Ask permission when required

Actions that do not have a permission should request it before executing or at least have the option to enable or disable the request and not just show an error in notifications.

Thanks 👍 

1 reply

Do you mean show a popup on the screen requesting the permission? Why is that better than showing a notification? Thanks


Every time you respond I feel like I'm being tested. 

I run into a common problem when packaging projects, it happens that in Tasker everything goes well because I have already granted the necessary permissions for each action, therefore it no longer requests them, but when I create a kid app, I see that I have omitted to request them before executing certain actions. It is easy to modify it one by one but it would be easier, in my opinion, to have a check that enables or disables said request (popup), plus this would work as a reminder to know which permission is required for such an action.


I see. I'll take that into account, thanks :) But I take it you already know about the Ask Permissions action, right? That's what you were referring to before?


Yes sir, quite useful. Since my knowledge in app development is still limited, it is difficult for me to know which permission is required for which action, but little by little I am mastering that.

Thanks for your answer!