. I tried several other variables, the flash shows their value properly. Is there something special to do to access %LIGHT ? I tried Automate just to check : It seems that the

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    I purchased Tasker and downloaded to my phone. No problems.

    John Hamm · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I want to build and test my profiles on my Laptop using BlueStacks 4.  After downloading Tasker and SharpTools to my phone I used them to build my first Profile to control a Smartthings device.  I then  downloaded Smartthings, Tasker and SharpTools to BlueStacks 4 on my PC and I could do everything that I could do on my phone.  I then tried the same thing on my Laptop.  Smartthing and SharpTools downloaded to my Laptop's Bluestacks 4 just fine, but, even though I choose Tasker from my Google Account My Apps, Tasker Secondary installs instead.

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    The zip action doesn't keep timestamps intact

    Abi · 0 · Posted

    So, right now, when you zip a folder with Tasker, all the files get their "last modified" date changed to when they were zipped. Could we get an option to keep the timestamps of the files intact instead?

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    Wifi and Bluetooth names end in a space

    Stavros · 0 · Posted

    For some reason, wifi and Bluetooth names on my phone (Xiaomi 9T) end with a space, making them not match, since I remove the space. It took me a while to realize what was happening, even though I was using the scanning feature. The scanner was adding the space but I was removing it, thinking the addition was accidental, and then was wondering why the network name never matched.

    I guess the extra space should be fixed, or maybe ignored? This happens for all networks, and I know they definitely don't all end in a space.

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    Navigation bar customization not working on Android 10

    lucatrv · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    As in subject, I see no change when running the "Navigation Bar" action.

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    Issue with "Setup Quick Settings" on Android 10 when "Do Not Disturb" is enabled

    lucatrv · 1 · Last reply by lucatrv

    I use the Tasker "Toggle Quick Setting" to enable / disable vibrate mode. It was working without issues on Android 9. On Android 10 it works correctly only when "Do Not Disturb" is disabled. When it is enabled I get the following behavior: with a single tap I can enable "vibrate mode" with no issues (I set the "Toggle" status to "Active"), but when I tap it again most of the time it does not work. I need to tap it several times until the task is run ("vibrate mode" is disabled, and the "Toggle" status set to "Inactive"). Every

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    Huwaei Mate 20 Pro - No profiles are working

    Peter Atkins · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    I am running a Huawei Mate 20 Pro running android version 9 (EMUI 9.1.0)

    I have tried multiple profiles but cannot get them to run automatically

    Trigger Work, Based on Location, NET & GPS , Radius 100m - Fails to run. ave swicthed off/on GPS, have increased radius , still fails

    Trigger Car Mode, Based on BT Connect, Name selected from search 'VOLVO' and address from search - FAILS.  Have tried switching to BT Headphones to try and trigger, - BT off and On - still fails

    Trigger Night Mode, based on Time, - FAILS.

    The tasks that are called

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    Samsung DeX

    Пожалуйста, исправьте работу приложения в режиме Samsung DeX. Оно просто не открывается, хотя ранее до каких-то обновлений всё работало. Спасибо. 

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    Received Text profile does not recognize an associated e-mail when text is sent via SMTP...

    Will Broach · 1 · Last reply by João Dias

    So let me summarize the issue I'm having.

    I receive a text message when I have been assigned a help desk ticket from work, but this text is sent to me from a server as a SMTP message. (Example: will send a text to me).. I have a task I would like to execute when I receive a text notifying me of a ticket, but Tasker won't see an incoming text if sent via SMTP? Let's say the 'sender' is If I add this e-mail address to an existing contact, the profile fails to trigger any event. If I

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    visual bug when long pressing

    carlorb · 2 · Last reply by João Dias

    long pressing items creates a persistent visual bug that only gets removed when you reset phone

    phone model: Xiaomi Mi A3, stock Android One, unrooted

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    Profile having Event or State Context to check %CELLID variable set is not working in Exported App

    ganesh nikkam · 0 · Posted

    I have created a profile with Event Context to check the %CELLID variable is set (value is blank) and trigger a task when this variable is set.

    In Tasker -> Preferences -> Monitor, I have enabled "Cell Workaround" and "Use New Cell API" options.

    This profile will work and triggers the linked task without any issues when it is in Tasker, but if I export this project as an standalone app (with all required permissions) and install it, this profile will not trigger at all from the app.

    Please help to solve the issue.

    Few points to note :


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    UI bug - sliders - length change while editing

    Xavier Novella Sinde · 0 · Posted

    Please note that the sliders make small jumps when going from units to tens to hundreds, which makes modifying them by hand a bit difficult. Also, the total lenght of the slider is modified while sliding.


    Instead of porcentually assigning pixels to the number on the left and then filling the gap with the slider to the right, the text box should be big enough to fit number 999 and then the slider should fill rest of the gap with a fixed length.


    Now, when you go from 9 to 10 and from 99 to 100, the slider