Bring back permanent notifications 🗣️📢
Another day, another feature taken away by Google (seriously, what have they been up to lately?).
As you're all well aware by now, Android 14 made "permanent" notifications dismissible now, breaking many apps along the way – including our dear Tasker, most notably. I've been missing the old notification's functionality ever since the update but apparently there's a rather easy fix for this, at least in theory.
We can somewhat bring back most of the old functionality back by automatically showing any permanent Tasker notifications as soon as they're dismissed. This is probably easier said than done as every Tasker
Please add more options/features for Tasker's Music Play
Currently the options available to play music in Tasker include:
1. Music Play 2. Music Play Dir 3. Music Skip 4. Music Stop 5. Music Back
I request the addition of
1. Music Pause/Play (to pause and then continue the currently playing file) 2. A way to skip to the next song / go back songs (the current skip feature can accomplish this by jumping forward like 5 minutes but there is no way to go back to the start or to previous songs) 3. A way to select the Stream in Music Play Dir. Currently only Music Play has
Hide project/profiles or passwore-lock project/profiles
Can you provide a feature to hide project/profiles or passwore-lock project/profiles for habits control and for parental control?
It is recommended to support WeChat and Alipay payment methods.
Hope to support, hope to support App Bao or Huawei Store, um, and other internal Chinese mainland.The application store can pay in the store in this way, and the current payment method is more troublesome.
China usually pays by WeChat or Alipay.
Option to launch List Dialog even when variable or array isn't defined
Current behavior is to error out and display nothing. This makes it difficult to use a list dialog for user populated global arrays if no items were entered yet. Id like to use the list dialog buttons to begin the creation of an item within the array and for that I need the list to launch similar to a text dialog with an empty list until an item is added to array.
Action to fetch Fitness Data from Health Connect
If tasker can natively fetch fitness data from Health Connect it would be great. There is an existing tasker plugin that does the job (GitHub - RafhaanShah/TaskerHealthConnect: Android Health Connect Plugin for Tasker). But it would be great if this can be included in Tasker. The plugin can fetch data for specified number of days and out put as json string. something similar would be nice.
Integrate AI into tasker to take action quickly
I suggest AI for Tasker and will be called Tasker Intelligence to do some action quickly. Any AI can't take action on any device and is limited. But Tasker with AI can do more action easily. I hope you all like this.
Variable / array local or global dependent on special character in its name and tasker config setting
When creating a task, it's likely to have a certain number of global variables / arrays global to be able to check their content for debuggung.
When having task development finished, certain global variables / arrays should be local because they are much more run-time efficient than being global.
It's a certain work to change global variables / arrays to local and also a certain risk to miss a variable / array somewhere in an action, and task doesn't work no longer as expected.
My proposal: Would it be possibe that variables / arrays with an e.g. leading or trailing
webdav support
Would be highly useful if webdav support is possible. The reason for asking is that a lot of people are wanting to degoogle, but some services and apps such as tasker only support Google Drive. Adding WebDAV support to be able to back up tasker settings and config would ensure less reliance on google. There was a post on this 5 years ago here
Notification action option to dismiss notification
The default behaviour of notification actions (the buttons on a notification) for most apps is that they do something as well as dismiss that notification.
In tasker you can only assign a single action to a notification action button. For more complex actions you have to point to a task.
It would be great if a checkmark can be added to the notification action to also dismiss the notification when it's clicked. That would make this behavior a lot easier to program in tasker.
Disable "Calls" when specific Bluetooth device is connected
When connecting in my car, I have two Bluetooth devices (the car and an Android head unit). The car connection needs to be used for calls, but the phone always defaults to the incorrect device when answering a call.
When I get in the car and the devices connect, I can resolve this by going into the Bluetooth settings for the head unit and deselecting "Calls", but that setting does not persist the next time I get in the car.
I'd like Tasker to be able to change that setting upon connection to the specified device.
Context based Scene Object Selection like "thisScene"
It would be highly beneficial to have an option to specify "thisScene" in tasks that modify scene elements or handle item clicks. Currently, when cloning a scene containing such tasks, the reference in the task list remains linked to the original scene. This means changes made through item clicks in the cloned scene still affect the original. Adding a "thisScene" option would ensure that tasks in a cloned scene operate independently, controlling only the cloned copy without impacting the original scene. This enhancement would greatly improve flexibility and usability when working with cloned scenes.
Add filter to VAR tab for view project/task vars the same way as global vars.
That is, as a simple list with values (in addition to viewing in the project/task properties). This is a more convenient and compact way to view all project/task variables (especially for structured variables with JSON text). The filter can be a single choice from a list of all projects and tasks, for example. PS: It would be useful if the user could select (in the UI options) which filters (indexed, empty,...) should be added to the VAR tab.
Add an option to treat optional parameters with variables as inputs as if they had been left blank
I'd like to be able to have an optional parameter filled with a variable name and still be able to use it as if it had not been filled at all. For example, the "Default" field of the "Variable Query" action. When left blank, the dialog has nothing filled in, but if I put a variable there, regardless of what the variable contains, the dialog will always have something filled in. The best I can do is have the variable set to just a space, but then it's highlighted and if the user taps the edit field before typing the
A small app like Tasker Settings for Wear OS
In ordrer to change secure settings locked in the lastest Wear OS versions (Wifi for example) without developper options remain activated everytime.
AutoWear : add more than two complications of each type
Nowadays, there are two complications of each type for AutoWear. More and more watchface accept more than 4 complications at the same time.
Can you add more than two of each type ?
Autowear switch pairing to other devices
Hi Joao,
Regarding the last update enhancing device interoperability, sending commands, autoshare... its a good opportunity for tasker little brother, autowear.
One of the main painpoints of wearos devices is the lack of simultaneous connectivity by bluetooth (the lowest energy consuming connectivity channel). Therefore it reduces its own capability to use the smartwatch as an standalone remote controller for everything (headphones, phones, computers, smartglasses (hot topic right now)
Some functionalities could be:
- Toggle pairing to previous device.
- Set favourite pairing devices.
trigger by clapping and snapping fingers
I have an idea I suggest the developer add the following feature would be interesting if it were possible to trigger a task through a trigger triggered by a simple clap Either with the snapping of fingers picking up the sound generated through the palms or snapping the fingers through the microphone obviously and with that the task assigned to that respective trigger would be started.
How to bring Tasker logcat support to more devices
Hii, in some devices (including mine Lenovo) Tasker can't detect logcat (it always shows no log captured) with READ_LOGS permission because device manufacturers modified the device in someway. Not any other app which relies on READ_LOGS permission can do it too but I found an App which reads logs with adb_wifi permission (adb tcpip 5555)
So I'm wondering if Tasker can add it too.
Additionally : could you bring back Android 6 support for logcat detection.